Neurotechnological Threats Require an Updated Understanding of Human Rights

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

Are we as a species ready for more advanced neurotechnology? Should we have unrestricted development of such technology? When the freedom of our mind is being targeted, we better wake up and take notice, and some academics are doing just that with attempts to change human rights laws to prepare for possible threats from future advancements.

Neurotechnology (Image Courtesy www.yant and and trams to

Neurotechnology has existed for a while, through such devices like brain imaging that influence how we understand the brain and aspects of consciousness. The past 20 years has seen a maturing with this technology, making a significant impact on society through allowing a better understanding of how to treat physical and psychological issues. This technology opens unprecedented possibilities to repair or improve brain functions and begs for ethical considerations to be put in place. Just yesterday I posted about the validity of 'moral enhancement technologies' which include neurotechnology.

As John Milton said: "Thou canst not touch the freedom of my mind"

Updating Laws

New rights or laws need to be considered to protect against the loss of privacy of our own minds, such as those proposed by a review study: the right to cognitive liberty, the right to mental privacy, the right to mental integrity, and the right to psychological continuity.

As technological advancements are made with respect to the brain and consciousness, we need to make sure that our moral and ethical understanding keeps up the pace. Being able to refuse coercive and invasive advances on our minds could not only protect the privacy of what we know and want to keep to ourselves, but also from possible physical and psychological damage that the wielders of this neurotechnology could do.

If they want what you know bad enough, I doubt they would really care if you are negatively affected by the procedure. This can happen without our knowledge if the technology advances far enough, which puts our personal freedom at great risk.

Current Use

Brain imaging technology is already being used outside of mere medical research needs. Some companies use 'neuromarketing' to try to understand consumer behavior and find ways to influence customers and to responding in the way they desire, such as increasing the likelihood of purchasing their product or service. Legal cases are also attempting to use it to assess or prove criminal responsibility by the risk of reoffending.

From Mind to Machine

What first started out as a tool to help individuals in the public, is now being developed by private interests to serve themselves. The more commonplace the technology becomes, the greater likelihood that it could potentially be hacked and allow someone to eavesdrop on the data and get access to someone's mind. There is already technology that acts as a brain-to-computer interface which allows the brain to directly manipulate technology. If this functionality spreads in society, people could be hacked through their interfacing in such technology, or allow hackers to interface into the technology and cause damage of their own.

Noninvasive electroencephalography based brain-computer interface enables direct brain-computer communication for training. (U.S. Army photo)

As we've seen in science fiction, many have already envisioned the possibility of controlling someone's mind with such technology. Just because we can do something, doesn't mean we should or are even allowed to do it.

Using Restraint

Personally, I like much of the science-fiction related to ethical and moral concerns about future imagined technology. It's always wise to consider how the things we create can be misused and outweigh the potential benefits we see in them. AI movies are great at showing the dangers. We need to be eternally vigilante towards the potential implications of what we create.

Splitting the atom for energy might have seemed like a good idea for an alleged source of energy for humanity, but then it was mostly used to develop death-weapons on a scale never before seen. Even the energy idea is dangerous because of a lack of considering the harm of anti-life radiation when things go wrong, as they have and will continue to go wrong. Many US nuclear facilities are in poor shape, and few in government are concerned it seems.



I like that you ended the post with the cautionary tale of the US nuclear defence system, I remeber watching a peice from Vice on Hbo that explore how extremely out dated some of the active US nuclear submarines are, tech from the 60s relying on huge computers that take up large rooms, or worse the silos that house old warheads being is a horrendous state of disrepair.
I dont think people will truley consider outcomes before they create tech, however I am looking foward to a animated holographic Ai assistant in the near future!

Yeah, I think most assume "Everything is fine"... until it isn't. Chaos teaches. Then we wake up and realize, ooops... we have a mess to clean up... lol.... meanwhile many people are dead.

Japan has already got you covered. GateBox AI

and a review of it here:

Oh jeez, sad... of the military are outdated.
you notice all the support Trump got when he said we needed to update it?

Yah he won't do shit, still waiting on that infrastructure/ slash wall contract

ah..i see that you are one of his detractors (see above)

I would like for any politician to start updates to the Nuclear Triad, but your man Trump can't get out a coherent sentence about the matter,
TRUMP at the GOP debate: "I think — I think, for me, nuclear is just the power, the devastation is very important to me."
I love how Trump supporters claim to be outsiders and revolutionaries when they fall into the age-old trap of believing the political rhetoric and empty promises spewed during an election.

naw you don't
Trump completely confuses you.

The fact is that controlling our neurons is presently possible. Dr. Nick Begich of the Lay Institute on Technology explains some of the ways it is done.

Only by controlling how these forces are allowed to impact our brains can potentiate our security. Perhaps Neuralink, Elon Musk's latest company, intended to create a computer augmented mental capacity that will allow us to compete with AI, is the way to do this.

I dunno. I'm agin' being turned into a mind control slave. Therefore I'm a prime target for such enslavement. Or, I'm already enslaved and my sincere opposition to being enslaved is the way that enslavement is concealed. One fact is that Dr. Delgado demonstrated the ability to stop a charging bull in midstep back in the 1960's, and interest in developing this technology hasn't decreased since.

This rabbit hole plunges deeper than I am capable of seeing into.

Thanks for bringing this subject to a wider audience.

You're welcome, and thanks for the feedback again. Moral based issues are what I focus on hehe. That's the path and way to bettering our own individual lives and the collective lives of all others on the planet. We can be free from masters where there are no slaves.

I tend to agree, the possibility for malicious intent is to great for this tech to be free. This technology harnessed in the wrong hands, could be catastrophic. Thanks for the article :) Im following you

I'm the right hands I should have absolute control over it. Give it to me.
You don't agree?
Well then...whose are the right hands?
If you don't trust me why should I trust you? mean we should trust the government?

How well has THAT been working out?

Yeah, we tend to just full steam ahead and not think ahead first...

the right to cognitive liberty, the right to mental privacy, the right to mental integrity, and the right to psychological continuity

will those laws apply to mass media, the movies and TV? Subliminal programming a thing and they've been doing it since I was in college..

Yup, it seems no one in the establishment much cares about that at all lol I call BOGUS!..
take care of the beam in their own eye first.
then worry about the speck in ours..

the national geographics' channel show year million has tackled this in recent episodes -quite a conundrum that will no doubt plague us for some time to come. with the ever-changing technology it's difficult to see where we're going and to truly judge the rate of change because we're in unknown territory and in an unknown scale - like viewing the pasting landscape in a train and assume that we see outside is the same scale as what's on the inside

amazing post..

I hate to be that guy and this was well written, structured and argued; but all I could think about after the first image were those expanding brain memes. Yeah this is completely off topic, I'm SO sorry!

great post as always

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