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RE: Google Censors To Protect Trump Too - His Ties to Mafia and Blackmail Are Scrubbed From Search Suggestions

in #threespeak5 years ago

My video is only about search suggestions, not about the actual search results. I thought that was clear in the examples I gave in there.
Right wing basically means empire building and traditional powermongery. Accrual of capital and belief in government .. All of which are Trump's current position.


You may have, I didn't have time to watch the video and based my comment on the title and text.

Right wing basically means empire building and traditional powermongery. Accrual of capital and belief in government .. All of which are Trump's current position.

Seems both fake wings are for this, they just target different areas to claim as their empire as they both seek to make the government the top of the pyramid of their empire.

I do watch some of your videos though, so when I say I appreciate most of your blogs/videos I mean it. I even ripped one (1969 insider reveal) of your recent ones from YouTube to preserve it in case YouTube gets rid of it. I do know censorship is real, as before I quit blogging many of my video citations were no longer available (were scrubbed from the net).

I thought so - hehe.. No problem.
I also covered what I understand the real 'left wing' and 'right wing' to be in the video. I go with the definition from the French revolution, where the phrases originate. For me, 'left wing' just means 'opposed to the right wing' and 'right wing' means monarchist, centralisation of power. So 'left wing' can include a variety of options that might totally contradict each other. This definition has been heavily warped and since it is largely arbitrary anyway I generally don't use it unless forced to by a situation.

I've got a lot of video material to upload that I have collected over the years which is not going to last long on Youtube, but I'll put it here... So stay tuned! ;)

Many governments were infiltrated. Therefore, the right wing is not actually conservatism and smaller government but RINO Globalism. I'm on the right. But, real right is not fake right. Fox News is fake right, for example. So, they lie about the two sides. So, call me up, then. The fake right and the fake left is down.

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