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RE: Neurotechnological Threats Require an Updated Understanding of Human Rights

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

I like that you ended the post with the cautionary tale of the US nuclear defence system, I remeber watching a peice from Vice on Hbo that explore how extremely out dated some of the active US nuclear submarines are, tech from the 60s relying on huge computers that take up large rooms, or worse the silos that house old warheads being is a horrendous state of disrepair.
I dont think people will truley consider outcomes before they create tech, however I am looking foward to a animated holographic Ai assistant in the near future!


Yeah, I think most assume "Everything is fine"... until it isn't. Chaos teaches. Then we wake up and realize, ooops... we have a mess to clean up... lol.... meanwhile many people are dead.

Japan has already got you covered. GateBox AI

and a review of it here:

Oh jeez, sad... of the military are outdated.
you notice all the support Trump got when he said we needed to update it?

Yah he won't do shit, still waiting on that infrastructure/ slash wall contract

ah..i see that you are one of his detractors (see above)

I would like for any politician to start updates to the Nuclear Triad, but your man Trump can't get out a coherent sentence about the matter,
TRUMP at the GOP debate: "I think — I think, for me, nuclear is just the power, the devastation is very important to me."
I love how Trump supporters claim to be outsiders and revolutionaries when they fall into the age-old trap of believing the political rhetoric and empty promises spewed during an election.

naw you don't
Trump completely confuses you.

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