The anti-socialization of crypto and the coming smart money backflip

in #thoughts5 years ago

Before there was Obama as president in the US, the pathway was being cleared for a black president through the socialization of the idea in movies and TV shows. Poor Gene Hackman had to play the bad old white guy president. They tried the same with the first female president too, but it didn't quite go according to plan. Socialization is normally reserved for people but it can also be applied to prime populations to accept concepts with more ease at a later date.

If you haven't noticed, cryptocurrencies and even blockchain have essentially been positioned by the mainstream media as antisocial behavior with the concepts negatively socialized, tarnished. Joe Public have been warned to keep their distance, steer clear as crypto is for drug-dealing anarchists, their drug-taking clientele and misinformed "investors" living in their mother's basement (partly true) who believe they are going to get rich selling magical internet money that people pretend has value despite it not having any use case.

It has been a decade now of ups and downs and consistent criticism and yet, the industry is still developing, still growing. The problem is, most people have no idea about what is going on with the technology because the campaigning to ward people off has been successful. To most out there, crypto and blockchain was a non-starter, it died.

If we take Steem as an example, how many companies do you think would like to have a 100 million dollar valuation in their first 3 years? Remember, this is close to the bottom of Steem price too. How many people in the tech industries have heard of Steem or even EOS? A collectively owned project with decentralized governance that has outperformed nearly every startup that has ever started up traditionally. People on Steem don't even realise how rare this kind of performance in any industry is. Instead of becoming the darlings of the investment and business world, crypto projects are scorned openly.

Behind the scenes however, crypto is onboarding some of the biggest investment names and companies out there and the institutions are pouring money into their development to get their infrastructure up and running in time for the flippening. No, not that flippening, the backflip the FUD spreaders are going to do with their view of crypto and blockchain when their previous ridicule turns incredibly bullish with all analysts, investment advisors and financial news service flipping the switch on their skepticism and injecting a massive amount of hype.

Then watch the FOMO.

Yep, after years of pushing it up, crushing it all downward, pumping it up further, only to crush it again from the background, the industry will turn 180 and start openly supporting it. However, they aren't idiots, they know they have already destroyed the 'good name' of cryptocurrencies and campaigning in support is too much trouble. Cryptocurrency was never a good name for mass adoption, it is a good name for drug dealers and their clientele though.

They aren't going to use crypto, they are the smart money and are therefore likely going to use something like, Smart Money because, it has already been socialized and normified, Smart phones, Smart TVs, Smart cars - it is a natural progression and will make people feel that they are part of the technological revolution as they are fed the same food at the same time as everyone else. You are an early adopter and unless you have been selling your Smart money stupidly, you are going to benefit.

The investment firms are already getting to the point they have shaken most of the loose coins from the weak hands and while there are likely a few more screws downward to come, they are getting ready to flick the switch that rebrands crypto and introduces it to the masses in a more palatable form with tools to manage it that are much, much simpler and user friendly than the engineer-minded coders managed so far.

If you want something to be adopted by the masses, it has to be designed for humans. In ten years, Steem is the closest to human friendly crypto has ever gotten and, it is still filled with complexities that even the coders can't work out because if it was simple, where would be a lot fewer arguments about what is the best course of action. For mainstreaming to come, all the normie bandwagoners will have to do, is buy into whatever they are told by their media sources to buy into and their banks will do the rest.

Soon, you are going to see various iterations of crypto advertised everywhere and your friends who have mocked you for being a Bitcoin retard are going to be trying to tell you about this new Smart money thing that you have to get into since you were once into crypto. Yep, people are going to think that it is different to the drug dealing currency and believe that the banks have taken the technology and improved it and made it safe for public use.

Keep an eye out - the backflip is on the way.

[ a Steem original ]


After getting over the hurdle and understanding the difference between steem, steem dollars, steem power, and vests, steem is definitely one of the easiest crypto Ive used.

Posted using Partiko Android

I've been calling it smart-money for quite some time... seems like the obvious thing to call it in my opinion.

You give me a strong reminder of one of my posts from 2 weeks ago.

You are really spot on with this assessment. Steemit is doing very very well considering how new it is. Making money on a blog is extremely difficult, and Steem has lowered the barrier to entry by several factors.

We also are not contained to this singular function. Get paid to _____. That is the reality we are clawing and scraping our way toward.

The amount of capital being deployed into blockchain technology is amazing and will lead to interesting breakthroughs soon enough. Even private projects will gain traction.

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The amount of capital being deployed into blockchain technology is amazing and will lead to interesting breakthroughs soon enough.

And the people pouring it in aren't accustomed to losing it. There are going to be so many projects coming up that will compete for space but being in early gives a pretty good chance of being a leader in the market. There is no resting on ones laurels now though.

I like the term Smart Money for cryptocurrencies 👍

Ohhhh... yes! You are soo on the smart-money with this!

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It is going to be an interesting ride when it begins. it could be 3 months or 5 years away but I ma hoping that it isn't too soon because, I am not ready to take advantage of being early in yet , just a little more time please. :D

Haha yep.

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You might be onto something with the smart money, Taraz. After all, cryptocurrency sounds a bit too cryptic for the mainstream.

After all, cryptocurrency sounds a bit too cryptic for the mainstream.

Yep, it was never a great choice but I am pretty sure that there were no marketing professionals and focus group testing done to see what the reactions from the general public would be :)

Crypto folks are prone to be a bit too technical and unpractical for the common folk, so that probably is the case.

I agree we are just waiting for certain things to get passed in the States and hey presto there she blows. It can't be long now and will be worth watching when it happens. The markets will be the first indicator as the wave of new money starts pouring in.

The markets will be the first indicator as the wave of new money starts pouring in.

When they finally blow, they are going to run very hard and the idea will likely be that they will be reigned in to make it appear like the run is over and instigate the holders to sell and wait of ra low buy that will never come.

I think that is highly possible and luckily we don't need to sell as accumulation is the game here. I think we are going to be pleasantly surprised once it does start climbing as we have seen nothing yet and have no idea how high something like Steem can really go.

It will come. And a new tag or name is not far fetched.
We went from global warming to climate change because of negativity .
When the money comes so will some regulation. I don’t mind some regulated aspects.
The Canada firm that doesn’t have access to its password because the one person who held it died. That should have never happened. More bad press.
The way to bring fiat into and out of crypto/exchanges. I Would like to see an exchange that has steem and the ability to link it with some sort of bank or credit / debt card.
Changes will come I wonder if we would recognize this period in the future

The Canada firm that doesn’t have access to its password because the one person who held it died. That should have never happened. More bad press.

Yep but being crypto, I wonder if he didn't fake his death and is actually living 190M richer in the Bahamas. Scammer ;D

I Would like to see an exchange that has steem and the ability to link it with some sort of bank or credit / debt card.

I think Binance has/ is getting credit card links but unsure.

Changes will come I wonder if we would recognize this period in the future

I think we will look back with the sight of looking back at childhood memories. The summers were always warm, sunny and long.

LOL the first thing that pop into my mine was that he faked it to scam people.

I am in no rush to cash out. In time/years that problem would be addressed. And then I might need to utilize it. Now it is all about increasing steem .

We will see a big change when economies start to struggle more. Then we will see real progress in smart money 💰

Yes, I do believe you are onto something here. There is ultimately a sort of "upward pressure" here as more and more people invest more and more thousands of hours into developing dApps, along with millions to bring those projects to bear... there will come — to use the term Malcolm Gladwell coined a few years back — a "tipping point." And then it'll pretty much be "off to the races."

"Smart Money" is a great term to "re-brand" cryptocurrency... which is really "too nerdy" for the mainstream, anyway. Dash already made some early forays into this, with their "educational" clips with Amanda Johnson who was definitely not a "developer nerd in his parents' basement."

In some ways, though, the evolutionary process here resembles the Internet, itself... the "nerds" who were the early adopters spoke of the web becoming for "everyone" yet were somewhat resistant to hand off their new "toy" to some random housewife from Topeka who wanted to swap recipes with her sister. Mainstreaming requires MAIN-streaming... and Steem is awesome because our accounts are our user handles, not some 53-digit alphanumeric garble. That's a great start right there!


And will you just laugh at them while they’re trying to tell you this? 😆

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