After you played a game in crowded tennis club, [tennis etiquette]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #tennis6 years ago (edited)

After you played game in crowded tennis club, [tennis etiquette]

original: local tennis club board, 2018.02.24.
steem : steamsteem, 2018.02.26.Mon.19:00 ust+9 (
English translation: 2018.02.28. by steamsteem.


From today, the cold winter seems to be over, and it is spring.

(This is example for a tennis doubles club using 2 courts.)

Years ago when I came to the club for the first time,
someone gave me an advice which seems to be very reasonable,
and now I deliver the idea to all members.

When there are less than 8 people present on a day, it will not apply.
But if there are more than 8 people and 2 courts are over crowded,
then the following will be a good etiquette.

After you finish a game on a court,
even when it seems to you that less than 4 people are waiting for the next game,
please first empty the court with all 4 people together
and visit the waiting room to see who are waiting for the next game,
and then enter the court with 4 people of next turn all together.

After a game,
when only 2 people seem to be in the waiting room,
sometimes 2 remain on the court for the next game
and only 2 leave the court for the exchange.

But there can be more people in the waiting room,
talking each other or hidden in the corner, etc,
and they are forced to lose their turn.

I am not saying that we should make a rule or so,
but it sounds very reasonable, and I post it to share the idea.

Whatever each one do, ignore or follow the idea, it is OK.
But if you think once, it would be good and enough.
If you think against the idea, discussion or refutation are also welcome.

Hope you enjoy tennis this spring, too.


Hope to hear about the situation in your court, club or your country.
Any comment or remark about it is welcome.


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please see below replies, I will try to make such a way.


Woff, woff!

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  • If you're not comfortable to write in Korean, I highly recommend you write your post in English rather than using Google Translate.
    Unfortunately, Google Translate is terrible at translating English into Korean. You may think you wrote in perfect Korean, but what KR Steemians read is gibberish. Sorry, even Koreans can't understand your post written in Google-Translated Korean.
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I sincerely hope that you enjoy Steemit without getting downvotes. Because Steemit is a wonderful place. See? Korean Steemians are kind enough to raise a guide dog(that's me) to help you!

Woff, woff! 🐶

한두 문장이라도 이해가 되게 좀 고쳐줘 봐유.. ^..^

영어는 이해가 되는데, 내용에 동의를 못한다는 말씀이신지..??

아. 한국인이 셨군요!!
장소가 한국이라는 내용이나 한글이 없는것 같아
태그가 잘못된줄알고 가이드를 불렀네요ㅠㅠ


죄송한 마음을 담아 미약하지만 보팅&팔로우 하고갈께요~~

근데 가이드독은 로봇인가요?
부르는 방법은 뭐지요 ??

아. 쓰실때 영문으로만 쓰실경우 한국과 관련있다는 내용이 없으면 외국인이 kr 태그 커뮤니티의 활성화를 이용한 글을 남겼다고 생각해서 스팸으로 알고 저처럼 가이드를 부를 수 있어요.

@krguidedog 에 가시면 자세한 안내가 있습니다^^ 부르는 방법은 제가 위에 댓글로 쓴'전혀이해가안돼!'와 같은 댓글을 남기면 됩니다

알려주신 곳에서 krguidedog 을 어떻게 부르는지 확인했습니다.
부르는 방법이 재미있네요..
무슨 개소리야
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개가 달려온다니.. ㅋㅋ 재미 있네요.

한글로 쓰고 나서 영어공부 좀 하고 있어유..
엉터리 영어로..
사전이라도 한번 뒤져보려고요..

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