Smell the flowers

in #thoughts6 years ago (edited)


I have been back a couple days now, although it feels like I am still settling in. This is partly due to me not catching up on sleep yet and also because I am yet to go to work. There was a mix up with scheduling and I had to cancel my classes for today so my wife could get to her university.

I am hoping that I will be able to reschedule as we could really use the money. One of the problems with my line of work is that unless I am working directly with clients, I am not getting paid, the other is that month to month, it is inconsistent. These factors make planning for the future very difficult.

I have always hoped Steem would be able to provide an alternative revenue stream I could turn to if I needed, but for me at least, that is a future position, not present. For that future I have to make sure I am heading in the right direction. This is often a problem as people want something later but what they do now is unlikely to get then there which manifests in disappointment and regret.

Right now I am sitting next to my daughter as she just feel asleep and find myself hoping she doesn't face the same fate. I don't want an easy life for her, but I do wish her one that isn't limited or directed by money. Perhaps in that what seems to be distant future, I will be capable of providing for her economic needs and encouraging enough that she will not be satisfied with comfort but instead push her own boundaries.

I am quietly confident that Steem will eventually do well and make many wealthy along the way but the more important factor is what opportunities it presents. A world full of artisans of their field doing it mostly for the love or importance would be a beautiful thing to see.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


Man, can I relate to that!

Right now I am sitting next to my daughter as she just feel asleep and find myself hoping she doesn't face the same fate. I don't want an easy life for her, but I do wish her one that isn't limited or directed by money.

...And i have 4, whose future is very uncertain. It puts a lot of presure on one's shoulder to figure out ways to keep them dreaming and growing healthily.

I share your vision:

A world full of artisans of their field doing it mostly for the love or importance would be a beautiful thing to see.

I have tons of docs I'd like to dust and research and articles I'd like to write, but that's time consuming and money issues put a lot of presure on you. It's hard to do what you like when covering basic needs become an imperative and getting the money to do that may involve investing time in a not-so-rewarding line of work.

Then, you look at your children and you say, what the hell, parenthood is about sacrifice. Hopefully, they'll have a better chance and postponing personal goals may be a long-term investment.

...And i have 4, whose future is very uncertain. It puts a lot of presure on one's shoulder to figure out ways to keep them dreaming and growing healthily.

I am hoping that in time the situation will ease there for you guys and things can get to a better position.

It's hard to do what you like when covering basic needs become an imperative and getting the money to do that may involve investing time in a not-so-rewarding line of work.

This is unfortunately a 90% of the world problem and perhaps in time we are able to claw it back a fraction at a time so at least some amount of the day is designated to flourishing and personal joy.

Times certainly are a changing and things are looking so much less certain for the future. My eldest is looking at uni and I don't want her coming out the other side with debts, so if possible, I want to avoid the student loans (tighten that belt some more). Yet part of me wonders if having a PhD will even be a guarantee of a career in a few years time. Still, we have to try.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yet part of me wonders if having a PhD will even be a guarantee of a career in a few years time. Still, we have to try.

This is the big question for many as even if it provides in 5 years, will it provide in 15 or 20? The automation of many positions is going to not only reduce work but increase competition and I am unsure how many are able to keep up with requirements. At least here we are at the cutting edge of what tech is likely to come o having a position now is about as good a gamble and head start as any.

Still, we have to try.

This is what I wake up for every day.

I can relate as I also have a daughter for which I wish the best for. I am paying for a private schook in hopes that it will provide her the tools for a better future for her that is more independent than I what I have which depends on a corporation for my lifestyle which I cannot currently complain about but down the road would prefer to spend that time with my family.

I have a feeling that school is not enough, that the parents who can impart a mindset and habits that allow children to discover and learn from the world and change with it are going to be the ones able to excel.

Giving that you have so much knowledge about what is coming compared to the averager person, I'm pretty sure you will do very well.

Giving that you have so much knowledge about what is coming compared to the averager person

It has all been learned and continues every day I am here. Too many don't spend their time reading about the technical or application possibilities. My recommendation is to follow some people who present it well and set aside some time each day to read what is possible.

by the time she gets to that stage we will be in a totally different society altogether but I would assume that there will be some form universal basic income... and that will then be supplemented by the things we like to do and not by the things we have to just to make money
Your steeming will for sure bring something extra

some form universal basic income... and that will then be supplemented by the things we like to do and not by the things we have to just to make money

I think the only way to really implement it is at a true global level (it will be national to start) and I can't see the organisation being done without the assistance of blockchain. Perhaps other blockchains will be able to hook into it also.

I actually thought that at this point, given your status, reputation and how much vote you get from steemit, you shouldn't be complaining about steemit.

What a puzzling comment. I didn't get the impression he was complaining about steemit. In fact he says he's quietly confident in it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Maybe it is a lost in translation thing.

At which point was I complaining about Steem?

I have always hoped Steem would be able to provide an alternative revenue stream I could turn to if I needed

These were your own words. I think its quiet clear, but sorry if i misunderstood them.

How is that negative?

It is nowhere near an alternative revenue stream for me yet, it is far too risky.

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