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in #til8 years ago (edited)

Today I Learned after putting the pieces together that :

Since the American Government began its violence on it own people who are simply trying to protect their legal rights and a significant part of the nations water source dozens of water protectors have been hospitalized.

Commentary on this wonder news i read with my coffee.

"“This country is repressing our people,” said Michael Wood, a Marine Corps veteran and former Baltimore police officer. “If we’re going to be heroes, if we’re really going to be those veterans that this country praises, well, then we need to do the things that we actually said we’re going to do when we took the oath to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.”

Now that there are people involved that that the American government sure as hell doesn't want a reputation for harming I expect to see more discussion at the political level. The corrupted mainstream media, leaders in fake news, will no longer be able to ignore the facts in their face.

These guys are....


...being attacked by these government paid with your taxes maniacs

They must feel so strong and powerful.



Water protectors deserve all of the nations support; as supporting them is actually supporting yourselves.
(this matters to Canada and Mexico because once America fucks all their water where do you think they will go for more? Who has the most? Not looking good for us up north in a couple decades, they go to war for anything they want it''s a huge reason they're still in power)

This entire situation is a national embarrassment to the American people. How can the people of this country claim to be the land of the free and send armies around the world, solders to die, to battle for Human rights only to take them away from you're own citizens.

Woman defending water source has arm blown with a freaking grenade thrown by POLICE!!

THIS IS AMERICA yes, not some shit hole country with a brutal dictator they are at war with.

And worse the American people are mostly sitting by doing nothing but talk. There was a time when Americans would fight for what is right and just. What the hell happened? Christ forbid someone sit for the anthem but hell, destroying peace treaties, violently attacking unarmed peaceful citizens, police instigating for a larger eruption in violence to justify using more force is normal.

Doesn't that sound like one of the countries the American government says they must go to war with to free the people?

Trump has money invested in the pipeline so don't expect his help. Obama won't either not sure what's in it for him, maybe to keep his secrets secret he stands back.

Special Thanks to @FreeThoughtProject for being a light in this darkness.

Please check out the link included with the photos for information.

Only the American people can save their country.


Now you've learned that I learned that. Neat eh?

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Cut government funding.


After we have stopped that charade, we need to find a way to get money out of politics, globally.

Then we can invade the political scene and conduct real physical change.





AGREED!! It is so important that we share the possible non violent solutions that we can all take towards these nefarious powers that shouldn't BE ruling our journey on this incredible planet with these incredible beings we are journeying with. We do have power and it does start with ourselves! WE can do this!! WE will do this! Love always wins...Siempre!

Thanks for this.

Followed and hit your steem wallet up with an early x-mas gift ;)

Wow. Thank you.. merry Christmas to you too.

Hope I can shine some lights in all directions.

It's very nice boost.
follow you back.

you've said it well, thanks so much for posting about this, you might enjoy this post:

thanks, just read it, excellent post.

upped and follwed u and him

glad to hear it, thanks for the follow too...

Thanks for putting this information together.
You are right. The US government is attacking their own people and no one will be immune from persecution...this is just the start. I'm all for non-violence protest but at some point it crosses a line and the people must defend themselves. In ww2, the people who fought back in the concentration camps had a much higher survival rates when compared to the people who did not. This feels similar...the average person is turning their back on this travesty, feigning that it doesn't apply to them. It applies to anyone who wants to drink water that isn't poison on this planet.
You are right. The first place that will be the next target is Canada for our huge freshwater resources.

So scary to see somthing as trivial and vital as water is causing such social destruction.

In many parts of the USA citizens are not allowed to collect the rain water that falls in their roofs or property. Insane!

I think we should model our efforts after the black panther party for self defense, who openly carried guns and DECLARED the right to defend themselves.

We common people are stronger than we think.

Courage comes from the heart

Since when do police use grenades to subdue protesters?
WTF, is that real? Unbelievable. A grenade!!
Ok, I just read the link. A concussion grenade, thats alittle better. I thought they were using military shrapnel grenades. Still pretty messed up.

Yes it's real. It wasa cuncussion grenade.

Anonymous then went and crippled their website. the website of the manufacturer of the weapon

stupid question, sorry. But what does "til" stand for, in the tags?

Today I Learned. Its new thing here on steemit.

thanks for asking richistow i was wondering the very same thing, it is hard to keep up with this acronym language, lol

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