6/16/2020 Entry to the Steemit Diary Game - Pool Party!

in #the100daysofsteem4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone! Sorry that this entry for yesterday is a little late, but it has been a busy week to say the least. What you are reading originates in a dimension as vast as space, and as timeless as infinity; this diary is being written in THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

Cue eerie music

I just felt I would reference that show after a discussion I had yesterday where I was left with the impression that Hollywood Studio's Tower of Terror should be redone (or already was). That show is so good, and deserves to be remembered!

Anyway, let's get into yesterday's entry.

My Life

Man was yesterday a busy day. I started off right from the bat needing to write two articles. I first wrote the Steem Greet rules, and then wrote my diary entry. I woke up at 10am, and it took me until like 12:30pm to finish all of that up. I then practiced piano for the song my beautiful girlfriend Emma and I are doing for Music for Steem this week (gonna record that today).

At some point in the morning, one of my friends (who I made a Steem Account for a while back) messaged me that he has been reading my diary entries, and that he intends to join the diary game when he gets a laptop next week. Look out for when I resteem that!

At 1:10pm, I left for wawa to buy lunch. You may think that I go to WaWa too much, but I promise that you would too if you knew what WaWa was. Also, being lactose intolerant in quarantine, it has been a while since I have had fast food that wasn't a hamburger. I am just catching up!

I was late getting to Emma's house yesterday :(. I was supposed to get there at 1:30pm, but I was a few minutes late. We were going to drive to our friend Bridget's house for a socially distanced pool party, but first, I took a trip to the bank (which I had thought I would have time to do on my way to Emma's). I deposited some money, and then we drove to Bridget's house.

When we got there, we all applied sunscreen, and I had to be the first to jump in to tell them that it was warm enough to go in. Let's just say I may have lied. I don't really have a problem with just diving into water no matter the temperature, but Emma needed a while to get adjusted. I tried to help her stay warm by giving her a hug. The problem was I was soaking wet.

We first played a game where you jump off of the diving board, and someone shouts an animal for you to portray mid air.

We then played a swimming game. This game was to give an acronym for the title of a movie, and give clues to what the movie is. If you know, you swim to the other side of the pool and tag the wall. If you are correct, you get to give the next movie. A highlight of this was when our friend said:

"It's title is T G, and it follows a man in New York city."

I swam as fast as possible to the other end of the pool, and said "THE GRINCH". I am still really angry that that was not correct.

Another highlight was when someone asked what a good movie is, and I said "Oh! You should do The Little Mermaid."

They didn't do it.

The next time I was up, I said "The acronym is T L M." Several people swam to the other end of the pool and guessed The Little Mermaid. They were incorrect. I was talking about The Lego Movie.

In all, that game taught me that my friends and I do not watch a lot of the same movies. A lot of what they hinted at, I had never heard of.

After that, Emma, my friend, and I played a game called Horse. The object of this game is to score a basket. If you do, everyone else has to take the same shot. We played it in the pool. Unlike the last time Emma and I played, I actually won this time. To be fair, I made them take a lot of shots from areas where I could stand and they couldn't. I will acknowledge, there was a point where I was losing pretty badly.

After doing that, I tried to teach one of my friends how to play horse shoes (since they had a horse shoe area). I told him how to throw it, and then tried to demonstrate. Yesterday taught me that throwing metal horseshoes is not the same as throwing wooden ones. Neither of us could reach the other peg.

Then we played Cornhole, and Emma and I got shut out twice. I am not the best at throwing things. I feel bad about how much dead weight I was for our team.

Then Pizza came, and we ate (minus me of course due to lactose intolerance). I was also given a mountain dew to drink, so I drank a bottle of mountain dew for the first time in a while. I had stopped because it was screwing up my sleep schedule. I thought one bottle at 4pm wouldn't kill my sleep schedule. We also got this picture:


After that, some of us got back in the pool. My friend and I shot basketballs from the floaties. We both missed a lot, and had trouble navigating to pick the balls back up. Here's a picture we got:


After that, we played the alphabet game. In this game, you go in a circle creating a story using the letters of the alphabet. We learned a little about Anthony.

At 6:30pm, Emma and I left. We drove to WaWa so I could buy dinner. I know it seems that I have an addiction, but I would call it an undying love.

On the way home, I stopped to get a picture of the beautiful landscape:


When I got home, I listened to music for a bit while I ate. At 8pm, our role playing group met for the second time. I am going to continue to summarize what happened for the group as well as you.

Call of Cthulhu: The Cabin and the Camp

To read what happened last, see this post.

When we left off, our characters were resting in a clearing with another party. In the morning, we parted ways, and we headed for Sidney Harris' cabin. We came to a fork in the road, and saw a truck driven down the road. We discussed several methods of forcing the truck to stop; these methods ranged from shooting the driver to sticking a sharp object in its path. I reminded the group that the truck would probably stop if we stood in the middle of the road, so we did, and it stopped.

We asked its driver named Richard about the Blue Light we had seen the night before. He said he didn't know anything about that, and that he was going to a nearby camp. He told us that it was to the right if we wanted to join him, and drove away.

We knew that the cabin was north, and that the camp was east, and we debated about going to the cabin or the camp. I reminded the group that our goal is to find the kidnapped Jane Stone, and that she was more likely to be at the cabin, so we went to the cabin. When we got there, we found a man impaled by a tree. We inspected the body, and learned that his name was Hobbs, and that he was in his twenties, and had been dead for about a day.

All of a sudden, a gunshot came from the cabin giving Emma a major wound. She fell down prone on the ground. One of our group members recommended the man who had fired as Sidney Harris, and tried to persuade him to stop shooting since they knew each other. Harris was in some kind of trance, and refused. He cocked the gun, and fired again. Another member of our group decided to distract Harris while someone else ran in. The plan worked, and the person incapacitated Harris by punching a bullet wound he received from someone shooting him.

I ran in, and tied him up with my rope. I then revived him, and we questioned him about everything. Unfortunately, Harris wasn't making sense of anything, and a moment later he died (likely due to the method I used to revive him).

We then decided to go to the camp. At the camp, we were met by a guard. We learned that the camp was a mining operation run by Stone. We asked the guard about the blue light, but he said he didn't know anything. Emma was able to perceive that he was lying. We persuaded him to take us to his foreman, and when we saw the foreman, we used Emma's injury as a method of removing the guard. He was supposed to take her to somewhere she could rest. We then questioned the foreman, but we told him that the guard had told us that they had seen the blue light, too. The foreman dodged the question, and offered to give us a tour. We accepted, and he took us to the mess hall. He tried to force us to enter first, but we persuaded him to enter first. We had to make a decision about entering or leaving. I advocated to not enter because it seemed like a trap, but we decided to enter in the end.

When we enter, the lights went out, and two guards came in along with two monstrous looking creatures. Several of us readied our weapons, and shot at the foreman. We managed to kill them, but one of the monsters named Turner had incredible skill with magic. He fatally wounded one of our members, and I had to immediately apply first aid to keep them from dying. We were given the option to surrender, and accept their ideology. They seemed to be a cult. I advocated to surrender and fight from the inside. The group did not like that idea. We continued to fight.

Slowly, our group was either knocked unconscious, or tied up. In the end, I was the only one left able to move, and three of our enemies were still perfectly healthy. I wanted to run, and I told the group I thought it was the only wise option in the scenario. Even if I got a really lucky shot, there was no way I could take out three people. The group told me to try to untie one of them, and I hesitantly agreed. I had a critical failure, and wound up incapacitated.

When we woke up, we were all tied up in a room. We saw Emma and Jane strong as well as several others. One of us managed to break free, and untie me so that I could heal the member of our group who was fatally wounded. Now they hopefully wont die.

That is where we left off.

Back to our regularly scheduled program

At around 10pm, Emma and I played some minecraft. We sadly lost, but we are getting better. In our last game, one of the teams decided to hid until everyone's bed was gone. It was really frustrating. We were the second to last team to be killed, and afterwards, we spectated to see what happened. We were so angry about the team that had been scummy and hidden the whole game that I invited the other team left to the party, and gave them information to help them win. The other team had no chance because we kept their enemies informed on everything they did. Revenge was sweet.

At midnight, I attempted to go to bed, but it turns out that mountain dew is not good for me (even at 4pm). I was not able to fall asleep until 4am. I am never drinking caffeine again.

I had hoped to write out my curriculum post, and the sample posts today, but I am out of time and must go. I will see you in the next entry!






Thank you for taking part in The Diary Game on Steem.

Do you always go to the same WaWa? Do you have the same each time?

The Steemit Team

I do always go to the same wawa, and I get a turkey hoagie every time.

A guy from my class actually works there. I forgot to include that. Sorry.

No problem, just curious!

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