Everything you need to know about anxiety attack

in #therapy8 years ago

If you suffer from anxiety attacks or know someone who suffers, you should read this.

You're prone to anxiety or not, you should know what is a crisis of anxiety about and how to deal with it. Since there is great ignorance about these anxious episodes, I will nicely define the symptoms and causes of anxiety attacks and propose some tricks and strategies to minimize their impact on the lives of people who suffer.

Anxiety crisis: when panic takes over your body and mind

To begin with, anxiety crises are sudden panic reactions often caused by various triggers.

What symptoms warn you of an anxiety attack?

The symptoms that can present the person suffering an anxiety attack include: repeatedly touching their face, hyperventilation, chest pains, palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath, tremors, feeling choked, instability, panic, feeling of loss of control and numbness of the limbs.

What if I suffer an anxiety attack?

Controlled breathing

If you suffer an anxiety attack when alone, I recommend counting the seconds with a clock while you put your hands on your abdomen. Slowly breathe deeply with your abdomen and focus on the mechanics of breathing.

Take distance from the source that generates anxiety

If you find yourself next to a person who is suffering an anxiety attack try to distance him from the source of anxiety if you know what it is. Try to calm them by applying the dynamics of breaths and encouraging them to follow your instructions: breathe in and out slowly and calmly. Inhale through your nose and exhale drawing air through the mouth. Go to them in a calm and confident tone. Never provide medication, nor any kind of snack that contains caffeine.

It is important to emphasize the importance of abdominal breathing.

A paper bag to avoid hyperventilation

If within one minute and the person still continues to hyperventilate and there's stiffness in their hands and arms, you let them know that you'll put a paper bag so they can breathe into it so that they will transfer the discomfort. You must not cover the entire face or head with the bag, just for the person to breathe within it. Occasionally, you can remove the bag from the mouth so the affected person can breathe normally. Continue applying the paper bag until they feel better.

If things do not improve you have to call medical services

If it was the case that the person who is suffering the crisis had never suffered any incident before, or if the person present oppressive pain and constraint in the chest, sweating and breathing heavily, you must notify medical services immediately. In this case, it is not advisable to give a bag to breathe in.

The crisis of anxiety can be stopped relatively quickly, or for several minutes if it persists. In the latter case, especially if the symptoms worsen it will be imperative to seek help from medical emergencies.

Prevent anxiety

One of the best ways to prevent anxiety is to exercise routinely, perform breathing techniques and relaxation, maintain a healthy diet, sleep at least eight hours a day and if possible control situations that can cause anxiety.

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@allmonitors, I've never suffered an anxiety attack, but I enjoyed your post.

Sound advise - let's hope it helps someone in distress

appreciate it @matrioshka, this will definitely help those with jitter :)

Wow I suffered my very first one several months back as a waiter, while working. I'm in my 40's and had never experienced that before, it was quite surreal. I've made great strides in my diet, sleep and exercise since then and my anxiety is almost gone again now, so can attest that your article has some good tips.

good to hear that you're getting back in shape again @ibringawareness and thanks!

i have suffered from anxiety attacks several times and i had to take treatment for that... very good advices but only if you are a begginer on that , i consider myself a pro and have had rough times cause of my anxiety , the symtoms are those you mentioned but still every person has different symptoms and it is a long term healness to recover from that kind of things ... good post and thank you for your tips!

@mamel, hope that you'll recover from it. Keep the faith and thank you!

My husband nor I are doctors. I suffer with anxiety attacks so bad I used to end up in panic attacks. I have tried every thing you have mentioned and more. The doctors were not much help they told me to learn to control them. The only thing that has helped me is my husband. I was having a bad anxiety attack one night and close to being in a panic attack. He told me he thinks it is because the nervous system, he wanted to try and give me a couple of alcoholic drinks, he said he did not know if it would work or not, but he thought it would since the alcohol would depress the nervous system. He was correct after the first drink I was feeling better, but after the second one it was pretty much gone, and the third one killed it. Now if I have 1 drink as soon as I feel it come, it is gone after that one drink.
This may not work for everyone, and I am not saying to start drinking, I am just saying, it worked for me, its easy for doctors and websites to say these things, but its not as simple as they make it sound. And its nice knowing if I have an anxiety attack I know how to stop it, and if my husband and I are out somewhere and I get an anxiety attack the whole day will not be ruined, we can just stop at any bar or restaurant have a few drinks and its gone.
He also thinks it has to do with the gaba levels in my body, since gaba is the calming neurotransmitter, we are currently trying to raise it naturally. I hope this helps someone, because I know what its like to have anxiety attacks, and panic attacks. If you have not been diagnosed with this and you get one for the first time please do not do what I have wrote here please go to ER because it may be something more serious.
💋 @halo 💋😇

That's great @halo, your first hand experience and quick fix is indeed remarkable. I guess we can share this to @mamel may give it a try and see what happens. But again your ER advise is still the best option.

Ya ER is best bet, but I used to get these like 2 - 4 times a week, and was diagnosed with anxiety disorder, so I know its nothing serious, but they sure suck when they happen. I now only have them about 2 times a month, and I believe it is because my husbands efferts to raise my gaba levels.
💋 @halo 💋😇

This is a great post. Many don't understand what anxiety is and how debilitating it can be! I used to suffer from terrible panic attacks, got to the point I couldn't leave my home! Exercise and a healthy lifestyle changed my life, so much so I became a personal trainer to help others get healthy. Great tips to help someone out when they are in the midst of panick it can be terrifying!! Followed you :)

Did u ever suffer anxiety attack?

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