The Daily Dose - UK Chemtrails on July 21st 2018 by @article61

in #thedailydose6 years ago (edited)

If ever you are at a Bar-B-Q and you fancy destroying the atmosphere and your reputation at the same time, just mention the words chem-trail or maybe start off a little lighter and go for the phrase "cloud seeding". As long as you maintain a straight face and don't do the old "The plane, the plane" routine you'll be back home and supping hot-chocolate in no-time.

I've not managed to convince a single non-believer that what they are spraying in the skies is a harmful cocktail of reflective chemical elements. It wouldn't make a difference if a winged petri dish was soaring above my head, or that it's contents could clearly be seen having the same effect as a drop of paint in a glass of clear-water, nothing will persuade folk to openly discuss this subject. You never hear it spoken about in the local pub or after a footy-match, it simply gets ignored.

I think they call this "a taboo subject" and it drives me insane.
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Ignorance is most certainly not bliss!

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I am from the UK and where I live it is subject to a constant blanket of 'Gov-gumbo', sprayed daily by these teeny-weeny little planes that fly higher than all the rest. As I go about my daily business I always seem to keep a subconscious eye-on-the-sky. On certain days I will walk to the local shop and I seem to be the only person paying attention to the sudden shift in humidity and ominous, but all too familiar, "X" in the sky.


I have to bite my tongue as I stand in-line and hear the costumer and the shopkeeper complaining that...

..."English heat is just different to abroad, it's always so humid"

And then the costumer walks outside and never once looks up to notice how blurred those lines have become.


And then I walk outside the shop, grab my phone and begin taking a video...

This post was inspired by @inthenow's and his recent contest. Please follow the link below to find out more.
Screenshot_2018-07-27  article61(2).png

See you all soon and don't forget you still have 1 more week to enter my silver raffle to raise funds for @familyprotection
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I feel ya.. same here I cant believe when its happening like you showed above that people still are not questioning what is above their heads. Here in Budapest its extremely hot and especially that nasty heat after the sky has been filled up like in your pictures.. you can see the lines get blurry just by watching a few minutes.. its obvious and those planes seem to fly as if the make a dome above us.. damn high (sometimes vertical ) and way different than normal planes.. I cant even remember a day without witnessing the sky art above me. Its so rare..

Can't agree with you more here and shocked to hear the same effect were you are, although I know I shouldn't be surprised.

You comment about the flight paths is a great point to make and something that is completely different to commercial flights. I was lucky enough to spot a plane in broad daylight today and my daughter and I watched it switch the spray off an on again. Then we watched the trail spread. It's the clearest I've ever witnessed before and I was kicking myself for not having my phone to record it.

Nice post! Thanks for the heads-up for spreading this awareness about the chemtrails! 🙂 You may like to read my post concerning on the same subject, but we touched even more deeper aspect of it. The Awakening Project ~ Going beyond the illusions: Chemtrails

Ooooh thank you for the link, I will check this out tomorrow as I am just finishing up for the night. Good to see folk talking about all this.

Thanks for your entry, much appreciated my friend. ;-) If you can, hit up the update post and resteem it for me. Thanks and have a great night.

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