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RE: Family Time! (Tonight @ 11:00 p.m. EST & Saturday 11:00 a.m. EST)

in #thealliance6 years ago

I'm so tired, no really like I was just talking to a loaf of bread like it was a friend I had known for years. I comment in my dreams and dream in my comments.....I think I'm starting to get @derangedvisions too

I really want to make the PlayHouse with @carrieallen this week, after dosing off last week before it started. But I'm struggling right now and I should be doing a Witness Update post too.

#thealliance #witness


Of course, I love having you there, but understand how late it is.
However, I'm working on an American Idol sketch with Simon Cowell as a character and obviously thought of you. 😎 It's not ready for tonight though.

I'll feel blessed when you make it, but never upset if you don't. 😍

Simon Cowell could work, my trousers do sit very high on my waist lol.

I'm trying everything to stay awake, after realising the idea of getting a nap in before the show fails - once I am asleep nothing get's me up again!

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