The Price Of Steem - Let's Talk About It

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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The elephant in the room atm is the Steem price. Right now Steem is leaking everywhere.
People need to understand the reward pool and that it is not infinite. Your bid bot promoted post take food out of everyone else's mouth, make sure to use them responsibly. - We also need a burn for bid bots; people can't advertise for free, that leads to a terrible trending page. Free downvotes will help that, and I will continue to think of a way to fix the broken advertising model currently on Steem.

We should have a burn, penalty for quicker power down. If I power down early, burn 5% of the steem I power down. This would create more liquidity, make it so hedge funds can accumulate a position and also burn a shit ton of Steem, esp during bull runs.

Bear markets at the end there is a roll call, make noise for the roll call.
Every time anyone adds Steem hop and holla.
Every one of us can be adding value in some way, huge group effort.

We're all going to the same moon!

▶️ 3Speak


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I really like your idea of burning fee for expedited power down. sounds like win win for investors and Steem.

Another way to streamline burning steem/sbd making promoted attractive to use and incentivise traffic there. I explained in more details in another comment here:

I have not seen this video somehow. Thanks a lot for this, Ned spits a lot of fire in this video. He pretty much breaks down how to win IMO.

This is the crypto market, there is huge volatility in the market and this will not change any time soon.

Steem price is very low now but this is a great chance to get more coins because this is how Steem reward is going I'm sure the price will go up in the future my advice here is just to get as much Steem as you can

What does this mean:

If I power down early

What is the definition of "early"?

I personally power down continually and live off this money. But I balance it so that I grow my sp (slowly) each week while doing the power downs based on the amounts that come in from my blogs here.

Hedge funds would not be excited by my numbers.

I cannot watch videos due to my bad Malaysian wifi, so apologies if you explain what "early" means in the video.

I'm not using bid-bots and have never been on trending since I write minnow tips that only minnows and redfish usually see.

Early as in instantly. If I powerup and a week later want out, I will burn 5% of the steem I powerdown early. My notes are not very indebth, :( they are my notes and usually only a few words. I spruce them up as much as time allows for the video.

Ok - thank you. I am in this for the long haul :)

@theycallmedan, you are absolutely right, the use of bidbot is allowed but it should be use in a great manner not to use it as an abusive behaviour or practices. Although partially I like it but not all the time. Great talk.

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I have liked the idea of the percentage fee burn on the powerdown for a long time as it adds another level of game to consider, and benefits all other holders.

This does make lots of sense to me... people do need to use the "bots" responsible. With the HF21 coming up, I'm thinking less people will abuse the bots and use them more sparingly.

Also, the early powerdown with a % burn is another good idea in my opinion.

Let's clean up Steem!!

Team Steem....Who cares what else is going on....

Love it man. That's what I'm telling my people everyday....Look at what's going on here, forget the rankings or the price. That stuff will bounce back because of the epic stuff taking place here everyday.

Maybe I'm just a cheerleader and blinded by my obsession to this stuff...But man, I see this blockchain for what it truly is..And that's massive potential change for the entire world. It's people. It's communities. Businesses....You name it.

Fantastic message as always man. Great to hear things like this in the sea of negativity!

It is quite very saddening the price trend that Steem is going. We all have to rise to this reality of building Steem together. Jackmiller some days ago suggested that we could make SBD held liquid to have a validity period after which it gets powered up to Steem. Such natural ways can help boost Steem.

Thanks @Theycallmedan for being interested in this and you are dedicated to building the value of Steem.

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