Joined the #thealliance last week. Im playing in the playground this week #415

Righto, so it has been 1 week from i made my application post to join #thealliance. I have seen a few of the #steemsilvergold members are linked with this tag and its seems to only produce great contact. For me, when i see someone using the # thealliance banner and i know they are a member, i instantly think that these are people who have upped there game and are some of steemit best content producers. I might be way off on that, but becoming a full member is not as easy as just asking are making a few decent post. I knew at least that much before i applied.

(Thanks @enginewitty for picture)

I joined up with the discord application server at first to see what the criac was. In the general section i got speaking to a chap called carmalain7. He told me that i needed to make an application post and post the url into discord. He gave me a link the a sign process post which explained that after the application was reviewed the result would be either rejected, sent the class are sent to the playground.

  • Rejected means, bad luck try again.
  • Sent to class means you have to make some improvement's to your post content under the watchful eye of teachers @topkpop, @avesa, @katrina-ariel and @ameliabartlett.
  • Sent to the playground means you have content that meets their standards. This seems to be the place were you have to prove yourself over the long term. This server is watched over by @tattoodjay, @saffisara and @c0ff33a.
  • After that, Full member of #thealliance

    (Thanks to @theallinace for the picture)

I did that and around 3-4 days later, i noticed i was added to a new server called 'the playground' and it had replaced the 'application center' server that was there before. In this server, i have to interact with others members in chat and post up my steemit post urls in a special section to be sort of reviewed. Anyone commenting back to me on the discord server seems to be saying nice things which is cool but apart from that i dont see much else to do.
It's a little confussing to be honest, i cant seem to find any 1 post that outlines the project as a whole. From chatting with other members on their discord servers, i gather its a very strong community and very well built. I would hope someday to to add a few features that they have to our own #steemsilvergold discord group. As far as incentives, im not really seeing any. There has to be a reason why people put so much time into the group. Maybe #stemsilvergold has spoiled me are im a complete retard but im not seeing anything here that is going to help me on the steemit ladder. I see that they are very focused on content and training about how to do curation and i would be proud to be a full member. Maybe that what it's about. 100% community

I think that when i am a full member and i can display the banners and find my place within the community, i sorta get an invisible plus beside my name. Like i said at the beginning, to me it shows that person has gone through the whole process and you know that they will produce good content and be community driven.

Some of my Recent Posts

*** #SteemSilverGold Membership and Voting List UPDATES***
------- Reevaluating your Silver Stack ------
** Silver PORN silver Unboxing Post **
------ #steemsilvergold Feb crypto group buy - Biclave ------

Any questions, comment below and ask. If you enjoyed the post, please dont forget to upvote this and follow me @silverstackeruk


Welcome UK!

Thanks dude. I think i need to grind it out and build some status are something. Happy to be aboard

Slow n steady wins the race!

Hi! I saw your post link in the playground!! I applied a few days ago! Nice to meet you!

I think one of the great incentives for joining the alliance is their focus on family and support for one another. I don't even care if it gets me more upvotes. I also saw in a previous alliance article that once they reach their desired amount of people, they will close the door to further applicants, so it's great that we got in when we could - it will only get better from here!! Hopefully we'll be accepted into the castle soon. This is a great outline of what a person can expect when they apply! Upvoted and resteemed! 😊

Thanks alot for the great comment.

I have seen your username on the discord chat :)

I look forward to our future interactions.

The Mothership is coming...

Where does it take us thedamus?

Think Stax, but a big fucking spaceship with an upvote photon canon that blows members posts away with huge votes as it sequentially works through the list... nothing, nothing, nothing...still nothing, and then BOOM!!! I think is the idea here 💥💥

Oh right, so its just a number game and you wake up one day are get from work and basically shit yourself from getting a surprise. Thanks sounds pretty cool. Spaceships are ok.

Thanks for the info bro

Who doesn’t like spaceships?

Good to see you join @silverstackeruk!

I might go after metals mefia next and look into that.

to me being in the playground is to see how you interact with people in general, totally my take on it.

The more you interact the more Steemit becomes about more than making money.......a thought many cannot see the benefits of, sadly.

again, just my take on it...... but as you is a bit vague on what we are to do.....but that can tell a lot about a person too :D

I understand what you are saying. I am trying to understand the great attraction to the tag.

I do alot of community posts for the #steemsilvergold stacking group and hope/think i would find a place within any community i join. I run the discord server for the stacking group so im here there most days and have the advice from other members is very handy.

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my post. 😎

Sorry I have been swamped and not on discord or the playground as much as I should, thealliance is different from steemsilvergold which I only know from the outside but i see the support and commuityon there but as I only have 3 pieces of silver so far and am still learning i havent joined that

But i digress back to the alliance, it differed from steemsilvergold in one big way there is a clear focus on stacking with that group whereas thealliance has a wide variety of interests and post types which for some may be a plus for some a minus. But we have a wonderful sense of community and I think you will see that more when you get upgraded to the core which just takes a little time we want to make sure the people added to the core interact back and forth with people, sadly there are some who feel my posts are good enough people should interact with me and I dont need to reciprocate and that I think is what we are trying to filter out.

Very soon and I am talking days or hours there will be a community account which will be supporting members but from what I have seen it will not be of the scale of the silvergoldbotty for a while but it may grow to somehting like that

Any questions feel free to ask either here or in discord chat

Thank you very much for taking the time to write me detailed reply.

That's pretty much the answer i was after. That is sort of what i was thinking in the back my mind. I already interact a few alliance members daily through steemsilvergold but i think i would need to be doing more than that and dig into the tag itself. Longterm is cool with me, i understand the importance of consistency. I hope to someday get to this core you spoke of, its sounds like a nice place to be.

I will be discord more at the weekends, during the week life sorta takes over and i have to get things done quickly. Thank you once again for taking to time to answer that for me.

No problem or need for thanks I am sporadic on discord depending on what’s going on but try to check in now and again

I hope our paths cross sometime later again 😎

Take care until then

I can appreciate your confusion because the whole system underwent a massive restructure a few weeks ago and everyone is still trying to work out what to do. @tattoodjay covered everything really, you are at the stage now where interaction with other members is just checked. This is a diverse group of content creators, and as such it might not suit everyone. Personally I have enjoyed discovering new content I would never have dreamed at looking at before, Freewriters and Poets - these particularly I would not have even looked at before joining - now I am hooked. But I also understand everyone has their own direction, there are plenty of stackers in the group but you would have to reach out and look to other content to give back what others can give you.

Sound advice buddy, thank you.

I have been thinking about doing some posts about poker and i dip in and out of doing 420 posts. Joining up with the alliance is my first step to spreading my wings, as it were. My whole 7 months on steemit so far had been on steemsilvergold and it went be time to branch out.

Thanks for taking the time man.

You have received an upvote from STAX. Thanks for being a member of the #steemsilvergold community and opting in (if you wish to be removed please follow the link). Please continue to support each other in this great community. To learn more about the #steemsilvergold community and STAX, check this out.

There is a weekly publication called Eyes On that describes it before going into updates and the curation. Glad you here tho, you're inches out 😎

Someone on thealliance discord give me link to one of those.

I first looked into the group after i saw that armshippie made member of the week. I alwasy knew about it, never thought about becoming a member. Seems that its gonna take a little longer to get there fully but im in no hurry anyways,

Steem On,

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