No More Bots!

in #thealliance5 years ago

So Sayeth The Empire

And so, 72 hours from now, to spare you from any heartache and disgust by the #newsteem advisory board of dictators, we have decided to shut the bot aspect of this account down for the time being. Any bids sent after that will be considered thank you gifts and will not be refunded. Maybe bidbots will resurface in the future, who knows? We have built up an effective amount of SP to curate with thanks to all you lovely users of our service and delegators!

So We Have Decided

Feel free to pull your delegations and use them elsewhere. For anyone that wishes to remain a delegator, we will implement a 'free of charge' service for delegators to receive votes once per day based on their percentage of total SP to the account until we decide on a better direction. If you are a member of #thealliance, we are working on some kind of fun bot for the fam for it to be turned into. Thank you all for helping us while you did!

🧠Zombie Tip #5 from @thealliance.
Latest Post from #thealliance website.

Want to join us? Please read this first.
Want to support the fam too? You can -
Join #thealliance curation trail!
Delegate to the family curation account - @thealliance!
50SP - 100SP - 500SP - 1000SP - 5000SP - 10,000SP - 50,000SP

#thealliance new pagebreak.png

because I can - So Can WE
Vote Witty

Is Voting WITNESSES difficult?
Let me do it for you!
Set me as your PROXY VOTER!

Manual curator for @innerblocks, @tipu and @helpie
@snook made this badass gif


@untersatz curate 100

Posted using Partiko iOS

Upvoted 👌

Powered by witness untersatz!

What's this then? DM on that man😎

It’s magic !giphy mind+blown

Posted using Partiko iOS

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Do you have the GitHub link for this bot 😉

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sounds good to me. May as well redirect the funds to reward those who banded together to help the fam in the first place. Change is the only constant, right?

Indeed it is sweets, indeed it is.

I haven’t seen you in some time..... how are you? 👋🏽

Hi! Good to see you, too! I'm good. Been writing my manuscripts and being mommy. If only there were more hours in the day, eh? ;)

Wait, we had a bot? I had no idea. Or am I just completely oblivious to these things?

(Possibly the latter is true)

😂 I didn’t know there was a bot either.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Should come to the family time if you still up later, I'll go over alliance bot history for ya 😘

I hear ya and I guess it is what it is right 😜
I Will keep my deligation for a while tho and if it keep sleeping atleast it wont starve 😁 lol
I love our family and whatever I can do to help is what I want to do ❤️
Thank you for always looking out for us 🌹

Posted via

Oooh Marlians! Send me your actual Marlians link, I think I'm curator for them 😎

I made my first post there yesterday 😜 lol
If witty says its good then I know you usually right... Lol

Well, I guess that is that. We've slowly had to change things we do too. I'm trying not to feel bullied by the enforcers of new steem. But dang. I really don't like people telling me or anyone else what we can and can't do. The "do it our way or else" mentality is a hard one for me to grasp. I understand why you had to make the call though, and I support you either way!

Most appreciated sweets :)

Down with the bot’s , long live manual curation. I will leave my delegation in place because I know you will do something awesome with it.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Very good sir, thanks for the information!

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