V4Vapid's Tin Foil Raps comp submission: Starving - The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

in #tinfoilraps7 years ago (edited)

They send our kids off; dying for oil
Shell and BP; enjoying the spoils

Outsourced war; turned it into a business
Halliburton, Blackwater; stacking the riches

Donated to the Tsunami relief?
They kicked all the locals from the beach
Used your cash to build tourist retreats

And what about New Orleans?
Man they left that place diseased; unclean
Help? No where to be seen

Rich vultures swoop straight on the scene
Sold the schools 'soon the levy had broken
Hospitals, public housing; never to be reopened

I ain't joking, pretty read up
Though I sound like a bogan
Not done yet; I'ma keep on going

Don't think this stuff is happening around you?
Take a look around you, take a look around bra
They selling our phone-lines, they selling our power

Every hour, while you're sleeping
They be plotting; they be leaching
Distracting you with their mindless preaching

They taking our gold, they taking our ore
They'd take our souls; if only they could pass the law

I'm bloody past it all, bloody starving y'all; sick of halving all
Whiles these rich are growing fat and fucking laughing more

Got me thinking ...
If I don't get fed; get equal ...
Start eating, rich people.

I've posted these lyrics before, but required as a new post for V4vapid's comp and didn't get much reach way back when anyway. If you disagree with the rewards then flag away. Inspired by Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine - the truth is worse than any conspiracy. Book cover image sourced from Wikipedia.


"If I don't get fed; get equal ...
Start eating, rich people."

Couldn't agree more, lmao. Nice peace man, was diggin the (perceived) flow. Can't really tell what flow it has till you actually hear it from the person who wrote it, but in my head it was dramatic as fuck.

Hahaha lucky I got up and got equal so I didn't have to eat anyone!

It was a real slow one back in the day when I wrote it - trap speed kind of thing. I only performed it once, but was sick pointing at the crowd for the last line hahaha

Man what a great entry!! spitting gold and truth in the same verses, respect to you my man.

The Shock Doctrine is such an important book in my mind. Starting with the MK Ultra experiments (electroshock therapy, sensory deprivation, torture) being conducted at McGill University and using it as an analogy for shocking nations (economic terrorism, natural disasters), paralyzing economies, nations and the populace with fear/instability and swooping in with the new economic prescriptions of the Chicago School of Economics.

Awesome entry, thanks for throwing down!

Yeah it's a great book, real eye opener. That doco they tried to do was bloody hopeless though, no wonder she distanced her self from it.

I find the crypto-space's fascination with Austrian economics truly baffling ... Austrian and Chicago thought has been fucking the world lube-free for a good 50 years now. There's nothing new or radical about it - it's establishment economics designed to reinforce the status quo and widen the gap. In Chile they had to kidnap, beat and murder people to get those policies through ... Now we have "dissidents" demanding the same policies at home?

The powers that be must be having a right laugh.

Sad but true... The more traumatized a population is, the easier they are to control 😥

scary, and true... love the "punch line" (if it can be called that as nothing about this is funny) at the end. Powerful work thank you.

Thanks, I wrote that years ago. To be frank, it was a bit of a cop out. Sure inequality continues to rise and lots of people can't get a leg up, but I was largely a victim of my own actions (and lack there of).

Yeh I get that. I have had a lot of looking at myself to do as well in my lifetime so far... it doesn't change the fact that much of what the ultra rich do is characterized by manipulation and coercion, but it is important for me to always bear in mind that I have free will, I can exercise discernment, and make good choices even in bad situations. One thing I have realized is that you can't take your power back by playing somebody else's game, unless in all honesty you feel comfortable with the rules.

Totally - if I was still working for an employer rather than my self, I'd still be just as broke and just as angry lol

😅 I hear that

Congratulations on the contest, hopefully I'll get to read some more of your rhymes if you participate in TFR 2!

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