I went to Tennessee this weekend, and all I got was drunk and @lukestokes (but I heard he got drunker)

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

Hey Again Steemitizens!

I went to a big steemy meetup in the middle Tennessee end of things this weekend, and got to meet about 15 or 20 steemians, many who are also witnesses as well, face to face...

...and that's when things got weird.

I did an episode of Hots or Shots with @Jonny-Clearwater, where guests either consume hot food or whiskey between each question. I am not allowed to say which I got till my show has aired, but my episode was only one of about half a dozen episodes shot this weekend, so let's just say that half the people at this party couldn't talk, and the other half couldn't either, before it was all over.

Speaking of being unable to talk. I covered a lot of ground at this event, talking to many cool steem peeps. Everyone else took more photos and is doing a much better job of reporting than I am so be sure to look up the posts from @enginewitty, @rhondak, @anarcho-andrei, @steemcafe, @instructor2121, @ancapbarbie, @katrina-ariel, @jonny-clearwater, and from there into others. See the sights, smell the smells, avoid the cops...

Anyway, enough talking about talking, let's hear what some others have to say about my weekend in Nashville.

@katrina-ariel made bringing my guitar worthwhile and played us a pretty, original song of her very own!

And something about a tree...

enginewitty [Witness] - Today at 3:55 PM
To be clear, and Liberty and Katrina and rick can all attest, you made friends with a tree.

SirCork - Today at 3:57 PM
Uhoh here we go

enginewitty [Witness] - Today at 3:57 PM
@SirCork That was frig'n hilarious
Took you like 10 minutes to get your wang out and take a piss

SirCork - Today at 3:58 PM
That tree stood by me better than any of my former Wives has

enginewitty [Witness] - Today at 3:58 PM
And then you didn't even go LMFAO

SirCork - Today at 3:58 PM
Payin much attention?

enginewitty [Witness] - Today at 3:59 PM
Well, we were trying to get you in the truck
but you had a date with that tree

SirCork - Today at 3:59 PM
Tree was good. Tree stood still.

SirCork - Today at 4:00 PM
you guys were all like, gotta go, party's over, and tree was like, nah man, let's just chill. right. here.

enginewitty [Witness] - Today at 4:04 PM
LOL served its purpose. Still can't believe you don't remember anything from hunching over until the tree because you were talking enshit

SirCork - Today at 4:05 PM
i totally remember turning around, burping up a tomato, and falling out. next up, being fireman carried to the yard, and left on my own, which meant immediate tree, then doing very wide angle walking to reach the truck. Btw, you got a reusable, washable, microwaveable corky cup out of the deal.
i recall the door, and the key at my aunts, two locks, it was the second one of course.
then i woke up and couldnt find my phone, bag, computer, guitar...
found em
less panick

rhondak - Today at 4:07 PM
That right there needs to be unintended poetry. ^^^

enginewitty [Witness] - Today at 4:07 PM
LMAO I told you three times where everything was hoping you'd remember
Was your suggestion to put em in your ride :stuck_out_tongue:

SirCork - Today at 4:08 PM
I'm brilliant, even unconscious!

Then the showdown at sundown happened.

(I stole this photo from @enginewitty)

Paraphrased due to lack of recording:

@lukestokes: Hey SirCork, I'm LukeStokes, I've been looking forward to meeting you, are you going to be a nice guy or be a dick all day?

@SirCork: <no hesitation> I'm going to be a dick all day.

Hours of debate later in front of a live, interactive audience on the porch of justice...

then this...

(I stole this photo from @rhondak)

But after all that madness (or genius?), this happened too.

Yeah, nevermind this bit...

(I stole this photo from @enginewitty's post too)

or this bit...

I miss you already Tree, you were so chill! A real old soul. Give me a ring sometime, but don't go out on a limb!

(I just stole this photo, ain't sayin' where, cause um, satire rights!)

[EDIT AFTER POST: Gifted with "Unintended Poetry by @DamianJayClay of @theWritersBlock community]

BigBadBear[@damianjayclay] - Today at 4:36 PM
Cork Made Friends With a Tree

That tree stood by me
better than any
of my former Wives.

I remember turning around,
burping up a tomato,
and falling out.
Next up, being fireman-carried
to the yard, and left on my own,
which meant immediate tree,
then wide angled walking
to reach the truck.

You got a resusable, washable,
microwaveable corky cup out of the deal.

I recall the door,
and the key at my aunts,
two locks,
it was the second one of course.

Then i woke up
and couldn't find
my phone, bag,
computer, guitar...


Found 'em.

Less panic.

So that all happened.
Steem Witness Team #64 in partnership with @RhondaK
See all our stuff on our contribution link dashboard at http://steem.agency

(Damn you @enginewitty)


EPIC!!!!!!! Oh my gosh. . .I've hurt myself laughing all over again.

Actually, I did laugh more at this meetup than I've laughed in a long time. And @lukestokes has a killer sense of humor. THANK GOD.

I had an interesting side chat with @lukestokes and @steemcafe prior to when he said was going to leave the first time. Not only does he have a great sense of humor I think he has learned a diplomatic level most people will never get to. To hear him describe the way him and his wife resolve conflicts was a an eye opener for me.

Shame I was such a dick all day. I think we should have thrown me out at the very beginning.

This is great. Loved the recap cork. Here, let me recap your recap:

half the people at this party couldn't talk, and the other half couldn't either

Bwa ha ha!

That tree stood by me
better than any
of my former Wives

Also, Bwa ha ha!

Give me a ring sometime, but don't go out on a limb!

Meh. But also bwa ha ha ha.

two out of tree ain't bad.


also :kneeslap:

Man, sorry to miss out on all that fun! I'm glad y'all had a blast though! "All's well that makes a good story in the end!"

LOL this cracked me up as for you and thee tree reminds me of an old saying

In days of old when men were bold and woman werent invented

Men drilled holes in telephone poles and stood there quite contented

hahahaha good one.

hAHAHA....That was such a funny post. . . sounds like u had helluva of fun in Tennessee! lol

Definitely so!

I so very nearly missed this post, and then @zen-art so very Kindly shared it out in her Shout Out Saturdays post.

This looks like you all had an incredible time for the meet up, and I had no idea you were an Arborist - is there literally no end to the talents of @sircork quite amazing.


There's a difference between getting drunk and getting alcohol poisoning because I fasted for a few days and then only ate broth and vegetables for a few days after that right before drinking. I was stupid. Won't happen again.

Nice memes though. My face is more "try to smile while eating a big bite of food."

I'm glad I heard your side of many stories, and I hope my advice didn't fall on deaf ears. The words you use matter and the feelings of others matter also. Just like Ben Franklin eventually figured out in order to be more effective in his community, words matter. Treating people with respect and kindness is not capitulating to their character flaws.

I'm glad that tree was there for you and that I left before all that excitement went down. :)

I'm looking forward to having you on my show in a couple weeks! (actually, we still need to set a date, I think). I'll tell Cork to be a nice audience boy so we can have some fun.

Cork will do as he wills, as far as I've seen. I just hope he wills being nice to people because he cares about them (not because of what he can gain from them).

Looking forward to the show. :)

I think he’s like me in that regard: I absolutely cannot affect a false pretense even to get something I want very badly. As the director of a nonprofit, this has worked against me many times when it comes to fundraising. But I just can’t do it. I see a lot of similarities between me and Cork and I don’t think he is any more capable of guile than I am. Lots of righteous indignation, though. Thing about that is, just because one is entitled to feel righteous indignation doesn’t mean that expressing it is going to do them any favors. I joined this witness partnership knowing exactly what I was getting into. Eyes wide open. But I also hope that over time, we find a different kind of pace to set as a team that is more productive than either one of us can be independently. If that means moderating personality styles, I think Cork and I both have it in us to do it.

I know he appreciated having a long discussion with you. It meant a lot to him that you would take the time to do that, not just for the sake of an audience, but for the sake of brass tacks. I know he was able to discuss some stuff with you that a lot of guys won't do. Can't speak for him, but I think he respects you more after that. Wish I could have been there.

P.S. Who did your portrait? It's pretty good.

Gain from them? I literally give EVERYTHING away and spend around 140+ hours a week here coaching, counseling, teaching, advising, helping and growing our users capabilities and understandings.

Yeah I'm angry, cause most of our top 20 witnesses are incredibly out of touch with what goes on with the user communities on this platform of all types, and this kind of remark completely demonstrates that.

sigh but hey, you've got 10K posts, right? LOL "engaged"

I speak for the people Luke, You speak pretty much for you, cause your feelz or something, I don't even know what.

Not to mention I got a lot more people I'm nice to, than one's I'm not nice to, so perhaps those on the short list should look within and around more often, and the rest should continue to be the awesome people they are. :D

Ask the people you are closest with, the ones you trust, if you have room to grow and change or whether or not it's just everyone else. If you listened closely during our discussion, many agreed with me that it's not just everyone else and a lot of it is you. That's tough truth, but there it is. Don't take it from me, but ask them and honestly listen.

But if you enjoy being angry, there's nothing anyone can do about that. I've put in my 2 cents and then some on what I think would help you and the community you lead to be more effective. Take it for what it's worth.

I chose my words carefully based on our actual conversation. You said you are not nice to certain people because you have nothing to gain from them. Those were your words. My remark has nothing to do with the community and everything to do with you as an individual and how you choose to treat people.

You speak pretty much for you, cause your feelz or something, I don't even know what.

I have over 5,000 witness votes and am regularly communicating with many people on this platform. Just because it hasn't happened yet in your specific Discord world to your satisfaction, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I'd be happy to join up and talk more there, but not if I'm just going to be discounted and discredited as you are attempting to do in this comment. Making false claims about me speaking for myself for "feelz or something" doesn't help your argument but makes you look petty. Please, don't revert back to this language because you didn't use it when we spoke face to face. Be the same person offline and online and not just based on who happens to be in the audience.

I'm speaking exactly the same way online and offline, and the same people are still beside me.

Thing is, you are putting words in my mouth, like you've tried to twice with the one-voter/sybal topic for example, not listening, just resorting to the same old pat answers.

You can go on playing the "good guy", that's a much easier sale than real accountability or conviction or truth most of the time, and it's easy to get applause with it.

As for me? I know what I do, how I do it, what I get done and what my peers get done, I know my name is all over the platform because of what I do, and I know the sentiment with which I am greeted everywhere is completely positive ... except in one certain powerful circle, which is pretty much exactly on fricking purpose, and obvious without a shadow of a doubt, because those are the people that are afraid of people like me, and others like me, of which there are more than you want to admit, who are unhappy with the way the old guard has let the platform evolve, and we're coming up to change it.

Like it or not, and I suspect you don't like it. Some of your peers definitely do not, especially as more people become aware of who is who.

Happy to see that report you make show an increase in voting. I attribute that directly to awareness efforts begun and continued since months ago now by @shadowspub, @enginewitty, @ura-soul,@anarcho-andrei, @guiltyparties, @ancapbarbie, @katrina-ariel, @sargento, @battleaxe and so many others who also chimed in with posts and attendance at all the witness forums which were truly open invitation, non-exclusive events.

You'll recognize those names as my peers on #TeamGood - our universal call sign for change in regime.

You can be nice all day. The mass of the community is waking up to who does what with what effects and results for THEM.

Just because it makes you or others I take on uncomfortable, well, that might be for a solid reason or two...

Boys boys boys. Settle down. Cork, don't get so defensive. It's not a flattering color on you. Luke, we all know you had to bite your tongue over the weekend and behave very diplomatically. No sense in undoing that now.

You guys both do a lot for the platform. If you wanna do a pissing contest, then put it on the air, on my show. I'd be happy to schedule a legitimate debate.

Bring it on the air and handle it like real men. Luke is coming on in a couple weeks and I plan on it being a pleasant and lighthearted show, sipping lemonade on the porch sort of thing.

We could turn it into a witness deathmatch then, but I'd rather sip lemonade with Luke and schedule a different day. Up to you guys. But I think you both are legitimately brilliant. And I'd love to see a proper duel about ACTUAL issues at some point soon.

I spoke the same way in person and didn't hold back at all. IMO, I used the same language then as I am now. Those who were there can decide if I'm mistaken.

There's not much to debate. Cork is upset at people he feels wronged by. That doesn't have much to do with me. I suggested (and still do) he take a different approach in communication to care about the people he talks to instead of intentionally pushing buttons because he sees their offense as character flaws. I think that will help him and the community he's building. He disagrees. That's pretty much it.

The in-person discussion was pretty intense. I'm not upset.

I think you both have a point. He's upset by some wrongs that seem pretty serious. On the other hand, perhaps he could take a gentler approach.

Either way, are you saying you don't want to do a legit duel on the air? I'll keep it fair. :D

The tree supports me, and it's got solid roots. ;)

Translation: "I heard you, Luke, but I will never admit it."

(You know we love you, Cork. . . )

Translation, the people around me at that table nodding affirmatively when I spoke are my roots, my families across so many communities, now that I am a man mostly without a country of his own in life. That tree stands strong. That tree is the branches of this vast platform, and from what I can see, it's largely holding me up, and in return, i'll lend it a hand to steady itself too. It's rough work, for tough people. this kind of forestry. But I know I've got people for when things get tough.

Okay. Now I am in tears. ❤️

Cork, you and Luke are being petty and boring. You need to do a legitimate duel on my show. This is lame. Let's talk about REAL issues. See above comment to Luke.

Ain't skeered. Schedule it. I'm on the air for this two or three times a week already, with 23 weeks of standing open invitations published all over the chain. It's been fun, but we can always do more.

lol I think that last pic says it all!

Bwahahahaha! Good recount of the events that you remembered.

That's pretty much the size of it.

I wonder how much of it he remembers without the video evidence ... :P

Lmao right? When he actually blacked out is a real good question🤣😂

Fun reas, and really looking forward to your Hots or Shots episode! Did all of you know eachother before Steemit, or did some of you meet through your work on the platform? Pretty cool to see witnesses meeting up in person. It would be great to have general, local Steemit meetups... You've inspired an idea! -R

We all met here, but I have met @rhondak in person a couple times before this weekend because we live in the same state.

It was a riot of a weekend.

Very cool. Glad to see the Steemit community getting together irl

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