Artificial Intelligence, a modern creation myth?

in #technology7 years ago


There seems to be a growing interest today regarding my two favourite topics of late, artificial intelligence and simulation theory.

My mind is constantly wandering through the possibilities of these subjects and the possibility of a marriage between the two in some hideous reality. When we discuss AI and simulation theory are we actually discussing the future of science and science fiction or could this be ancient science and science fact?

Are we the Artificial Intelligence?

As humans we have tenaciously clung onto creation myths for millennia in simple attempts to understand our place in the universe. We’ve used religion as a means of comfort, a security mechanism to pacify our simian brains into feeling we have a purpose. We longed for a watchful patriarch from above, the ultimate alpha chimp who would reside over us and never leave and hand over a book of ultimate answers and laws. This game of existence justification has been played out over and over in countless iterations throughout different religions and ideologies.

I could never sign off my own existence to the falsities of any religion but then I can’t leave that gaping void in my databank of answers as to who made the parents of my parents’ parents and so on and so on.

As a technological enriched species it is plausible to assume a technological process has played a hand in our creation. I use the term ‘assume’ deliberately as this is what we humans do, we create theories based only on what we can conceive which is what I’m doing now in order to keep the topic in the realms of plausibility. If indeed we are the creation of a technological process then let us not restrict that to a system of production where wires, chips and circuit boards are the building blocks of life.

The human species could be a sentient biomechanical robotic, created by a long gone civilization with incomprehensible mechanisms of creation. If this were correct then we would actually be the first generation of Artificial intelligence, or maybe not? The hypothetical race that crafted us could also have been created by a then superior race.


Could we, the human race actually be artificial intelligence version 3.0 or even 8.0, who knows? This is how creation myths are instantiated, through the frustration of our lack of knowledge leading to the utter speculation of our origins.

Artificial Intelligence inside a simulation.

We’ve all heard about simulation theory, right? As humans we create ever more complex computer simulations, modeling everything from scientific outcomes to simple human behavior in computer games. With ever more complex technology it is foreseeable that within these future simulations and games we will be able to create worlds where the AI characters will have and no concept of the simulation they reside in, to them their environment will be as real as ours is to us.

Technology willing, if we leave future simulations to run themselves for millennia then would its inhabitants create other simulations within their own simulation? Creating other worlds and other forms of artificial intelligence possibly several levels down?

So to sum this up, are we an artificial intelligence within a simulation inside a simulation created by artificial intelligence that doesn’t actually know it’s within a simulation itself?

I just hope nobody hits the power button on the creator’s laptop or it’s goodnight!


This is the first so clear and clever post I found here mixing theology and technology on a deep level. I think we need a new theological/technical language to bridge the cultural gaps between our religious or post-religious way of life and our scientific knowledge.

Basic concepts aren't new. You can read new movies from Alien series as an artificial Creation games. In one of the stories by Polish writer Stanislaw Lem a scientist create a small artificial brain inside a box. This brain is thinking he is a scientist and is creating even smaller artificial brain....

But you combine it all into one well written and intriguing story. Thank you!
Upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks for the kind comments. I love the premise of that story about the brain in the box I will look that up!

I've often wondered, and still wonder, where did we all come from. Our existence as AI now or in the future could suggest that we are simply just another version of some creation but the one major part that makes this idea improbable for me, is the fact that we bleed blood... I don't see that any AI will ever bleed like we do...

Great article. Great digital imagery there.... Especially your main photo with the article. I love it

We think of artificial intelligence primarily as being a robot of parts that are synthetic but what does that actually mean? Who's to say flesh and blood are not synthetic compounds according to the creators of humans? Are humans what we would categorise as a bio mechanical robot?

Thanks I just put the images together in photoshop. I look or that grungy old look.

I'd say this is a quite shallow approach to the questions of existence, consciousness, self, etc. I recommend reading a lot on the philosophy on this before confusing yourself; and quantum physics as well. I don't know about ALL religions and I'm leaving the practices aside; but some religions seem to have got the philosophy of this quite accurate.

@algons and @Kevkong There's nothing shallow in the approach here... It looks like a very brief summary of a very deep topic and Kevkong, you seem pretty hot on ideas here...

@allertsesmme Thanks for the comment... I'm defo not hot on ideas :-) these are just well worn out theories, I'm just putting them together in one big pot for my own entertainment.

Mmm... This makes me wonder.... If humans are busy repeating ideas of other humans, what ideas will AI have? Will they have any original ideas? Do humans have any original thought?

Ok my head is wrecked now 😂

'some religions seem to have got the philosophy of this quite accurate'

Can you elaborate a little or at least point out to some sources?

@ algons Hey, Thanks for the reply… Of course it's shallow and the reason for that is it’s pure speculation. You mention philosophy, this is not a true science it merely bridges the existential gaps and offers speculative understanding. Quantum physics? Quantum physics has nothing to do with consciousness unless you are quoting the pseudo science of someone like Deepak Chopra. I’m confused? Sir, you are completely confused and out of your depth a little here.

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