Can Apple's iPad finally start to fulfil its promise as a PC replacement?

in #technology7 years ago

A false dawn

The truth is that Jobs’ prediction of the iPad replacing the PC was, at best, premature. The 9.7-inch screen of the original iPad was too dinky to work with for a long period of time, and many of the applications that professionals relied on did not exist on iPads, or the versions that did were sub-optimal.

Simple professional requirements such as running two applications on the same screen were beyond the iPad’s capabilities. Touchscreen typing was a poor imitation of a full physical keyboard.

Apple fixed some of these flaws with 2015’s iPad Pro, which incorporated a bigger 12.9-inch screen, an optional physical keyboard and stylus, and a beefed-up processor that made it more capable of processing video and images.



It was much more like a hybrid between a tablet and a laptop than the original iPad, even if Apple was not the first to try this: Apple’s old rival Microsoft must take credit for pioneering the 2-in-1 design with the Surface device it released in 2012 and which was originally dismissed by Cook.

Since then, Apple has made further improvements, such as allowing the iPad’s web browser to display two pages at once. Last week it released a new version of the iPad Pro with a 10.5-inch screen and slimmer borders to make it more portable.

Later this year, an update to iOS, the software that runs on the iPad and iPhone, will introduce more advanced productivity features. They include a PC-style system for organising computer files that the iPad has long lacked, improved note-taking abilities and a “drag and drop” function that lets users move photos and documents around more quickly.

When Apple unveiled the new version of iOS this month, it felt for the first time that it had focused on improvements to the iPad as much as its smaller, more lucrative, sibling.

There are still, and will continue to be, advantages to using a computer over a tablet. The absence of a mouse can make selecting parts of text or cells in a spreadsheet difficult, despite the alternatives of a touchscreen and stylus. Many programs and file types are still designed for the PC, and that is unlikely to change.

But the iPad offers its own advantages. It is smaller and lighter than even the sleekest laptops, and its less intensive operating system means battery life compares favourably.

Sales of Apple’s tablet are at their lowest since the year it was released. But as it becomes a more viable computer replacement, that may be about to change.



Apple products are dumbed down products for the mass consumer market, for the specialist there will always be something far more sophisticated.

They are for the consumers of content mainly, not for the creators.

Depending on the task, maybe. I just can't see the iPad Pro replacing my desktop...

It's getting a lot closer shall we say @sassal - die hard Steemians and coders with keyboards will always exist.

Of course - I'm a developer so I can't see myself coding on an iPad hahaha

No! No! No! No! No! to that one @sassal! Happy hard fork :)

Wow, cool can tell for me one friend hehehe ...

Welcome to my post old friend @berkat!

I work on an iPad all the time, right now in fact. However they currently still can't replace the PC for me. I fear the creativity of Jobs will never be replaced and Apple devices have peaked. His vision is irreplaceable and while Apple may add the "bits and bobs" people want to future iPads they will only be giving users what they can already get elsewhere. Following not creating a market.
Jobs would have come up with something new that no-one had yet conceived and convinced us we needed it. And we would :-D

Apple have peaked in my view. Samsung has eaten to much of their lunch. Jobs would not be happy!

I don't think I'll ever replace my pc with an ipad.

Comment upvoted @poctan :)

I followed you too :D

Always happy with a new follower @poctan :)

Where are you mate
I saw the daily dose in your summer house
and I thank you for sharing
all your posts wa upvoted
here 3 posts 0 beers

3-0 here too! I filmed in the Summer house yest. I will do so again today :)

I know about your posts .. all of them was upvoted
I like very much your summer house
Thanks for sharing from your from your real life

More Summer house later as another lovely sunny day here in bonnie Scotland!
This is the last post for today
I will quit
wish you a great day

And rest :)

Yes is needed
Thanks for all
See u tomorrow

Rest up ... Daily Dose coming in the next hour :)

Yes is so lovely
but as you see in video you drink water .. no coffee.. hehe

By the way 2 weeks ago you wrote about hard fork 19
I understood, we expect coming up in the new hard fork 19 :

#1. Voting power will not last as long as depletion occurs quicker.
#2. The reward algorithm is going to go linear.
#3. The end of the whale flagging experiment .

My Question is:
What you expect for the new middle class of steemian?
I want to leave please clear answer here ( if possibe) when you have time
as a lot of users and me need aclear answer

the biggest problem (for me) is IO (input-output)
What I want are Augmented reality goggles.
and eyetracking and a blink mouse.

imagine texting by blinking.

Steeming on by blinking = VERY WEIRD!!

I don't think my eyelids could outdo an @baah comment! Ha ha!

ipad and mac complement each other. ipad replaced pc long time ago. but since its category of its own now, i say there is no need to replace mac.

Comment upvoted @deserttree!

if it wasn't for ipad I would still be using windows pc and probably android phone. Since Apple hooked me to ipad, they sold our household 3 imacs, a macbook pro, several ipads and several iphones. well played Apple. lol.

The Apple-ification of @deserttree!

Now that I think of I feel kinda ripped off. lol

#applemug! LOL!

I got rid of all my windows computers and made full apple switch after I started using ipad which was gen 1.

I got rid of all Windows computers at Windows 2000 and went linux ... but I do have the latest iPad :)

i don't know why we do this comparison. i mean i need a desktop machine mainly for it's graphics card because they are normally more powerful but to be honest you can get a bloody amazing (brick/massive) laptop with duel sli 1080's now so this whole ipad as a pc, don't get it.

i use my ipad and my wireless keyboard when i'm out at coffee shops to write, sure the ipad pro is a great update/grade but i'm not sure why we need to have this comparison. let people who use word/excel and boring office life have their pc's - keeps em away from distracting me in the coffeeshop! :)

Horses for courses I think @teamhumble - my iPad Pro certainly can't mine Zcash like my 2x 1080 GTXs'!

i love that expression. right. . ;)

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