in #tenthingschallenge6 years ago (edited)


Image source: here

If by some miracle you’d be able to send yourself a note (a message in a bottle), to the younger you, what would be the top ten advices that you’d give yourself?

Here are the rules:

  • Write down ten things that you wish you knew earlier in life.
  • Use the #tenthingschallenge tag, so that I can see all the posts and check them out
  • Tag 5 people for this challenge

Image source: here

For this challenge I tag the following Steemians: @maverickinvictus, @felobtc, @awakentolife, @shawnmawna and @appiepearl.

Oh, heck, I need to tag more people! So there we go: @c0ff33a, @tattoodjay, @enginewitty, @poetrybyjeremy, @byn, @solarsupermama, @crazybgadventure, @calumam, @snowpea, @rewritesthings, @crosheille and @soyrosa, you're it!

Here's my submission:

  • Everything falls into place
  • Love and forgive yourself
  • Spend more time with your loved ones
  • Listen to your gut, not your brain!
  • Live life by choice, not chance!
  • Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm!
  • Stand up for yourself
  • Never neglect your health (or any dental problem)
  • Happiness and love are a choice. They come in small increments.
  • Strike a balance in life

Anyone can be part of this challenge, so go ahead create your post and tag your friends. It will be interesting to see how much we have or not in common, the lessons we learnt and discover more things about each other.

I look forward to reading your posts! Happy Saturday!

This challenge was created at @maverickinvictus' s suggestion on my previouspost.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to resteemit or upvote it!
Please leave your feedback in the comments, I would love to hear your thoughts!

@2018 LaviPicu aka The Lyme Poet. All rights reserved.

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



  1. Numbers for lotto from the last week
  2. Steemit
  3. Never trusting a fart
  4. pornhub
    5.... idk

Thanks for sharing your list of advices to your younger self!

I like thoughtful challenges like this. The trouble is ... I have to think about them a while and usually the project is written over several days (even weeks) and that's contrary to the way I normally work ... and the artificial urgency Steemit puts behind so much of the effort spent here.

I enjoyed reading your list. (I'll have to work on one of my own ... regardless!!)

I especially resonated to these:

Everything falls into place

It does. Somehow. But I'm always afraid it won't. And some of the turmoil that happens in order for Life to adjust itself so things can fall into place can be real scary.

Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm!

This is one of my major life lessons, and I still don't have it down right. I'm trying my best to work on it. I love the metaphor -- and the concise way this is expressed. I eventually boiled my experiences down to this statement: Don't give yourself away to people who do not value you.

Not nearly as classy as the way you said it. But the thoughts are the same.


Each time I struggled to get something that I really wanted and worked towards making it happen,it never actually happened. Eventually I got tired and I gave up struggling. Then only, I got what I wished for earlier. Throughout time I realized it was a sort of pattern repeating, thus I understood that I needed to stop trying forcing things and wait for them to fall into place. Ever since I adopted this rule, everything worked according to my will. Thanks for stopping by!

Really cool challenge and love your 10 it's lots you wish you could tell your younger self 😉
Have a wonderful Sunday. Cheers!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment! Maybe you'll join the challenge too. Have a great day!

Wow what a great challenge! ❤❤❤

Thanks for stopping by. Hopefully I'll read your list too ;-)

I like some of your ideas from the list, especially taking care of your health.\I would add a few more like, find your passion, don't settle, work your ass off if its what makes you happy, do something instead of regretting not doing it, be bold, the world is a big beautiful place

Thanks for taking the time to read and write some of your tips!

Thanks @lymepoet. I'll have to think about this for a second.

SInce I can't delete it (lol), it will be here for a while, so take your time! Just joking. Thanks for stopping by.

Ahhh those are great things to know at any point in life! Glad you've learned them and cary with you :-)

I'll add your request to my lessons on my writing list and hope I will find 10 I find worth sharing! :D

Nice to see you here! Thanks for considering to join the challenge.

Challenge accepted Lymepoet!

I am looking forward to reading your list.

Your son set out a challenge! How inspirational is he!! I'll be looking forward to do this challenge

Thanks for taking on the challenge!

Such a cool idea of this post and your advice ten points are all spot on

I will give serious thought to joining this challenge

Thank you! I liked your ten points as well!

MY pleasure as you probably guessed I really liked the concept of this challenge so jumpred straight in

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