The Failure of Cannabis Legalization in Canada - My Story

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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This is my story, and the story of my wife @MediKatie, 2 hardcore cannabis patient-researcher-activists who have fought against this plant's prohibition - both BEFORE and AFTER "legalization".

Legalization is a lie. A scam. A trap. What we want is decriminalization - the end of cannabis prohibition. NOT more laws, more enforcement, more control. That's just even worse prohibition by another name.

If you need any other links or information about anything I say here, please let me know.

Cannabis Cures Cancer:

Cannabis in pregnancy and breastfeeding:

My warning about legalization, many years ago, which got me called paranoid but was 100% correct:

All photography by DRutter. Please share. And please don't "legalize" in your country or state! Just end prohibition!


▶️ 3Speak


Wow, it's a record streak! I've resteemed 4 DRutter posts in a row!

Enjoy, hemptastic followers of mine! :))

Yes, they've ben very resteemable lately, I can't help myself. And since I haven't been posting much original content lately, my page is starting to look like that lol.

Thank you for growing, extracting, fighting, and advocating for me, I think you saved my life! :) xoxoxo

Used to smoke back in the 60s and 70s but then stopped for a bit. Started up again a while back and enjoy it now with a glass of wine. I'm taking for severe depression, and it's working...

Excellent! It certainly takes the edge off my PTSD/anxiety issue, and brings my chronic pain to a level I can manage without opiates.
Any cool stories from the 60s/70s weed culture?

Been rocking them out for years now; go look at my wall, it's weed heaven

Glad to see your hard work is getting the recognition here on Steem. So what is the plan? Like to you ever think they will roll back legalization and make more just and fair laws?

Thanks! It's because I'm back on 3Speak. They curate their content-creators generously to support them and grow their community. It works!

"make more just and fair laws?"
No laws are needed. Prohibition is made up of laws - bad laws. They need to be deleted. That's all.
It's like asking "should there be more laws about carrots?" Why are more laws needed about carrots? How about aloe? How about poisonous flowers like belladonna that everybody grows in their garden, should there be more laws about that? We don't need belladonna or aloe or carrot legalization, and we don't need cannabis legalization. It should never have happened. It was a trick.
My plan is to fight until prohibition is gone. And yes, now that means also getting rid of "legalization".

Totally makes sense. Thanks for the clarification, but i have to disagree with you on carrots. Those things need to be banned! Lol

As a registered Florida medical marijuana (MMJ) patient, I can tell you, the laws as written (at least in FL), have nothing to do with the "compassion," many of these state MMJ bills are named after.

It is all about the power of the government to control the only part of "legalization" they are interested in...the amount of money that can be made by pleasing all the top lobbyists, including Pharma, Tobacco, Alcohol, Agriculture, Physicians, to name a few, and of course the regulators themselves, with the tangled webs of regulatory burden they weave.

It's all about big contracts granted, and a top-heavy regulatory system that tremendously increases production costs which are handed down to patients. Those who write the regulations, and the connected, those who benefit from those regulations, are all in on the take.

The end result is that it corruptly keeps the medical relief provided by MMJ out of the hands of the poor and anyone else unable to maintain the high costs of repetitive doctors visits, registration costs, in addition to the cost of purchasing MMJ.

I'm with you Drutter, decriminalize it and allow us to grow our own cannabis for whatever purpose we want to use it for, medicine, meditation, or just chuckles and giggles.

Thanks so much for your input and personal anecdote about the cannabis market in Florida. From my understanding of the state (1 visit and thousands of TV shows lol), prohibition is big business there. Gambling, prostitution, drugs, all are heavily controlled and there are massive black markets for each, with massive state enforcement to match. Thanks for providing some real world info.
And welcome to the blockchain, we don't see a lot of newcomers here lately. I gave you a full upvote and it knocked you up to 28 rep (not that reputation has much functional use). Keep up the great comments :)

Getting one's story out, like this, can be a little bit of therapy. And sometimes, that little bit is all you get.
Thank you 3Speak for letting this happen!

Thanks for getting this story out. The more people who share their personal anecdotes about "legalization", the better, because the public still doesn't understand that it was a scam, and not what the patients and activists fought for!

the more people who speak up the better.
most of us who are part of the canna community know about stigma, discrimination, harassment, and unfair treatment by police.
we are hated by our government and the corporations too.
fuck em all!

a lot of people have been badly harmed by cannabis prohibition&legalization...
it will take more than a bit of therapy to solve this...

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