Get an autoupvote from DCooperation !

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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In this video I talked about the contest or giveaway of @dcooperation and how I will reward those who will participate in our collaborations.

DCooperation is a community to incentivize steemians to collaborate with each other and then with crypto community to invite more people to steem blockchain.

First of all, all the earning of that account is going to power up the account to support as much steemians as I can. So, it's a non-profit project. Also, some part of the rewards will go to those who participate in collaborations and to pay the monthly fee of @threespeak.

I'm the only owner and the curator of that account.

Also, we have delegators and they are rewarded for their delegations by upvotes to make them keep their delegations.

But, I don't upvote only delegators, dedicated steemians are also rewarded, the quality on steem and all those who need some support or those who are doing something for the community.

Recently we created this collaboration : ''3 words about 3speak !'' with the participation of me, @josediccus and @chireerocks.

10 steem was sent to @josediccus because he's the first one who sent me the video.

@chireerocks get a full upvote from @dcooperation and a good upvote from @tipu because I'm a curator there as well.

I promoted that collaboration a lot, but it was really hard to find someone to participate, even if we are powering up all the earning.

So, I decided to add a new reward for those who will participate and that's an autoupvote from @dcooperation during a month.

We also have 30 steemians following our curation trail and 37 delegators.

From now, both @josediccus and @chireerocks will get one upvote every single day during this month.

If they will participate in the next collab, they will get 20% upvote every day instead of 10%.

That's how all those who will collaborate with us will be rewarded from now.

I also will always send some liquid steem for the first who will send his/her entry.

In the video I talked about a new collaboration I want to create, so if you are interested watch the video to participate.

The entries can be sent using this website : to [email protected].

Let me know in the comments, if you did send your video.

Thanks for your attention and support. ☺


If you want to support our project, you can delegate to us using this tool : Delegate to DCooperation

You can also support us by following our trail here : DCooperation curation trail


Welcome to DCooperation community

Subscribe to my 3speak channel here !

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I believe you're doing something amazing with @dcooperation really and well I'm ready to help you in whatever way I can be able to. I believe we might get more people for the next collaboration really. I'm grateful to always be part of everything that comes with dcoperation and I think I might be available for the next collaboration.

Thanks a lot. Yeah, I also wanted more people to participate, but as you see, we are unseen. The only way to promote something in steem is to make it in the trending page. But we can't get there anyway. Upvote bots are fighted and I don't use them anyway, whales didn't notice us yet. I think such project should be supported very well in steem, not because it's mine, but because we use all the earning to power up, because it's a non-profit project. I still hope that I can build it enough someday to be noticed by the community and to have more people in the collaborations, but it is what it is. All I can ofer to them is an autoupvote and some steem sent to the first one who will send the video.

Sounds like a great project @clixmoney! I haven't made any videos personally, so I'll just upvote, follow, comment and resteem you for now. I hope that helps! ;)

Thanks a lot. Anything may help. Because we are not that big, but I will continue doing this till the growth. ;)

Thanks for sharing your content

@clixmoney, Keep up the Community Development work brother. Have a blessed time ahead.

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This is great initiative and you are doing great work to grow the community. I have sent my video to you using the link and email provided. I am happy to be part of it and @dcooperation is superb. Have a great day.

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