100 DAYS OF STEEM - THE DIARY GAME - 20th June. My peasant adventure. DAY 10.


Good morning to all my friends.😊
I have been on Steemit since 2017 and like many I have had difficulties on the platform because it is not easy to point out your posts and also receive a gratification through the upvotes.
But I tried never to give up and when it happened in the end I always started writing again.
But lately I started following projects on the platform that encouraged me to continue and be more involved, until 10 days ago seeing a @steemitblog post I was curious about "The Diary Game" and I started to participate in the contest.

And everything changed for me.
In addition to being financially gratified, it's nice to feel part of a group that shares your same purpose and above all is friendly and welcoming.
I finally feel satisfied because what I write is appreciated.
So if you feel discouraged because you don't see results then try taking a look at @steemitblog
Or you can read my 10th entry to 100 DAYS OF STEEM - The Diary Game. 😊

Remember the only think to do is writing a Daily Diary of your life, there is also the possibility to win a big final prize but for more detailed info read here.

Now it's time to start my day. 😁
My day always starts after a good breakfast to get the right positive charge.
Usually while my more and more teenage daughters - one aged 12 and the other 14 - sleep late according to them by right acquired because they finished school; I do some house cleaning.
Instead this morning the housework will have to wait because I promised my mother to take care of her garden while she is not there today.
So I have to hurry to reach her house to arrive in time to water the garden.
Yes, because you have to water it before the sun comes and it's too hot.
However at 8.30 is my idea of the right time.😬


Clearly, then, I took some time to document my work through photos.
We must always take every opportunity to make some shots.😂😉
However still the plants are young, the lettuce is growing.


Chives also grow, and as you get closer to the plant you can even smell a little bit.
My mother planted it under the olive tree because its smell drives away insects and parasites. However, it is also an ingredient useful for flavoring many recipes.


Even the tomato plant is young, however, it promises an abundant harvest in a few weeks.🤔


This small olive tree this year anticipated its small production of olives given the very mild climate of this winter.
Unfortunately, although many want to deny the problem of climate change, it is now there for all to see.
My region in central-southern Italy, Lazio has a Mediterranean climate, but it is changing, winter is slow to arrive and it is a few weeks cold, on the other hand it makes disasters with unexpected floods or hailstorms in the spring ruining agriculture.
We will probably have to learn to adapt to increasingly uncertain seasons.


I close with the topic "vegetable garden" with the protagonist of the Italian tables, used on everything the Basil.
We love basil on pizza margherita, on pasta with tomato sauce and on raw tomatoes seasoned with a little extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of salt.

In short, I did my homework, I should have satisfied my mother.
My peasant adventure for an hour ends here.
But I liked it, it's nice to take care of a vegetable garden, you can even disconnect for a while from the life of the city and where you always have to queue, stay in traffic, do everything in a hurry.
I regenerated myself a little.
I already know when I got home to find everything how I left it, my daughters included who are surely still sleeping.

The rest of my day took place at home between houseworks and meal preparation until my daily moment of relaxation where, among other things, I dedicate myself to reading some interesting posts on Steemit and there are really many.

Thanks for stopping by here.♥️

Content and Pictures are mine, I edit the images using Pixlr Editor tool.

Join The Diary Games soon, there are many Steems up for grabs.


Thank you for taking part in the latest 100 Days of Steem Challenge.

Keep following @steemitblog for new challenges every week.

The Steemit Team

Ciao caro amico @mikitaly, sono felice di sapere che anche tu stai giocando al gioco dei diari su Steemit. Piacere di conoscerti. Viviamo in un bellissimo paese con te, L'Italia. Mi chiamo Natalia. Sono russa, ma vivo in Italia da oltre 7 anni. La mia città si chiama Ivrea, dove il grande Camillo Olivetti visse e lavorò. E nel 2018, La mia città ha ricevuto lo status di patrimonio DELL'UNESCO, grazie ai meriti di Olivetti. E anche la mia città è famosa per il suo Carnevale Storico "La battaglia delle arance". Ho un marito, dei figli e dei nipoti. Scrivo attivamente su Steemit perché mi piace questa piattaforma. È vero, per lo più amici con i partecipanti di lingua russa. Tutti tengono attivamente i loro diari. Vediamo, come possiamo espandere il pubblico di Steemit in Italia? Come dobbiamo agire per far venire qui gli italiani? Purtroppo non ho molti amici qui, solo i membri della mia famiglia. E ora ci sono ancora restrizioni a causa del coronavirus. Ma in autunno inizierò a coinvolgere i partecipanti su Steemit. Ho delle idee per attirare i giovani. Ora ho scoperto che c'è una registrazione istantanea su Steemit e questo semplifica notevolmente la procedura. E ' fantastico! Facciamo amicizia e ci aiutiamo a vicenda per invitare nuovi membri a Steemit! Inviterò anche i miei amici russi che ora vivono in diversi paesi del mondo. Finché. Ti auguro una buona settimana e buona fortuna nel concorso " gioco dei diari" Ciao, Natalia

Leggi, per favore questo articolo di @steemitblog e @steemcurator01, potresti partecipare anche tu: https://steemit.com/the100daysofsteem/@steemitblog/100-days-of-steem-day-81-monday-challenge-who-s-playing-the-diary-game-in-your-country

Ciao Natalia grazie per avermi scritto. Io sono Michela e mi fa davvero piacere conoscerti. Io ho iniziato da poco a scrivere su The Diary Game e mi piace molto questa iniziativa perché da l'opportunità a chi partecipa di valorizzare i propri post. Steemit ultimamente ha avuto qualche problema ma sono sicura che le cose andranno sempre meglio e tornerà ad essere la piattaforma forte di un tempo. Sarebbe bello trovare altri italiani ma non è semplice, proverò anch'io a contattare un po'di amici e spiegargli come funziona una piattaforma basata su Blockchain e quanti vantaggi ci può offrire. Un abbraccio. Michela.

Ciao Michela, come stai? Piacere mio. Sono molto contenta che mi hai risposto. Si d'accordo, faremo per lo Steemit una promozione da parte nostra.
Buona giornata, Michela!

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