10 Concerts I’ve Been To, One is a Lie (Win the liquid rewards from this post)

in #ten7 years ago (edited)


For those who spend time on other social media sites, the “10 Concerts” phenomenon has clogged many inboxes lately (or so I’ve heard). Why not try it here?

I encourage others to have some fun and try something similar. If you haven’t been to many concerts, how about posting your 10 favorite songs, 10 types of strange food you’ve tried, 10 dumb things your cat has done, etc. (with one fake we have to guess)? Tag them #ten .

Listed below are 10 live concerts that I have attended, but one is fake. Guess which one is a red herring (lie) and why. Please put your answers in the comments.

First person to guess the right one (and come close in guessing the reason why) wins all liquid rewards from this post.

10 Concerts I’ve Been To, One is a Lie

  1. Rush
  2. The White Buffalo
  3. Ziggy Marley
  4. Beyonce/Jay Z
  5. REM
  6. Natalie Merchant
  7. Tinariwen
  8. Nirvana
  9. Carlos Santana
  10. Pearl Jam

Band Videos, for reference

*Note: These videos are from the Internet, not from the actual concerts that I attended.


The White Buffalo:

Ziggy Marley:

Beyonce/Jay Z:


Natalie Merchant:



Carlos Santana:

Pearl Jam:


Nirvana my friend. I'm thinking you have never been to a nirvana concert. Kurt Cobain has been dead since 94 and I'm thinking a Nirvana performance is rarity.

This has got to be the one.

That would be my guess too :-)

@runridefly wins it, along with the grand prize: the liquid rewards from this post! Nirvana was by far the most popular choice and it was the correct one. However, most people gave the reason that I couldn't be old enough to have attended a Nirvana concert.

This just in: I'm older than dirt! I was attending other concerts in the 1990s. I would have loved to have attended a Nirvana concert, but never had the chance. They were, as @runridefly indicated, a "rarity" then, and given that I was very young, I wasn't traveling that far from home. A couple of other people gave reasons that were similar enough, but this winning response was the first of those to be submitted.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! You'll have to wait a few more days for payout...

Congrats to our winner and thanks to everyone who played. Hopefully, more people will try some #ten posts. :)

@donkeypong, I'm proud as punch right now. You made my day my friend.

When I read your post, A memory of driving from Santa Rosa to USCG Training center just outside of Petaluma California came to mind. I heard songs from R.E.M. and Nirvana during the drive and that drive was 25 years ago. Crazy how I can remember what was playing on the radio back in 1992. Steem On!

Music brings back those memories, for sure. Congrats again on winning!

I'm smiling big and thank you.

That is an impressive list, I think the only one I wouldn't be interested in seeing (were they all still possible) is #4. I would say that was the one you didn't go to, but it's too obvious. However based on that list I'm guessing it wasn't your idea, lol!
One of my first concerts was Pearl Jam in Rochester NY, I was eighteen. I crowd surfed and managed to get dropped down right in front of the stage! My husband (not at the time yet lol) elbowed his way through the crowd to get to me, and to this day he considers what happened next his most embarrassing moment: Between songs Eddie pointed straight at him and said "What do you think of the show?" And he responded like a fan girl shouting Yeahhhhhh. Haha, he always says that maybe if he'd come up with a cool response we could've been invited backstage :)

I took another look down the comments, can't tell if anyone's guessed right yet...I did see that I guessed right about jayzee though ;) The nirvana logic of everyone doesn't hold up since you saw REM in the 90's,(awesome) means you could have, hmm. You know what? I'm still guessing Nirvana, but for the reason-you had a chance to go and missed it, and you still kick yourself (this happened to me, ha!)

"Yeahhhhhh" would work just fine at most concerts I've seen. :)

I agree, and not many people would come up with something better if they were put on the spot like that...it's Eddie! We're all star struck! ;)

What a wonderful job! I like! Thanks for sharing!

Nice..Nirvana smell like teen spirit make me turn it loudly in My Mp3.

i feel like teen..hehe

Oh man! I am searching and searching, and I do not find the why! You're making me work dear tom!

I think nirvana. Many mentioned it here. The reason: Because you really started to like Nirvana after kurt's death.

My guess would be pearl jam, you see some old iPhones in the vid, and my reason is: at that time, you were probably working or studying
Am I right?

Nice try, but I did see PJ live. Heckuva show.

id say beyonce/jayz is the lie because it doesn't seem to fit with the rest lol

I am thinking maybe number 8 Nirvana as Kurt Cobain died around 94 and believe they didn't do concerts too often, but feel this might be a trick one lol.

That is a great picture of Neil Peart's drum kit. Could he fit anything else on it? My guess is that you have never seen Beyoncé because you are such a Taylor swift loyalist that you swore never to support Beyoncé after Kanyes rant on the MTV movie awards that Beyoncé should have defeated Taylor. You stubbornly held it against Beyoncé even though it was not her fault. How could you!

@hanshotfirst, Kanye's genius is beyond us. When will he ask @ned for a bailout?

Nirvanna cos Kurt Cobain has been dead too long

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