My Testimony to Discovering The Truth


As you can tell by my name @hebrewhousewife, I consider myself a Hebrew. I believe that Yeshua/Jesus died to pay the punishment of our sins, and we are to turn back to our Father’s ways by following His laws in the Torah. I know I’ve written pieces of my testimony here and there, but I thought I’d write it all out in one spot. It’s nothing grand and spectacular, but this is how it happened. So here it is. 

My faith background

Both of my parents were raised Catholic, so it only makes sense that I was raised Catholic as well. My parents pretty much left it up to Sunday school/religion classes on Wednesdays to teach me everything I needed to know about God. My faith turned into one of following all the rules and memorize all these prayers and whatnot. God was basically a distant mystery to me; there definitely wasn’t any personal relationship there. 

Something changed

At age 17, I turned to Google to answer my relationship questions. I was directed to a women’s Christian ministry website. It was this website that revealed to me who God really was, and after reading article after article, I started to see how spiritually starved I was. I started to develop a relationship with God. 

A couple years later, I found a non-denominational preacher on the radio. I started listening to him almost every day. A year later, I listened to him preach about salvation. It was during that sermon, I realized I was focusing on my relationship with God, but had neglected Christ. I decided then, that I needed to accept Christ as my savior, and I said the “sinner’s prayer”. 

I started to question

A few years later, after my husband and I got married, we were still attending Catholic Church. I’m not sure why, but the pressure to baptize my son pushed me to question my faith. Looking back, I wonder if my husband maybe had something to do with it. He’s into politics, and since we started dating, I started to see that there was an agenda behind the things I learned in school. Anyways, I really started to dig in to find the truth behind baptism. All this questioning led me to discover all the lies in Catholic Church. I no longer wanted  be apart of that anymore. There was a non-denominational church in town that a couple people we knew went to. So we tried it out. I loved it! This was the church we were meant to be at. 

 My world just took a 180

Everything was going great! We were really settling in to this church. We were friends with everyone, we we’re getting involved, and we became members. I even asked to be baptized. It was a few weeks before my baptism that things got interesting. 

I noticed a YouTube video about flat earth. I thought to myself, “How on earth could anyone believe the earth is flat?” Well, the questioning side of me got the better of me, so I decided to look into it. (Notice: This post is not about whether or not the earth is flat, so please refrain from commenting on this topic.) After going down that rabbit trail, I started to wonder if this was seriously true. If it was, everything I had ever known was a lie. I will admit, it consumed me for a little while, and even frustrated me to the point of praying out to God. The morning of my baptism, I prayed to God asking Him to show me the truth, whatever that truth is. I couldn’t shake the feeling there was a lie out there I was believing and I wanted it to be revealed to me. God was quick to answer that prayer.

The next night, I was laying in bed watching YouTube again. No idea why, but I wanted to find out what speaking in tongues was all about. I stumbled on a video by Lex Meyer. I don’t remember the sequence of videos I watched after that, but what I do remember was thinking, “Oh boy, my church doesn’t have it right either.” I spent that whole week diving into relearning everything I had ever learned/knew about my faith up to this point. I was already looking into how to keep the Sabbath a couple weeks prior, but now I was finding out that all of God’s law still applied to us today. Feeling overwhelmed was an understatement! After some studying, I had to show my husband the documentary “The Way”. He said the movie confirmed some questions/suspicions he had always had. He initially jumped on board (with some things) but he is continually growing too.

Where I’m at today

This all happened last September, so I’m still a baby in all this. I celebrated the fall feasts for the first time, and we’re looking forward to celebrating the spring feasts soon. We don’t attend the church anymore, and have yet to find like-minded people in our area. I’m not too worried though. I know we’re not alone in this, and maybe one day, the Father will lead us to others to fellowship with. For now, we are enjoying relearning the Truth and obeying our Father. 

I hope you enjoyed reading my testimony to discovering the Truth. I also hope this encourages others to share their story, as I would love to learn how others came to The Way as well. I’m going to use the tag #thewaytruthandlife and you can too, so we can all find these testimonies in one spot. If you’ve already written about your testimony, you could supply a link in the comments.



I appreciate your perspective! Our faith is very important, and individual. This is a journey for the rest of your life! Be well!

That is for sure! We may think we have most of it figured out and one day, bam! Our world is flipped upside down. It’s amazing!

I don't like or follow the dogma of organized religion but I love and follow Jesus Christ wholeheartedly. I have so many friends that have been turned off totally to hearing The Word. The common denominator with 95% of them, they were all raised catholic. It makes me sad that "religion" has led so many astray. The few catholics I still know, while good people, they're spiritually dead. They just continue to go through the motions, the rituals, the idol worship, etc. IMO the roman catholic church is evil and I truly believe the pope is the false prophet that is deceiving millions and is forming a one world religion for the new world order. He has so much to say about social just issues, yet he rarely ever mentions Jesus from what I've seen. Thanks for your testimony. Sounds like you're spiritually on the right path for you.

It really is sad that all these people think what they are doing is good and right, all the while have no idea what they are missing! While still catholic, I got the impression that the catholic faith thought they were the “right” denomination. I’m so thankful the Truth has been revealed to me and that I wasn’t cold hearted enough to reject it. I’m glad you enjoyed my testimony.

Religion is a deep, deep, deep rabbit hole. If you enjoy exploring it than more power to you.

Yes, there is soooo much to learn; you would never get bored! Thank you.

It's so interesting to me... that almost everyone's story is the same. Ours was. It all started with Flat Earth, then Nephilim, then 9/11... and then we found The Way documentary and WOW!!! Finally it made sense. Our family has been honoring the Sabbath, keeping the Feast days and walking in YHWH's Instructions now for 3 years. We kinda got pushed out of our church also (which we were highly involved in). We just began a home church study group with like minded friends and family in our area. I do pray that ya'll find at least one other family to do life with and feel encouraged in your walk. I really loved hearing your testimony. Thank you for sharing!

That is crazy!! My husband thought I was crazy for looking into flat earth; at least I wasn’t the only one. I’m hoping others will share their testimony too. It’s fun to hear their stories. Thank you, I know He’ll answer in time. Glad you enjoyed!

Truth is something really rare to come across these days, I honestly keep digging every night for what is the truth of our existence, why do we even exist in the first place, who is worthy to be worshiped, and I came across a different path than you, but I fully respect that you are seeking the truth unlike many people who takes it from media or believe the first thing they get told, Keep looking!

Thank you! I think doing our own digging is the best thing we can do. Just look at what is happening to the world when we just believe what ever we are told.

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