Ten Facts One Lie - Need I Say Catweasel Style?

in #tenfactsonelie6 years ago (edited)

Somebody mentioned having a spare nomination to Ten Facts One Lie and said someone ought to grab it, not let it go to waste. I hate waste.

  1. I am at least half Irish and part Gypsy.

  2. At 3 I was dragged around the back yard by the sleeve of my snowsuit by a German shepherd. My care-givers stood on the back porch and laughed.

  3. I cracked my skull while tobogganing, somewhere around 10ish. Some say that explains why I am as I am, others say I was probably born with fetal alcohol syndrome.

  4. At 15 I ran away. No, that would be a lie, I never run. At 15 I walked away.

  5. At 15 I lived in a house of queers (hey, their term, so don't give me any PC crap - I've ranted enough for one week) for a while. Mostly drag queens. I never felt safer or better looked after.

  6. At 15 I was protesting the Vietnam war outside the US consulate. Later that year I was a volunteer at Coach House Press helping to produce a handbook for draft dodgers. Unlike some, I did not have a problem with those who went, only with those who sent them. As Kenny Rogers sang, "It wasn't me who started that old crazy Asian war, But I just had to go and do my patriotic chore." We were there for the ones who felt otherwise.

  7. I ran a tea room for a short while. I first heard The Band's "Music from Big Pink" from the music shop across the hall. We had a guest guru one day. His message could be summed up by this statement he opened with: "There are two kinds of guru, those who teach you and those who get you high." He then proceeded to get us high. He did, however unintentionally teach me something. There are idiots in all walks of life.

  8. My next volunteer job was helping to sort and catalogue Judith Merril's huge collection of Science Fiction and Fantasy. She later donated the whole thing to the public library as the beginning of what she intended to be a complete collection.

  9. I fell in love with Judith.

  10. My first experience with a computer was one which occupied a room at least 2000 square feet, maybe 4. There were usually 5 to 10 people in that room and several more in another room producing punch cards for data entry. My phone may be as powerful.

  11. At 23 I was awarded a doctorate in divinity "For services rendered to the community."

Since I have barely covered a third of my life there will be another #tenfactsonelie, possibly two. I'll have one ready before Easter. I'm not saying which Easter though.


I am not going to respond to any comments until the weekend. It is too tempting and I'll give too much away.

I do thank you for taking part.



Trust me, I'm a doctor.

"My mother told me
When I was young
Some people try
To con you son
You got to separate
The truth from the lies
You got to taste and try
Before you buy"

Savoy Brown




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I'm trying to guess, but maybe 11?


I have a friend who frequently grumbles that I sign my posts and emails "Trust me, I'm a doctor." Not because I do sign "Trust me, I'm a doctor" but because I can sign "Trust me, I'm a doctor."

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Sounds like an interesting life! I pick 3, I would say you are just born like this!

I remember the top of the hill, setting off on my toboggan. I remember halfway across the field at the bottom, being helped by a stranger to the cafe where my father was. In between, nothing. I have maybe a minute of that, then nothing until the next day. I was in a hospital for about 5 days. The kid in the other bed had a television.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


I can't let this list go. I have to comment. If I choose the lie to comment on, shame on you for fooling an old fool.

3: I've had at least 6 concussions. I'm sure they helped to shape me, for better or worse.

6: I raised my right hand and promised. In 1970. After all the shit and indecision (I had a place to go in Canada with a JOB) and angst I did it because my Dad did. Raised his hand and promised. Not one thing more.

7: I suppose this could be the lie, but then you are cheating because of the huge truth in the last line. Can it be a lie and the truth in the same answer?

10: Your phone is considerably more powerful than any punchcard computer. Your phone has more calculating power than the mainframe at NASA that assisted in the Moon landings. Did you ever see anyone drop the box of cards? Talk about a wailing and gnashing of teeth...

I'm an extreme pattern match guy. So I think 1 or 11 because they have nothing else with them. 4 might qualify except that the next two deal directly with it. Can't all three be a lie.

I feel obligated to take a pick since I used up so much space. I take 1.

Thank you. I enjoyed it.

3: I still have a small scar high on my forehead.

6: You did what you needed to do. I helped others do differently. I didn't judge, even though I believed you were doing the wrong thing for the right reasons.

7: Had this been the lie I would have done it differently. Probably no last line.

10: I have a flip-phone. Twice. I tried (successfully) not to get involved while they discussed whether it would be quicker to sort or to re-punch.

5 was dependant on 4, 6 was not.

Mother was from Cork, father from Devon. His paternal grandmother was a Cornish gipsy.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Dayum! There are so many awesome facts here! I’m impressed! I ran away from home (skateboarded) actually at 16. My guess is.... nr 3!

Best wishes Cat, awesome stuff!

As I said earlier, I still have the scar.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Ok doc... If i have a second guess, I'll say #9 then... Tough challenge! They all seem so surreal and real at the same time!

Doesn't count, too late, but true. How could I possibly fall in love with Judith Merril when I was too busy being in love with her books.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Yay! I got it though! Still happy 😀

The computer is the lie. Your phone is 100x MORE powerful.

This. My thoughts exactly. ;) I am also part gypsy, and would probably fall in love with anyone donating a massive amount of SFF books to a library, especially if I got to sort through them all. (I love books.)

I have a flip-phone, probably no more powerful than a Commodore 64.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


I'm betting on #2 being lie, because it didn't really happened, its a made up memory you got after cracking your head when you where 10.

After you cracked your skull, you forgot everything you didn't even remember who your parents where, that eventually made you walk away and do the other things.

I don't believe I could have imagined the cruelty. I don't believe anyone could.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


@catweasel, dang! You were busy at 15! And, you're crazy enough all of it could be true. So, I'm going to just take a stab at it... Number 3. You weren't dragged by a German Shepherd, you were dragged by a Basset Hound.

You mean 2. Large dogs, especially German Shepherds, terrified me for many, many years.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Wow! I can't believe this one is true! That really sucks. What kind of caretakers would be laughing?!

This is hard :D Soooo hard...
I pick the statement number 8

8 is not a lie, but truth be told, I spent more time reading the books than sorting them.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


I'm betting on number 11 as in most cases the lie is usually at the middle or end

Quite an interesting one...i would go for 6...reason..i just figured it out😉

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