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RE: Self Prescribing Medicines for Underactive Thyroid

Good article!
I just thought I'd tell you how I corrected my underactive thyroid - it's been in decent shape for the past 8 years after being told 16 years ago that it would be a lifetime condition... (I also found that the levothyroxine was a chronic fatigue trigger for me - so I really had to get off that! The natural versions weren't an option when I was in the UK.) So, I will share what I did.

#1 - know your body temp! Your first-thing-in-the-morning temp is a HUGE indicator of your thyroid health. If it's under 98F, your thyroid cannot function correctly. I am happy if my first temp is around 97.7 because I know it will reach 98 fairly quickly. But before I started self-treating, it was around 97.3 - WAY too low and almost a dead giveaway that the thyroid wasn't working correctly.

#2 - stop attacking the thyroid with diet! I know you're not doing it deliberately, but there are many parts of the modern diet that negatively affect the thyroid and suppress the body temp. Did you know that chlorine, fluoride and bromine all compete with iodine in your thyroid? These things suppress its function. Soy suppresses the thyroid and body temp too. Personally, I also find that corn sweeteners (glucose syrup, dextrose, maltodextrin, etc) can suppress my temp for a day or two.

#3 - support the thyroid. I do this with iodine supplementation at a therapeutic dose (I think I found that to be around 9-10 x the normal supplemental dose, but you'd have to double check as it's been a long time since I looked it up. Sea kelp is another good source of natural iodine - you can get these little granules that you use like salt. When supplementing, you have to be aware of the symptoms of hyperthyroid, but it sounds like you've got that one covered!

I really need to write an article about this!

Anyway, good luck!


Thank you! Yes, I think you may have messaged me before about iodine treatment (or it may have been another very helpful lady :). I have been looking into it but as it is so extreme, I don't want to do it until I have read more about it.
I know T3 works for me, but it is so frustrating that I can't get it on the NHS. And now the Endo has said I am "in Range" and has decided to not treat me at all, I am losing all hope tbh! I am seeing my GP in an hour so I am going to go armed with a list of symptoms and complaints and tell him I no longer want to be under the Endo. I just hope he supports my decision and agrees to go back to how we were before where he was monitoring my bloods for me. :/
The body temperature is a great idea! I will start doing that straight away.
So pleased you have managed to correct your condition, I will keep an eye out for your post! :D
Thank you for commenting xx

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