Family Time! (Tonight @ 11:00 p.m. EST & Saturday 11:00 a.m. EST)

in #thealliance6 years ago

#thealliance family time.png

What's That?

Big kudos to @sol25 for brainstorming with me on this. She is the unspoken head of our Latino community and I value her insight. One of the things she expressed as a purge was taking place, is that some members don't get the same attention as others. Maybe it's because we don't visit them as often and there is a language barrier sometimes. So, after some good conversation, we came up with the idea of 'Family Time'.

#thealliance pagebreak.png

Ok, Explain That To Us

'Family Time' is a way to help increase engagement with those members of our family that may not be as active as others. We will select 10 active people that are not as prolific in chats or that comment as much or even post as much as some of our more prominent members. It is expected that all of you visit these profiles throughout the week, show them that we are a family, and 'nobody gets left behind'.

#thealliance pagebreak.png

It Is Expected

Yes, that was in bold and italicized. Every person that is in #thealliance now made it through the labyrinth and is effectively supporting the family in one way or another. Whether they are on our voting trail or have delegated to @thealliance or donated funds or a combination of or all of the above - you all deserve and have earned the right to be here. I don't feel it's asking too much to visit a few profiles a day and show them a little extra love. That being said, here are ten of our allies that need some extra lovins this week:

  • @avesa - Long time ally and great musician
  • @bala41288 - New ally, loves tech and nature
  • @bearone - Crystals galore and entrepreneur
  • @bengy - Science and music and all things chaotic
  • @bluefinstudios - Comical photographer and 'witty' conversationalist
  • @bluelightbandit - Bang bang enthusiast and family man
  • @bmj - Dude loves his wine and shiny shit
  • @buzzbeergeek - Beer sampling crypto lover
  • @byn - Smorgesboard of great topics
  • @catweasel - Curator with a humorous bone? Woof.

One Big Happy

Once again, good response to last week's post everyone. You've also heard this before and I can't stress it enough, " remember that it is the engagement that makes us great and thrive as a community. Want to know who your family members are? This profile follows **ONLY** our members and their support accounts." That has been touted for quite some time and will always remain true. Have a good weekend fam, and see you at the pow-wow?

#thealliance enginewitty youarehope steem heart.png
Interested in joining us? Please refer to this post.
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okay - off to visiting - already have a few on my very regular list :)

I'm so tired, no really like I was just talking to a loaf of bread like it was a friend I had known for years. I comment in my dreams and dream in my comments.....I think I'm starting to get @derangedvisions too

I really want to make the PlayHouse with @carrieallen this week, after dosing off last week before it started. But I'm struggling right now and I should be doing a Witness Update post too.

#thealliance #witness

Of course, I love having you there, but understand how late it is.
However, I'm working on an American Idol sketch with Simon Cowell as a character and obviously thought of you. 😎 It's not ready for tonight though.

I'll feel blessed when you make it, but never upset if you don't. 😍

Simon Cowell could work, my trousers do sit very high on my waist lol.

I'm trying everything to stay awake, after realising the idea of getting a nap in before the show fails - once I am asleep nothing get's me up again!

Ooooh, we are back to the start of the alphabet? I will do the rounds tomorrow...

... and chaos?

How can I become a member of @thealliance?

Thanks for the mention! I've been VERY distracted and sporadic on steemit lately, but I love that I can support the group in some way, even when I'm way too busy in 'real life' stuff.

Another amazing post and amazing people mentioned 👈😉👍
I will visit them and many of them I already use to check out.. Lol
Thank you for doing this 😉👌 good reminder.
Best family there is #thealliance ❤️

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