Steeming around the clock - Bye bye regular job!

Today i decided to stop my regular job and become a fulltime Steem developer/curator/contributor.

A risky move considering i'm no whale at all, and at it's best, a powerdown would only generate around 75$ a week.

I found myself working every spare minute on steem related projects. Mainly, and it's side projects, as well as helping others and teaming up to handle bigger projects. All of this is a very time and energy consuming process.

Combining this with my regular day job, got me up to a point where i'm in need of time.
Time for my family, time for my kids, time to relax, time to eat, time to sleep.

My life savings are enough to cover for the next few months focusing on nothing but Steem. At this point, i've generated some nice rewards, but every SBD i've made has been invested in the growth, quality and productivity of my work and work enviroment.

This may sounds like a bad idea - and it probably will be - but I want to let my creativity flow free without being forced to get up for work. At the same time, this will force me to deliver outstanding and unique products for this platform to have a minor source of income.

I'm aware that i may regret this decission some day, but hey. Productivity before brains!

You can support me by voting me as a steem witness (SEE LINK) or simply by following me and upvoting my posts if you like them enough!

Let's see how this plays out :-)


Congratulations. It can't have been an easy decision.

I have to say you have balls to do this. Most people would never take such a chance.

This may sounds like a bad idea - and it probably will be - but I want to let my creativity flow free without being forced to get up for work.

Even if it seems like a bad idea I'm sure it will be a massive learning experience. I think the worst thing is not taking a chance and then later wondering what could have been.

Good luck with your witness proposal too:)

similar to me selling all my btc and eth to go all in on steem, although more bold

Hell yea man come to the steem side. stop the power down and up your steem power lets build this bitch together. #powerupyourdamnsteem

Nice to meet you, I also power up all my earnings into Steem Power. It is all I will ever do.

Yes, learning is key and every new experience eventually pay out if you have the staying power. I guess the only thing steve-walschot would really regret if he gave up half on the way. Go for it steve-walschot.
@steempowerwhale 🐳
🌞 upvoting your lifetime dreams!

Good luck with this!

It can be a very different experience, from feeling freedom to do what you want in life to getting frustrated about the unclear future of Steem... But I am sure you won't regret it!

I had a lot of friends diving into startups/own business/freelance projects and guess what - no matter of their success, none of them are willing to return to the corporate world!

image courtesy

Hey steve! It's amazing and a huge step, that u are leaving your comfort zone and also brings some "risks" with! This deserves big "respect" and this why u got my vote and i'll trying to assist as best as i can on steempay etc!

i'm confident u won't regret your decision!

Big step!

Nice one Steve. I have been thinking about a move like this for some time now but haven't gone through with it. I really really hope you'll pull it off and don't ever feel the need to get jump back in the work field in the future.
I certainly hope more of us will be able to do this as Steem(it) grows and I believe this is also one of the goals of Steemit thought by the founders themselves: Allow Steemians to have constant earnings based on the quality of the content they create.

Being a full time Steemian...what a dream job!

PS. I've already voted for you as a witness :)

It takes about 2 weeks to start to notice the harmful effects a full time wage job has on you. I thought maybe it was just every job i had before that didnt work, but I would take a good offer down the line. Well I had a good offer the other day, but of course had all the strings attached that when questioned the employer just ignored me...i lost no sleep over it. I wake every day doing exactly what I want to be doing and wouldnt change it for the world; even a six fugure income that requires me to be a slave to the whole system. Welcome aboard my friend.

big balls, I would say. We as community definitely need more people like you. Bravo.

I wish you the best! It will be a journey with ups and downs but I am definitely convinced that it will be a +EV decision for most aspects of your life...

PS even if steem/steemit will not be a great success as the most of us believe it will, if you stay a professional contributor to the project it will pay you some day... I have the experience from the bitshares project... The developers that didn't quit are mostly steem whales right now! Even the developers that have quit developing on bitshares are doing very well on other crypto projects right now... Their experience on bitshares gave them the knowledge and skills that are needed in the crypto world to get respected! And I think the most valuable thing you will surely get is some very nice connections with very talented and smart people that will indirectly create a path that will drive you (and them) to success..... happiness and freedom!

The only advice I can give you from now on is ....

I'd like to quit my job and steem full time as well! :)

I am actually doing that right now (but found steemit before before getting a new job). Developers like you give so much value to steemit. You have a really unique opportunity to make great apps for everyone.

Whether or not you code on steemit or on another blockchain down the road, I feel that it will pay dividends to learn how to implement this sort of technology. And coders will be in high demand if you do decide to transition back into a 9-5.

Good luck to you! I am sure that even if steem fails, you will have developed a great skill set for the future.

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