Today I Learned Javascript - How to Get Started as a Steemit Front-End Developer - Part 2

in #til8 years ago

Learning a New Language is Fun!

Okay, so I woke up this morning ready to rock! So I went ahead and started my first lesson in Javascript with CodeSchool. I took all my notes and compiled them in a html file on my github repository that you can find here. I decided to create a file for every lesson that I am going through. You can download "Day1.html".

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Title of the document</title>
//* Lesson #1 *//
var trainWhistles = 3 //* Storing a value in a variable *//
trainWhistles = 9 //* Changing the value of the variable *//
trainWhistles = trainWhistles + 3 //* Changing the value of the variable *//
trainWhistles +=3 //* Different way to accomplish it *//
trainWhistles -=3 //* Substract 3 from the variable *//
trainWhistles++;  //* Add 1 to the value *//
trainWhistles--;  //*Substract 1 to the value *//
document.write("All of our trains have " + trainWhistles + " whistles!"); //* Renders "All of our trains have 12 whistles! *//

//* Lesson #2 *//

var welcome = "Welcome to Javascript Training Program"
var safetyTips = "Learn Carefully!"

document.write(welcome.length) //* Return the value of the lenght of the variable */

document.write(safetyTips.length > welcome.lenght) //* Return the "False" bolean value because safetyTips is shorter than welcome *//

I made sure to put annotations to explain what everything meant so people who are interested can follow along.

What I've learned today?

  1. Understanding JavaScript
  2. Creating Simple Scripts
  3. Assigning Variables, Strings and Arrays
  4. Using Functions

I literally feel like NEO after getting downloaded data directly into his brain in the movie the Matrix.

Outside of CodeSchool where I did the exercises to make sure I understood the content well, I found this really cool 12 minute video that explain very well everything that I've just learned. It is now in my watch list if I need a refresher tomorrow.


It a lot easier than one may think. All we have to do is to take baby steps everyday. To me, 30 minutes a day is all I can fit in my schedule for now. But multiply this by 365 days and I should be good enough within the next year or so :-)


Keep it up! I'll bring you on my project and we can take over the world! (in a year? I can wait... :P ) Hahah. I'll show you this weekend if you have the time :P

As soon as I have more time during my weekends, I'll make sure to stop by in your area :-)

Thats good. ..i learned Javascript through am busy with Node.js now

yes...It's on my learning path too. I think it's going to be fun to leave my notes and what I've learned in the process. I'm such as beginner that it's going to be fun to see where it leads and if other are going to be inspired to join the club of newbies.

Cool! I am a JS developer. If you need any help regarding javascript feel free to message me :)

how about starting a channel on for JS developpers?

Yeah! That would be great. Go Ahead :)

Cant find you on

When you will know C++, I will hire you to work on LHC physics ;)

Heuuu...nope! No C++ for me :-) I'm all web front-end.

C++? Plain old C, which is so much nicer, is not enough? ;)

C++ is usually considered as better as soon as one is dealing with many objects. You could handle that in C, of course, but this may sound like an overkill for me.

I was half-joking, debating programming languages is fun but pointless, something like ninjas vs cowboys (ninjas would obviously win) ;) But for working on LHC I'd probably refresh my C++-fu, if there was no chance of convincing the team to use python (which, although so beautiful, would probably be too slow, would it not?).

We are actually heavily using python for what concerns interpreters, steering codes or sometimes plotters. The core (the modules that do the actual calculations) is however either programmed in C++ or Fortran (yes, you read well :p ).

Oh, I'd be really surprised if there was no Fortran involved :)

There aren't many as intensively positive feelings as the one you get when, for the first time, your code does something :)
And accidentally there aren't many as intense feelings as the one you get when you discover, at 4AM in the morning, that your code doesn't work because you incremented a variable before using its value, not after. But it's all ahead of you, good luck! :)

hahahaha...I have no clue yet but I'm sure the day will come soon enough :-)

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Javascript is very entertaining. I personally recommend CodeCademy, that's where I learned most of the things I know now.

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