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RE: Google Censors To Protect Trump Too - His Ties to Mafia and Blackmail Are Scrubbed From Search Suggestions

Not sure why the lifelong democrat Trump is referred to by so many as being right wing. I also don't see the censorship of his ties to the mob, as evidenced here.

I normally appreciate your posts, but this one seems off.


Google protecting Trump is just about the most ridiculously stupid thing i have ever read since weeks ! When anybody with half a brain and some facts knows full well this is just total rubbish as Google has been trying since Trump won the Whitehouse to bring him and his faithful followers down ! Trump clearly does not agree with our resident butt hurt leftist @ura-tool ! here is some facts on the matter ! Be Careful who you follow !!@practicalthought !!

When you can address the evidence in the video, we can discuss your ideas.

This post is fake news to attack Trump. Lot's of people have to work with the mafia as they are all over places like New York. So, it's business. You work with bad people sometimes. Google promotes anything and everything that hurts Trump. Therefore, if this hurts Trump, then Google does highlight and does not hide it or bump it down on the search results to derank it.

Did you watch the video? You seem to be denying it's whole point and message here. Google is clearly PROTECTING Trump.

Why wouldn't @joeyarnoldvn deny the information given here in your post , when anybody with that facts on all of this knows clearly that Google hates Trump even more than you do ! So to say that they would be somehow hiding such potentially damaging connections to Trump from the public is just......well ridiculous and totally not believable ! Truth will always win over Lies, its a Fact ! You need to pull back a little before you expose yourself totally to this community that hopefully will begin to see your lies !

When you can address the evidence put forward in the video we can discuss your ideas.

Ura Soul does not watch Infowars and did not listen to the two whistle blowers on the Alex Jones Show a week ago and what they said as seen on Project Veritas.

Well how nice to see you @joeyarnoldvn, calling out this garbage post written by this clearly biased anti Trump shill @ura-soul ! Insane that this community is either knowingly or unknowingly rewarding him in such a manner to make this pile of steaming horseshit so visible ! Needs to end and its a disgrace that not more are calling him out as you have indeed done ! I mean is this clear " FAKE NEWS " story
and not good at all for real information gatherers to see such false information's being fed under our once proudly held Steemit name ??

When you can address the evidence in the video, we can discuss your ideas.

It seems off @practical thought because clearly @ura-soul has a severe case of DTS more commonly known as Donald Trump Syndrome ! So bad is his case that here he is trying to convince us with no factual or real information that a company like Google who has already done their best to destroy the Trump train which took over America politics after the majority of normal Americans sick of the rampant abuse visible in the later years of the Obama administration ! This added to the Left looking to a baby eating Demon called Hillary Clinton to replace the Kenyan in the Whitehouse did not please them too much either! We can thank God that Trump beat her in 2016 and that we are not now sitting beneath her reign, as that witch would have made the Hunger Games reality with no doubt millions of conservative voters being rounded up to be sent to re education programs where they would leave voicing the mantras and lies similar to the ones being peddled to this community by this disinformation agent ! Google hates Trump almost as much as Hillary Clinton does herself and have done as much as possible to remove right wing conservatives that support Trump from the town square of Twitter, Facebook and Google searches with shadow banning in their algorithms and accounts being outright removed by them for no real reason ! So any person saying that Google is somehow burying information of connections between Trump and Mafia Underworld somehow is just giving you a blatant lie and the truth is that if Google had such inflammations on Trump then they would be pushing such information's to the forefront of web searches and not to conceal them as this Shill @ura-soul suggests to this community in this ridiculous and fake news post ! Glad to see you at least call him out as i have been doing recently since i noticed his clear bias towards Trump and the real Americans that voted democratically to put him into power !

When you can address the evidence put forward in the video we can discuss your ideas.

My video is only about search suggestions, not about the actual search results. I thought that was clear in the examples I gave in there.
Right wing basically means empire building and traditional powermongery. Accrual of capital and belief in government .. All of which are Trump's current position.

You may have, I didn't have time to watch the video and based my comment on the title and text.

Right wing basically means empire building and traditional powermongery. Accrual of capital and belief in government .. All of which are Trump's current position.

Seems both fake wings are for this, they just target different areas to claim as their empire as they both seek to make the government the top of the pyramid of their empire.

I do watch some of your videos though, so when I say I appreciate most of your blogs/videos I mean it. I even ripped one (1969 insider reveal) of your recent ones from YouTube to preserve it in case YouTube gets rid of it. I do know censorship is real, as before I quit blogging many of my video citations were no longer available (were scrubbed from the net).

I thought so - hehe.. No problem.
I also covered what I understand the real 'left wing' and 'right wing' to be in the video. I go with the definition from the French revolution, where the phrases originate. For me, 'left wing' just means 'opposed to the right wing' and 'right wing' means monarchist, centralisation of power. So 'left wing' can include a variety of options that might totally contradict each other. This definition has been heavily warped and since it is largely arbitrary anyway I generally don't use it unless forced to by a situation.

I've got a lot of video material to upload that I have collected over the years which is not going to last long on Youtube, but I'll put it here... So stay tuned! ;)

Many governments were infiltrated. Therefore, the right wing is not actually conservatism and smaller government but RINO Globalism. I'm on the right. But, real right is not fake right. Fox News is fake right, for example. So, they lie about the two sides. So, call me up, then. The fake right and the fake left is down.

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