When lady luck sneezes

in #thoughts5 years ago

While I was training in Sweden yesterday, my daughter went to see her specialist for a checkup and to work out the next steps. A few weeks ago (again when I was travelling) the doctor who had a few years earlier had said that she should be pretty clear of the food allergies by the time she is three-ish, pushed the date back to seven-ish. Yesterday, things have changed a bit again.

The daycare our daughter goes to won't be open during the summer for 6 weeks and they gave our daughter a place at a daycare across the other side of the city. My wife should hopefully graduate in a couple months and was meant to get a job but the doctor has essentially banned our daughter from going to that daycare because of the risk of upsetting the allergy schedule. Which means, we don't have a place for our daughter at all and that means, no job for my wife. I have to work through the summer because it is my first year of work for the company and I have only accrued a couple of holiday days.

Well, such is life.

Because the food restrictions for our daughter are so severe, we can't travel with her away from home for more than a night, maybe two. But not being able to potentially travel until she is seven was a bit of a blow as we were hoping that perhaps Christmas time, we could get away for a few days. It hasn't been the easiest experience over the last few years but again, such is life and regardless, her health comes first.

I was watching a mother with two children at the airport today and I have to say, it got to me a bit. One child was a baby in a stroller, the other was a girl who was a little older than my own with a cute little carry on luggage case she was pulling behind her. You know how you imagine what a good life is going to be like and then it ends up falling apart no matter how much preparation and work you do?

My wife and I haven't really asked for much from this life and so far it has delivered just that, not much. We have worked hard for the little we have though and while that does mean something at a personal level, at other times it is a proverbial slap in the face. Yeah, compared to many other people in this world our life is really nothing to complain about, I have a job, we eat occasionally and we have so far been able to afford the healthcare costs but, comparison with others isn't the way to live a life.

Last week or so I was talking about the luck of life and how to take advantage of luck, the pre-condition parameters need to be met, the work has to be done. For us, we have been grinding away at the work for a long time but, the luck hasn't swung our way. If anything, more hurdles seem to be placed in our way to make sure we have to do a little more work to get by. Maybe the pendulum of luck will never really fall our way or perhaps, when t does, it will be the kind of thing that makes up for a lifetime of grind.

It doesn't really matter though as either way, I at least am not the kind of person that stops pushing because the cards don't fall my way, I will keep working regardless. To be honest, what else is there to do in this life other than work at improving oneself to facilitate the improvement of the system? As I see it, work is a part of human purpose and no matter what the results end up being in a lifetime, the benefits will outlive the breath.

When it comes to luck on Steem, I am hoping that one day at least it begins to take shape and mainstream in a way that helps many people improve their position and, helps people like me get rewarded for the work put in. It may not and I have come to terms with this eventuality but, what I am risking here and the potential for various forms of return are not equal. The risk of time, money, effort now is a lot less than the potential ceiling.

I would love to see some of the investors and decent people I have met around Steem have Fuck you money and then, do a lot of good with it. I'd love to see people of Steem solving real-world problems through research funding, financial applications or charity work. Yes, some of that happens now but wouldn't it be awesome to see it happen at mass scale Well, I think we'd all be lucky to see that and the world would be lucky to have it happen.

Meh, tomorrow is another day and there is a lot of catch up work I have to do in the evening before travelling again on Monday out of the city for a day. I guess I do not have to worry about how I should spend my free time at least as you can't spend what you don't have.

I forgot... that is how people end up in debt.

When luck presents itself, be prepared to receive it., And when luck doesn't show its face, prepare for when it does.

[ a Steem original ]

I'll try to get some sleep as I have only had 11 hours of it in 4 days, and the travel has sapped my energy. I will get to all the comments I have missed tomorrow I hope. I might end up writing in bed too, I never really know.


We need Steem to do it's thing at some point to all take us up a few more levels and breathing space. You are right it would be good to be able to help others knowing you have more than enough from what you have done on here. There are so many things I would get involved in and will just wait patiently for it to happen.
7 years is a bit of a bummer . but maybe it can improve and allow you to travel sooner. What about a self catering place where you can prepare smallsteps food when you arrive?

You will never see what was prevented. What luck has been bestowed on you.
We never see the small events, only the big life changing events that are in line with our wants.
It sure does suck

You will never see what was prevented.

This is also why I am grateful for what I do have as well. Who knows how bad it could have been.

Yes I too am greatful for all the things I have. Things could be a lot worse but they are not.
Cause and effect

Things happen for a reason although we never seem to understand it. The fact will be that you guys remain together closely and will become stronger because of it. Things will find ways to work my friend and sacrifice is well worth it. While luck helps along the way, we cannot rely on it but welcome it when it appears.

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While luck helps along the way, we cannot rely on it but welcome it when it appears.

This is the preparation and if it doesn't arrive in a large amount, the best was done on the journey.

Around a year ago, I looked around at Steem and felt that doing things "right" isn't appreciated. :) (What is right, right?) I went through a bit of a frustrated stage. I considered what else to do.. And I decided that I do things the way I do because I think they are the right things to do.

I think it is right to keep my eyes on the site, support others that also engage and participate, and frankly, I like those people the most anyway.

Sorry to hear your family will be dealing with the allergies for a lot longer. As the parent of adult children, I will tell you our finances didn't fall comfortably into place until those rug rats were out! :) Things moved really quickly after that.

:) Don't stress over any replies to me, just enjoy your family and time as you can!

And I decided that I do things the way I do because I think they are the right things to do

I try the same and to keep up with my expectations of myself. It isn't easy but I enjoy it more perhaps.

The finances will be what they are, I'd just like to have some space to step outside of the norm as a family a little.

Come on steem. :)

So sorry about your news. It sucks you can't travel with your family. That only means you will have to wait for guests to come to you ;)

Maybe soon, hehe

Yep, I am going to have to wait a bit but I guess until then, I can travel alone :D It would be nice to have people visit but, this is Finland :D

Luck... ¡yeah!

However, we must keep optimistic there's a way out.

After all, weirder things have happened on Lady Luck realms. ;)

Sleep and rest as much as you can to recover energies everyday my friend. These are basically all the pleasuring things Lady Luck grant us thru a whole life. :)

Sleep is a luxury item indeed. I managed 8 hours last night which was awesome :)

Oh! more than awesome buddy!!

I suspect that 8hrs of a full restful sleep for you, must have been a true flashback, deja vu or relic from the ancient past. Well, at least from no less than two years ago. LoL

We have worked hard for the little we have though and while that does mean something at a personal level, at other times it is a proverbial slap in the face.

I understand that feeling. Working hard is part of it. Working smart is another. Fate or God also plays a part of it. In the end it is a journey or molding or oneself. Hope you find good sleep. @tarazkp

The moulding of the self is something I find interesting as some mould into beautiful, others grotesque based on similar experiences.

Sorry you got bad news. You deserve to be able to breathe a little after so much struggle. You really need a nice family holiday earlier than what the doctor says. Maybe you should look into booking an appartment with a kitchen so you can prepare your daughter's meals. Not ideal on a holiday, but better than no holiday.

THe problem isn't the cooking we don't mind that, it is the ingredients. Surprise, surprise, not everything is labeled on the pack so we have to go on brands that are guaranteed not to include. This is not possible outside of Finland as the brands and laws for packaging changes. We can get by perhaps for a short time with a very limited range of fresh vegetables and meats perhaps.

Luck will shine on you eventually, you more than deserve it.

Does it mean your wife won't be able to work till your daughter is seven?

Does it mean your wife won't be able to work till your daughter is seven?

No, it is just this summer but, they hire before summer here and she is unlikely to get a 'decent' job after as they fill them earlier and most won't want the gap between. Next year, I will have summer holidays so can stay home while her normal daycare is closed.

Well, drat. Your work or any potential job that she might go for don't have attached childcare centres by any chance? Are there any centres around that might have a spot that's approved by the specialist?

Hopefully it swings your way soon or at the very least you do get something that makes up for a lifetime of grind. I usually swing between seething about how everything is so grossly, disgustingly unfair, and Marcus Cole from Babylon 5's philosophy:

img src - stolen via Google

Get to posting and comments whenever. Sleep >> steem :D

Your work or any potential job that she might go for don't have attached childcare centres by any chance?

They don't do that here for any jobs as far as I know.

Are there any centres around that might have a spot that's approved by the specialist?

The lines are massive. The one she was assigned is 20 kilometers from where we live....

That quote is a really interesting one and I agree. Fair doesn't really come into it and it would likely be a very terrible thing if it did. I wonder how many people on Steem would be happy with the results if for example there was an AI who could precisely tell exactly who deserved the rewards for their work and who didn't.

That might be a post later ^ ;D

I’m glad there isn’t an AI judge of quality I’d be screwed 🤣

Going to keep an eye out for that potential post now 😆

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