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RE: #thealliance Trail

in #thealliance6 years ago

I have quite a portly belly now, and moobs - does that qualify me for a heavy manual curator?

The auto vote does work well to fill in gaps when we are busy are just can not find the time to visit posts, and it let's you reach a wider group manually visiting would never be possible.

But it important to fill in, take the time to really appreciate posts and give appropriate upvotes - and of course comment. The comment is king, and for many worth far more reward then the upvote itself.

We had a really good discussion in #thealliance playground a few weeks back, and I was really encouraged by the comments that for some posting on here is more about developing their writing skills and learning, so the comments mean far more then the upvote value - real encouraging comments that help the post writer improve.

We have to balance our time, and share it out where we can. As I family I feel we have some of the hardest working and creative posters Steemit has to offer - but to retain them we need to keep encouraging them, it is easy for many to run out of vote power, personally and I think this will resonate with many - if you can not upvote still try to read and comment - just knowing someone read and appreciated often means far more to the creator then any upvote value.

I still find on a daily basis really excellent posts, they have obviously been worked very hard on deserve to be seen and enjoyed - but for no fault of the author they just get missed. So many people on Steemit are creating great content but feeling nobody likes it - so many would but the simple fact is so much is missed - lost in the constant stream of posts and our own busy lives.

We need now more then ever to help each other, when you find a post you enjoy share it - resteem or use discord channels - tell people this wonderful post you enjoyed exists. It will help every one of use long term, every single person creating content on here is a cog in the Steemit blockchain - if they feel undervalued or ignored they will leave and without people posting this platform we love will crumble and die.

I know you all now, and so many of you I consider good friends. I try my own best to spread around and visit you all one way or another. But you are many and I have only a few hours per day, help each other - find your groups your niche and encourage and grow each other.

#thealliance #witness



I jusst...
I am heading out for a night of obscenely heavy drinking.
I kinda need to erase that... at all costs.


... and now, those Mai Tai's were an utter and completely waste.

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MOOBS omg man, I can't stop laughing! One thing I have already set on the docket for HF20 is that for a resteem, we will get to write WHY we resteemed a post. Just a short synopsis for our followers to encourage them to visit a post more. Should help quite a bit for people to get noticed more easily.

Do you even know how much work that will create for me? Damn, I resteem every post and now I will have to leave an extra comment saying why.

I've been HOPING for this forever!
Since at least the early 80's. (or, you know... last fall)

That's a great point and I usually gives comments on all posts I resteem.. Admit I have missed some but I think it's important to let the person know how much I enjoyed the post and why... Just a few words usually makes a huge difference 😉
And it is the best part... Getting comments and giving em. And read posts

personally and I think this will resonate with many - if you can not upvote still try to read and comment - just knowing someone read and appreciated often means far more to the creator then any upvote value.

Thankyou buddy for such an in depth Comment. And what you say above I totally concur. I do like Upvotes like everybody but the sincere and thoughful Comments mean more to me. It means we are engaging with each other and supporting one another and producing Content that wants to be read by others. To me this is how we keep this Platform growing :)

Btw, if anyone wants to see the model example of what it means to leave Comments of substance that ADD to the discussion just look right above with @c0ff33a :)

I was doing SO well at manual curation, commenting a LOT, reading a LOT, etc, until I had to start working outside the house. Then I just ran out of time, energy, emotional... everything. I am thrilled at having the manual thing to at least fill in the gaps. I'm hoping I can manage to pause it soon and get back to 100% manual, though!!

Wow! Again wow... And then... Wow 😉
Well said and I agree with you 100 procent. Engaging and supporting is soo important, to let people know you were there, appreciated their post and leave a comment of encouragement. May not seem like much but speaking of my own personal experience it means the world.
And like you say, that makes people stay when they get the credit they deserve for their hard work. As always amazing comment. 🤗👏

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