The Institute, where created the future of modern physics # 2. The peaceful atom and Grid technologies

in #technology8 years ago (edited)

Thanks @lemouth, through which community Steemit know about the latest achievements in the field of science and technology (in particular, modern elementary particle physics) in European countries. I would like to continue the topic about A new doubly-charmed particle has been discovered at the LHC, and tell you about the work of the Russian school of nuclear physicists. In particular, JINR in Dubna.

What is the beginning of modern science? Of course, serious methodological and basic research. Then, with the financial support of stakeholders and government experimental research can move in the applied area. Although, to be honest, for modern nuclear physics is not the most important. If scientists paid for the end result and tangible benefits for the world economy, they long remained without a piece of bread. Just kidding, of course. :=))

About what I? About the fact, that in JINR had a powerful Foundation:

  • traditions scientific schools, which has worldwide recognition;
  • base install with unique opportunities to solve actual problems in many fields of modern physics;
  • the status of international intergovernmental organizations.

All experimental scientific program of JINR is supported by a brilliant school of theoretical physics, developed in the Institute of methodology of physical experiment, modern information technologies, including Grid technologies. The JINR CICC (Central information and Computing Complex JINR) is actively used for tasks related to experiments at the LHC and other scientific projects that demand large-scale calculations.

Let us discuss these points in more detail. What is a Methodology of physical experiment and Grid technologies?


1.Methodology of Physical Experiment

The Physical Experiment includes the Demonstration Experiments, the Frontal Experiment, the Solution of experimental problems, Conducting physical workshops.

Front Experiments and Observations – a short-term experiment, in which observed phenomena, establish regularities or dependencies of certain physical quantities on certain factors, make only qualitative conclusions. Front experiment can be Reproductive, Partial Search and Research.

Reproductive Experiment – work in elaborate instructions. The main goal of the experiment:

  • the ability to formulate the research aims to put forward a scientific hypothesis;
  • theoretically justify the method or research method;
  • plan an experiment to determine the necessary tools, equipment, conduct of the study;
  • to prepare the experimental setup, to verify that it works;
  • to carry out the necessary studies according to the prearranged plan, perform the necessary measurements to take readings;
  • to process the results of the experiment to calculate the error;
  • to formulate conclusions and to check their compliance with existing laws and theories.

2.Grid Technologies (Electric Power Grid)— is a computer infrastructure of a new type, ensuring global integration of information and computing resources. It is a system that coordinates resources without centralized management of these resources (what is not the blockchain?); uses standard, open, universal protocols and interfaces; provides high quality service.

(The scheme of the Russian infrastructure of grid-networks)

The basis of fundamental science the JINR are the so-called timber frame projects, i.e. projects related to major experimental facilities (accelerators and reactors).

I repeat excerpt from the first post , that

JINR has an impressive set of pilot facilities: the only in Europe and Asia superconducting accelerator of nuclei and heavy ions the Nuclotron, the heavy-ion cyclotron U-400 and U-400M with record beam parameters for experiments on the synthesis of heavy and exotic nuclei, the unique neutron pulsed reactor IBR-2, used for research in neutron nuclear physics and condensed matter physics, and a proton accelerator – the Phasotron that is used for radiation therapy.

Along with the "home research" JINR continues its participation in major international projects (LHC, FAIR, XFEL), the research programmes at the accelerators RHIC and Tevatron (USA), is among the participants of the project on construction of the international linear Collider ILC.


Did you know that the joint Institute actively cooperates with the European organization for nuclear research (CERN) in the solution of many theoretical and experimental work in high energy physics? Today JINR physicists participate in the work of 20 projects at CERN (!!!)

It is no secret, that from correctly chosen methodology of the experiment depends almost its success. And, that even a simple detectors, tracking the results of the research, are the building "brick", without which would be not found a new fundamental particle.

A significant contribution of JINR to century project "the Large hadron Collider (LHC)" received high evaluation of the global scientific community. Successfully and in time fulfilled all the obligations of JINR in the development and creation of separate detectors systems ATLAS, CMS, ALICE and LHC machine. In recent years, the JINR group played an important role in the technical improvement of the Large hadron Collider, upgrades of the detectors, as well as in obtaining of new physical results on the basis of data collected during sessions at the LHC. One of these most striking results was the discovery of the Higgs boson at the Collider at CERN, and here, in recognition of the scientific world, physicists of Dubna belongs to a great intellectual contribution.

In next time I, as promised, will tell you

about the work of the ISS (international Space Station). And about the close cooperation of a number of countries in terms of space exploration. I'm appreciate your review.

Also I'll write more about Grid-Technologies, and about its use in Russia. Interesting do you get these themes?

To be continued...


"The Institute, where created the future of modern physics"


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It is cool you mentioned the theorists too! We have no super pictures, but our work is very important too. We need both experiments and theory to move forward :)

Totally agree with You! Theory and practice must go hand in hand!

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