Ex-Paypal people starting new NON-CRYPTO project! Thousands of $ airdrop for 30sec signup ?!

in #technology6 years ago (edited)

Edit: Hah the airdrop is 100k altogether. You can right now reach "only" 60k! Rest of it comes later for some other easy tasks. Srry I got it wrong :D

If I'd tell you I'm 100% familiar with all the project details, I'd be lying to you. I came across this just yesterday in @jiujitsu 's post and spent a cheap 10 minutes researching the project. Some say it's ponzi, some say it's legit..

But, it's for free, takes 30 seconds and you never know :D...

So what is Initiative Q all about?

Well they claim that all our payment and money transfer methods are outdated and that they have some breakthrough idea. Their system, which they hope will be used worldwide in the future has own currency - Qs.

If the Initiative Q gets adopted, the value of the currency should rise. Their brillinat matematicians (:D) expect it to be around a dollar..that brings me the the airdrop on signup.

100k worth of Qs on signup??

Well, you really get 100 thousand Qs, I swear. That technically means, if they reach adoption they're talking about, you just signed up for free 100k dollars :D Who said life's difficult :D??

My second airdrop ever

I don't do airdrops..too much time, not enough rewards. The only one so far for me was the Byteball on Steemit. Here the ratio was fine tho - 30 seconds for 100,000 dollars :DD so I did it. Don't want to miss out free 100 thousand dollars?? :D Here's my referral link:


What really caught my attention

Also, the only thing which caught my attention is actually kinda counter-intuitive. I's a NON-CRYPTO project! And I somehow like it...I just got bored with the world changing blockchains popping up every day on every corner. These guys have experience, it seems they think differently and their company was in 2008 bought by Paypal. I like that. Took me 30 seconds and already forgotten about it for the next couple of years. With u luck Initiative Q, make me happy! :D

Edit: Jooj srry, ja som to zle pochopil :D Bol som zniceny po treningu a pisal som to o 1am. 100k mozete ziskat dokopy, momentalne len 60k max. Za regnutie je len 6k a zvysok za pozvanie ludi. Srrryyy, naletel som nejakemu clanku a vsimol si to az teraz, ked som Vas potvrdzoval.

Ak by som Vam povedal, ze 100% tomuto projektu, klamal by som. Objavil som to len vcera v poste od @jiujitsu a hladanim o projekte som stravil ani nie desat minut. Niektori vravia, ze to je ponzi, niektori ze to je legit.

Ale! Je to zadara, trva to 30 sekund a clovek nikdy nevie :D...

Co je teda Initiative Q?

Hmm, v podstate vravia, ze celkovo design a topologia dnesnych platobnych systemov je uplne zle navrhnuta a ze prisli s niecim novym :D Dufaju, ze ich system bude celosvetovo adoptovany, no samozrejme, aby prilakali ponuku, musi byt na sieti dopyt. A tak zacali rozdavat za registraciu Qs - ich vlastnu menu.

Pokial bude Initiative Q naozaj uspech, hodnota ich meny by samozrejme mala narast. Ich brilantni matematici (:D) vypocitali, ze hodnota jednoho Q by nemala mat problem dostat sa aspon na dolar...to ma konecne dostava k ich airdropu za registraciu.

100 tisic dolarov Qs za regnutie??

Hmmm, este nie, no technicky vpodstate ano. Dostanete 100 tisic Q "coinov". To znamena, ze ak sa Initiative Q naozaj rozrastie, zrazu mate docela peknu sumu len za registraciu - $100,000 :D Kto povedal, ze zivot je tazky?? Ved budeme vsetci milionari :D

Moj druhy airdrop ever

Neairdropujem..casovo sa to proste neoplati. Jediny doteraz bol Byteball na Steemite. Ten sa casovo oplatil. Toto sa (mozno :D) oplati tiez - 30 sekund za 100,000 dolarov :DD...a tak som sa regol. Nechcete si potom buchat hlavu?? :D Tu je moj referral link, regnite sa tiez:


Co zachytilo moju zvedavost a pozornost

To, preco som vcera na link klikol v prvom rade je pre crypto fanusika vlastne trochu zvlastne. Je to NON-CRYPTO projekt! A z nejakeho dovodu sa mi to paci...Proste ma uz dennodenne nove blockchainy na kazdom rohu, co isto zmenia svet zacali nudit :D Tito ludia uz raz ukazali, ze myslia inak a v 2008 ich firmu kupil Paypal. To je isto super. Trvalo to 30 sekund a to je tie super :D V tomto momente na toto cele na par rokov zabudam :D Initiative Q, drzim vam palce :D!

Image source 1
Image source 2

You can find my latest posts here:


I signed up for that a few months ago and have my 100k I really don't expect it to lead to anything substantial but you never know. If friends were doling out free lottery tickets, I would grab one.

Go sign up for fun and we can buy an island together and name it STEEMland if it works out. I will open a brewery there.

Deal, I'll spend rest on my Qs on buying the beer there :D

The mission statement plus Q is very interesting. Q Connection?

Hahah collecting breadcrumbs left and right :D

Že prý si mě máš verifikovat.

Hah a uz viem konecne tvoje meno :D Ale uz som ho aj hned zabudol :D hotovo.

Mě taky :) A díky za tip!

CHeck..skoda ale, ze to zdaleka nie je 100k...naletel som nejakej polopravde, pozri update clanku ak chces.

Tak je to cca 100k v czk (za registraci), taky dobrý no :D za tu minutu námahy hele :D

Hahah tak to je super vyhovorka, ked sa nahodou bude niekto stazovat :D

Uh I think I already signed up for that a while ago :-D I don't even remember, I might already own some of it lol

We'll be all filthy rich :D

Snap..are they really? How come there's so much talk about them from August on?

Back online again, but was surprised seeing this: Screenshot_20181030-084056.png

Ohh you mean webpage only...I thought u used it as a term of cancelling the whole project :D

Hi I signed up, you need to verify me though!!!
Hope this pans out! Please let me know when you verified me so I can do invites too!

100,000 dolarov/30 sec :D A poď!!

nie nie, ja som sa pomylil, pozri si este edit :D je to len 6k :D

aha aha.. nu co, ak nie milionári dnes, tak zajtra ;)

Se na nás zas napakuješ, co? :D Dík za link ;)

Srry odpisem neskor, som uz na dovolenke :D

Fake news! To nejsou tvoje nohy, nevidím bradavici :D

Ty had :DD bradavicu dostanes ked budes so mnou byvat v krakove v airbnb :D

Posted using Partiko Android

I signed uo with your link :P
Hope we have some luck :D

Hah let's see. Confirmed u already.


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