Ten fact one lie challenge: Answers (Part 2) 十真一假游戏: 答案篇(下)

in #tenfactsonelie6 years ago (edited)


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Questions post can be found here 问题篇

First part of the answers答案篇(上)

Let’s Continue! 我们继续!

I was once in a fight with someone taller than I was, and I kicked him in the face

I did have a fight with someone, but in a “controlled” environment. It was a regional Taekwondo tournament, and I entered the sparring tournament, which is essentially fighting with another martial artist. The guy was taller than I am (since I am fatter so we are still in the same weight group), and I was losing bad. I did manage to do a high kick which landed on in face just above his chin, which I guess scored me a point. I ended up losing the match but is was the longest four minutes of my life – by the end I was so short of breath from the moving around that my lips was turning slightly blue.

Answer: TRUE





I once slept in the same room with a few hundred other people

I have recently written a post about a Marae at the Tepapa Museum. A real Marae, which is a large meeting hall (therefore a single room of course) is much bigger and can hosts hundred of people. When I was in Year 12 at high school, we had a excursion to an Marae in Rotorua, and for the night, every student who went on the trip, about 200 of us, as well as the class teachers, slept inside the Marae side-by-side in our sleeping bags. I wouldn’t call it magical but it surely was an interesting experience.

Answer: TRUE


我上星期发了关于在威灵顿国立博物馆的小型毛里族堂Marae的帖子。真正的Marae很大,是一个可以容立几百人的大房间。我中六时学校安排了一次Marae 体验,当天晚上我们全班级两百多人加上教师一起拿着睡袋一排排的在Marae里过夜。还是一次挺特别的体验。


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I once took 16 shots of coffee in a day

I have always been a tea person, drinking large cups of milk tea before bed when I was in uni without any ill effect. It was only until recently that I started taking social coffees as a way to relieve the stressed situations happening at my place of work. We now go to coffee everyday, and I am hooked on coffee, more for the taste and the company though, as I don’t have coffees in the weekend and I don’t get withdrawals without it. So no, I did not take 16 shots of coffee in a day. It was actually my colleague who claimed that during his PhD, he had insomnia, but he has to work through the day so the only fix would be to keep himself awake using caffeine, which of course, made his insomnia worse. At his peak he took 16 shots of coffee a day to stay awake! He is partially waned off now though, only needing two coffees a day, and cannot sleep-in during weekends as he would get a headache if he doesn’t have his coffee by 9:30 am.

Answer: FALSE




I am working with @bobdos on a steemit gaming project

Yes, I am working with @bobdos, who is a good friend in real life, on a steemit gaming project. For more details, stay tuned!

Answer: TRUE




I fell asleep at a cinema when I was watching Matrix the Reloaded

Matrix Reloaded came out when we were in final year uni, and after an all-nighter for a project deadline, me and J decided to go and see a movie with some friends to relax. Now I am not saying Matrix Reloaded is not good (although I have never re-watched it), but I was just too tired, and with the cinema perfectly pitch-black surroundings and the comfortable seats, I was inevitable lured into sleep by the Architect’s Monologue.
#Answer: TRUE


黑客帝国2上映的时候是我大四那年。记得那时刚刚通宵赶完了作业,我和J 一起和朋友去看电影轻松一下。我也不记得黑客帝国2好不好看了。只记得暗暗的电影院,软软的坐椅,暖暖的空调。疲惫的我在创造者Architect 和Neo的对话下很快就睡着了。



Thank you for participation and I hope you enjoy reading all these little funny stories about me. As for the price, here is the final tally for each of the guesses 谢谢大家的参与,希望你们喜欢这些小故事。以下是各位猜的答案:

3 - @meixia, @perlia
4 - @itchyfeetdonica
5 - @choogirl
7- @intmilanmilano, @winniex
8 - @vandadream, @wilhb81, @alexandraioana26, @catwomanteresa, @learn-er
9 - @travelgirl, @dancingapple
11 - @nostalgic1212

So the people who guessed the correct answer, #9, was @travelgirl and @dancingapple. They have an equal share of the price money 5 SBD, so each of them will receive 2.5 SBD
所以 @travelgirl@dancingapple 答对了。他们平分5 SBD奖金,每人 2.5 SBD。

Like this post? Please follow @stabilowl, upvote and resteem!

请关注,点赞,转发! @stabilowl 谢谢大家的支持


恭喜你!您的这篇文章入选 @justyy 今日 (2018-04-29) 榜单 【优秀被错过的文章】, 回复本条评论24小时内领赏,点赞本评论将支持 @dailychina 并增加将来您的奖赏。

Congratulations! This post has been selected by @justyy as today's (2018-04-29) 【Good Posts You May Miss】, Steem On! Reply to this message in 24 hours to get rewards. Upvote this comment to support the @dailychina and increase your future rewards! ^_^

Thank you very much!



yay!!!! i knew it!!! hahahahaha

btw, sleeping in the same room for camp .... we had similar but maybe 20 people in a room but still in the same hall type thing. great memories

Haha Congrats in winning! I think 20 people, if you know them well, could be fun if they don't snore that is. But when the hall is that big, it isn't really that exciting. you only chat with your friend next to you anyway

By the way, I can make it to the meet-up this coming weekend. You will be going right? Hope to see you there!

Yah I am ok to go this Saturday actually but won’t stay for long. Will you be there on time or go there a bit later?

I will be there on time




故事听完了 很有意思 拍拍衣服 拿起我的小板凳走了~



我自己画的呀 哈哈 下次来猜我的你也可以自己画张凳子带着 😁

你好cn区点赞机器人 @cnbuddy 这厢有礼了。如果我打扰到你,请回复“取消”。








咔咔咔,又猜错了 XD 恭喜猜对的两位才女 :D

@stabilowl 喜欢喝奶茶的你,马来西亚的奶茶可能会令你有所惊喜喔 :)

我知道马来西亚鼎鼎大名的Teh Tarik,这边马来西亚餐馆也有,不过我猜不太正宗。其待有机会去大马玩。想吃Har Mee

嗯,你说的“Har Mee”是“虾面”,这个槟城的比较正宗~



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