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RE: The anti-socialization of crypto and the coming smart money backflip

in #thoughts5 years ago

Yes, I do believe you are onto something here. There is ultimately a sort of "upward pressure" here as more and more people invest more and more thousands of hours into developing dApps, along with millions to bring those projects to bear... there will come — to use the term Malcolm Gladwell coined a few years back — a "tipping point." And then it'll pretty much be "off to the races."

"Smart Money" is a great term to "re-brand" cryptocurrency... which is really "too nerdy" for the mainstream, anyway. Dash already made some early forays into this, with their "educational" clips with Amanda Johnson who was definitely not a "developer nerd in his parents' basement."

In some ways, though, the evolutionary process here resembles the Internet, itself... the "nerds" who were the early adopters spoke of the web becoming for "everyone" yet were somewhat resistant to hand off their new "toy" to some random housewife from Topeka who wanted to swap recipes with her sister. Mainstreaming requires MAIN-streaming... and Steem is awesome because our accounts are our user handles, not some 53-digit alphanumeric garble. That's a great start right there!


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