10 Concerts I’ve Been To. One is a Lie (Find the Lie and Why to Win the Liquid SBD Rewards from this Post)

in #ten7 years ago

Last week @donkeypong decided to try something a little different on steemit. He wanted to do something fun and provide an opportunity to socialize a little bit. Because I'm a fan of fun and socializing, I decided to give it a whirl.

No. I have not seen David Hasselhoff live... yet.

Listed below are 10 live concerts that I have attended, but one is fake. Guess which one is a lie and why. Please put your answers in the comments.

The first person to guess the right one (and come close in guessing the reason why) wins all the liquid rewards (SBD) from this post.

I would like to add one twist. I would like to ask whoever wins this contest to follow up with their own #ten. It doesn't have to be concerts. The topic could be any fun ten (well really nine) things that would help other community members to get to know you a little better.

Here are your choices in alphabetical order. Find the lie and why. Happy hunting!

  1. Jimmy Page
  2. Beastie Boys
  3. Revolting Cocks
  4. Prophets of Rage
  5. Pearl Jam/Red Hot Chili Peppers
  6. U2/Public Enemy
  7. Nine Inch Nails
  8. Underworld
  9. Front 242
  10. Erasure

If you'd like a glimpse into my tastes, check out the videos below. These are from youtube. So none of them will give you any hints.

Wow it was so much fun looking for those videos!!!


U2/Public enemy, because you really dislike Bono and his glasses

Excellent guess! And the most accurate! I have never and will never see U2 in concert. There is no doubt that they are very talented musicians... but I can't stand Bono's voice. It just isn't for me. Being the only one of my friends who doesn't love U2 I have often found myself in pointless conversations about it. Friends have tried to convince me to like it. That is like trying to convince me that I like coffee flavored ice cream. I love ice cream but coffee flavored simply isn't for me. You can provide every argument in the world but in the end, it is just a matter of taste. So I just don't have a taste for Bono's voice... or his sunglasses! It didn't help that I had to hear U2 10 times a night at every college party.

But I digress...

You are the winner!!!!!!!

When this pays out in 7 days, I will send you the SBD.

In the meantime, I hope you will write your own #ten post. I will vote for it, participate and esteem it.

Let's keep the fun going!

I laughed so much because It was so random ! HAHAHAHAHA oh God, I thank you so much for this idea! And be sure that I will keep the fun going! #ten

I laughed too! This may have gone on forever if he simply wore sunglasses like a regular person!

Prophets of Rage - N00b band that hasn't toured much yet.

I actually flew out to Washington DC in August to see my buddy and go to this show. I think it was my favorite live show ever. Thanks for giving it a shot!

I am going with Erasure being the lie dude.


Because based on what I know about you, tied to our chats and just learning about you, and seeing some of the heavier beats and the multiple hip hop references which I approve of...

Erasure just does not fit this equation IMHO for you.

Oh no. I will pay out the sbd of whatever this earns at the end of the 7 days. I'm hoping it will be a decent amount for the winner.

@hanshotfirst - have a good week, I am looking forward to finding out the answers to your concert post and learning more.

80 posts to go and countdowning til my 10k milestone for post count!

  • Have a good week man!

I was hoping this one would throw people off. I actually did see Erasure in 1997. I actually like a few Erasure songs but definitely not enough to sit through an entire concert... unless there was a girl involved. I went to surprise/impress a girl I was dating. It worked. However, it was not my wife. So luckily I only have memories of great concerts with my wife. Thank you for playing!

Erasure always reminds me of a girlfriend too. I dated a girl from another school in town and she was a year old, that was my Gr. 10 year.

Howdy friend...

I hit the 10k post count last nite - I am top 10 all time now in total post count..... I am 6th if you take out the bots and only count humans LOL!


Revolting Cocks! Just because they have such an awful name...lol

It is very nice that you think I'm too nice for that. But I will play coy a while longer.

#CommunityNiceGuyReport 2-time winner here folks, he is a beaut


Ha ha ha...was the first name I saw so took a wild guess! :)

Actually... this is one of my favorite bands ever. I was into pretty aggressive music as a youth... and I just won't let it go. Thank you for playing!


I am thinking Erasure!

For me it's quite simple. The band's here are all bands I like with the exception of two. Front 242 and Erasure. Given the theme of the bands above I think those two stand out as ones I wouldn't go too and hopefully (in my head) I am thinking that might mean you would be the same. Front 242 I think you might have gone to simply because they are at least guitars so that leaves Erasure. Cor that was a ramble!!

Excellent guess... but I was hoping that would throw people off. I'm actually a huge industrial music fan (it pretty much started at a record store I frequented as a teenager) so Front 242 is one of my favorites. Although I do like a few Erasure songs, I went because of... a girl! Luckily I did not marry this girl so I only have good concert memories with my wife. Although... if it had been her, I could constantly bring up the fact I took her to an Erasure show...

Thank you for playing!

Hehe, I had the fear that that one might be a ruse!!

I hace no idea hah

But at least you stopped by for the fun!

Jimmy Page- honestly have no idea why just taking a shot in the dark here lol.
Cool idea for a contest though, creative,social and fun!

Thank you and thank you for playing! I was hoping to have fun with this. The Jimmy Page Outrider tour was my first concert ever. It was like a scene from Dazed and Confused. My sister and her stoner buddies piled into a van and took her 16 year old little brother along. It was probably the first time I ever felt "cool" and bragged about it for weeks. LOL

That is a pretty cool memory to have. I really liked this idea for a post, keep up the good work!

You should do one too. It's a fun way to learn about each other. Use the #ten and I'll check it out.

Okay, ill try and do one later tonight or tomorrow!

Underworld, because it's electronic​ music!? (just a guess)

I am actually a HUGE Underworld fan. I used to go to clubs 4 or 5 nights a week in my early 20s. My favorite music was the more aggressive Industrial music but the clubs I frequented would throw on some techno so th eIndustrial crowd could rest... I just stayed for both. Lots of sweaty (but fun) nights! Thank you so much for playing. It was fun reminiscing about these!

Ahh, wrong guess!! It was fun anyway, thanks for the run!

beastie boys because it was in the mtv studios!

Good guess... but I a actually did see the, Just not that show. I actually saw them with my wife when she was pregnant with our son so we always tell him he was at a Beastie Boys concert. They put on an amazing show! Thank you so much for playing!

Nine Inch Nails.

I'm actually a huge NIN fan and have seen them in three different decades... wow I am so old. I could have made it 4 had I seen them in 1989. Thank you so much for playing!

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