#thealliance Tennessee Meet-n-Greet

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)


Are You Excited??

First off, I want to extend the love to all those that are not going to be there. We love all our family, regardless how close or far away we may be from one another. We're global and transcend many languages and cultures. From the freezing fjords in Sweden with @reko and @saffisara, to Table Mountain in South Africa with @princessmewmew, to the Outback with @bearone, @bmj and @gohba.handcrafts on up to Canada with @thebugiq, @thekitchenfairy, @artemisnorth and @shadowspub. It doesn't matter where you are, you're still family, and we'll see you one of these days ;)

How Did This Happen?

Initially, it was a plan for @ameliabartlett, who lives in Knoxville, TN, and I, to have a few days with @katrina-ariel. She was coming down from Canada to visit her parents live in Nashville. Other people came to mind like @brandyb and @gomatthew, who already live in Nashville. @patrice is not too awful far so she got included as well. I dropped the word that we were planning on having a small get together and other people said, ya why not? @ancapbarbie said she was coming. @sircork said, hey I'm in. @rhondak is even going to make the trip.

Hots or Shots

We got to talking about it on an episode of PYPT in which @jonny-clearwater happened to be attending. He liked the idea and asked me if we had enough people to do at least 5 episodes of his show, Hots or Shots. I thought well, we should, that would be awesome! I also found out, in the process, that the same family member who did my gifs for me, @liberty-minded, is also his video director/editor. How cool is that? In the process, other people got invited like @anarcho-andrei, @lukestokes and even @sirlunchthehost is coming in. I believe first up for the show is @katrina-ariel. This is going to be an interesting week.

Recent Hots or Shots Guests:


The Meet-n-Greet

Will be held on Saturday the 19th of this month. Just at a week away from this post. I will be aiming to arrive at the sweet little villa Jonny rented at around 10 a.m. (EST) and try get things situated for whatever witnesses are there at 11 a.m. for the Ramble witness discussion in @shadowspub's server on discord. The whole day is for people to come and hang out and just be you. See ya there?

From the desk of -

@enginewitty #thealliance witness.png
#thealliance YAH & TARC.png


Should be a fun week for sure!

Definitely! And already begun! Was great to meet you yesterday. :)

been great so far but much more to come, see you again this weekend!

I'm so excited about this! I've already started packing. :-)

I'm so glad you're coming! Going to be super fun! :)

Have fun you guys

Will be waiting for pics, vids, updates

I will be there in spirit ❤

And I'm sure you'll get plenty of angles from different POVs ")

That's awesome being able to have a get together! Sounds like a busy week ahead too. Have a good ne!

Should be a blast man!

I can't wait to come friggin party with all of you! Yep, even you @lukestokes, with all due respect, if we aren't as passionate about our positions as we are, we would neither one be where we are or who we are, besides, I think we are coming away from this friends... once we sort out some stuff that's gone on. Our politics (real world) are much the same from what I've seen, but while you go diplomatic, I go special forces assault team. Both are necessary in a well regulated militia ;)

I look forward to meeting you in person as well, and I imagine your in-person word choice will be quite different from your name-calling, reactionary style online. Just my hunch.

Special forces assault teams are strategic. They may blow things up, but they don't do it indiscriminately with zero f*cks given about who they offend or what collateral damage they cause.

My friends are respectful to everyone, even those they passionately disagree with you. That's part of my standard for friendship.

I imagine your in-person word choice will be quite different from your name-calling, reactionary style online. Just my hunch.

In the real world I have the benefit of concealed carry ;)

PS, as a fully grown adult, I don't believe in being offended and consider such to generally be a character flaw in people.

There's a significant difference between "being offensive" and "being offended." I control my own emotional response, just as others control the words they use and the intention of those words. If someone has the intention of trying to cause emotional discomfort in others (regardless of if they succeed), then it demonstrates that person's views on the well-being of those around them which indicates they are not a trustworthy person or someone you'd want as a friend.

That said, I actually agree with the point you're making, but I wouldn't use the language you're using because, IMO, it's counter-productive to your point. I talk instead about emotional "buttons" people have that can be pushed by others. It demonstrates insecurities and a lack of self-knowledge in terms of "issues" that have to be dealt with. If you want a world where people don't have this "character flaw" (that's the same world I want), then why not use an approach that helps people heal and not be so offended by the words of others? Your approach appears to be to poke and poke and poke in order to get a reaction which, counter-productively, causes more insecurity, doubt, self-loathing, emotional instability, etc, etc in the person you're talking to. The language you use can actually make the problem worse.

If you instead used NVC and understood people's uncommunicated needs, you might be able to help them get rid of their buttons without making them worse. From a deterministic perspective, blaming or judging people too harshly for their character flaws doesn't make sense to me. It makes far more sense to give them useful feedback that helps them move in a positive direction for them and the communities they are part of.

Thought provoking... no snark.

Which implies you're perfectly fine with offending people and then using threats of violence. Not the type of people I consider friends. More so a sign of psychotic behavior, IMO. I look forward to meeting you in person to see what the reality is compared to what you say online.

I had a feeling you would use the word "threat" lol. That was too easy...

That was too easy...

I also don't make friends with trolls.

And yes, I get how "sufficiently advanced trolling is indistinguishable from thought leadership" but referencing concealed carry in this conversation demonstrates insecurities which explain your reactionary style.

Or it demonstrates that you have zero sense of humor, or satire or wit, which is what I seek in the kinds of people I consider friends

And this will be something you'll be able to better determine when we meet. :)

"Jokes" about concealed carry in the context of a social meetup of Steemians as justification for using offensive language is not comedy. If you think this is "wit" or "satire" then I question your social awareness. This too is something I'll be able to better determine when we meet in person.

Maybe I should keep out of this conversation, but I'll just toss my two cents in and say, @sircork, please come armed only with a guitar and your wit. Let's make this a peaceful party, where everyone feels safe. Have a feeling you're just being snarky, but saying it anyway. ;)

I'm looking forward to meeting you!

Wow you guys are really literal aren't you? I expected a little more here...

PS: You are coming to tennessee. EVERYONE is armed in tennessee. I actually was handed my first rifle when i was 7 on my grandparents farm in red boiling springs. It's one of the last bits of America that is still America, and hence one of my favorite places in the country.

Yes we are and you are very right about the America bit.

I like friends with backbones, and thick skins and a sense of humor and some balls (male or female, figure of speech for all the literalists), forgive me for preferring substance over capitulating political correctness.

Hell my Uncle owned a house in Red Boling Springs for a long time. I lived in Gallatin for a number of years. And even went a couple of days up there to Red Boiling Spings to work my sign biz.


What's your uncle's last name? (if thats not a scary privacy concern...)

RBS doesn't have that many people in it :)

Sometimes it's hard to know how to read words, without body language and tone of voice, right? Will be good to get together in person. ;)

Given I spend about 8+ hours a week on live video for everyone to see and have for 10 months, and about 140 hours a week on average serving the community in person, I'd expect people to know who I AM, but sure, in Lukes case, a few posts and no presence in the living breathing daily community could make it tough to read him. I guess.

see you soon!

Nashville will never be the same again. :P

Spent some of every year of my life there, and lived there for a decade... I promise you, we won't even make a dent in the madness of Nashvegas

Met my wife at The Stage there. She asked me to dance and the rest is history

We love all our family, regardless how close or far away you may be from another.
I think we love them even more when we are far from them, it's the family with whome we share our sorrows and joy.

I did my Hots or Shots show today! Great conversation with @jonny-clearwater, and it was super fun to meet @liberty-minded, too. I feel like going out to watch all the shows get filmed, as it's a long wait till they're finally released, and the questions are so good! I'm over-the-top excited for the actual meetup this weekend. What an awesome group! And, yes, big love to all the fam who aren't able to make it. We'll be thinking of you! 💖

Wow! Interesting and exciting! If I just can go there to be with you guys, I will... I am not yet a member of the #thealliance but I will support this especially the @youarehope.

I know it's a geographical hurdle for you for sure, and want to add, not everyone coming is in the Alliance, it just got it's seed in a much more small scale gathering of a few friends that has turned into a full blown meetup. As always I <3 and appreciate your support of @YouAreHOPE and where's our video!!!! :D

Hahahaha... Still editing!!! A very complicated editing! It's my first time to edit a bunch of videos in one file and arrange their tone! Oh... My vegetables! I did not expect how hard it is! Hahahaha... A tremendous challenge!!! But this coming Thursday I hope it will be ready even this is not too much polished! Because a lot of people is waiting! and I need to post on Dtube, Dlive, Youtube, Facebook, and twitter!!! Promote also on Facebook live!

I really so wish I could be there and hug you guys. I think it's great so many could make it and I'm sure you will have a blast 😉 can't wait to see pictures... Love 🌹❤️🌹

Honey, you will totally be here in our hearts! ((hugs))

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