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RE: Today I Learned Javascript - How to Get Started as a Steemit Front-End Developer - Part 2

in #til8 years ago

When you will know C++, I will hire you to work on LHC physics ;)


Heuuu...nope! No C++ for me :-) I'm all web front-end.

C++? Plain old C, which is so much nicer, is not enough? ;)

C++ is usually considered as better as soon as one is dealing with many objects. You could handle that in C, of course, but this may sound like an overkill for me.

I was half-joking, debating programming languages is fun but pointless, something like ninjas vs cowboys (ninjas would obviously win) ;) But for working on LHC I'd probably refresh my C++-fu, if there was no chance of convincing the team to use python (which, although so beautiful, would probably be too slow, would it not?).

We are actually heavily using python for what concerns interpreters, steering codes or sometimes plotters. The core (the modules that do the actual calculations) is however either programmed in C++ or Fortran (yes, you read well :p ).

Oh, I'd be really surprised if there was no Fortran involved :)

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