Ronald Wayne: The unlucky Apple Co-Founder and his "luck".| StartUp investment Lessons for dummies

in #technology7 years ago (edited)


This picture is of Ronald Wayne, the third founder of Apple Computer co.
Yes he was together with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak the founders of Apple Computer co, the multi billion dollar technology company.
Now you will ask, what happened and why was he unlucky? He chickened out too early and saw these dreams as impossible.

As the gist goes, the 84 year old Wayne was approached in 1976 by Steve Jobs to offer to them an adult supervision role for a 10% stake of the company and they entered into an agreement.
In a short two weeks, he figured wrongly though that he will be in trouble should the company run into debts and sold his 10% for $800.
He also sold the partnership agreement he signed with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak for $500 and walked away from this goldmine he started with the guys.


What became of that 10% stake?- Had he not sold his 10% stake for a measly $800 in 1976, today, that stake is said to be worth over $70billion and that would have made him one of the richest men in the world.
What about the original partnership agreement? Well, in the early 90s, he sold that agreement for $500. in 2011, that same agree was auctioned for $1,590,000.

Looking at the story today, I wonder what would have happened had he stayed with the company and continued giving the supervision role they sought him for? Would he have become any better than he is now? Most definitely YES.
According to a report on CultofMac, he is just an ordinary man living from social security and selling rare coins and stamps on the internet.
One of the reasons he gave for his very unforgivable mistake is

“I was 40 and these kids were in their 20s. They were whirlwinds — it was like having a tiger by the tail. If I had stayed with Apple I probably would have wound up the richest man in the cemetery.”

I wonder why he thought being older than the geeks was going to make it impossible for him to do something better with his life.
Did you know there was a fight logo Apple had and that it was designed by him?


I am of the opinion and strong belief that everyone has it in them to be exceptional and great and all they need most times is to have someone believe in them.
I have never stopped looking to see the good in others because I have come to see the good that steams from such beliefs.

It is with this passion that I created the Steem Accelerator Hub which seeks to help young people find themselves and become better than they originally thought they will be.
We are helping change the mindsets of people world over and it is really exciting to see that the mere talk of what STACH is can make people believe in themselves.

Standing before you is some crazy kids asking you to invest in your future rather than theirs and all you do, is take them for granted.
If you read the full story of Ronald Wayne Here, you will see that he sold his future for a mere $800 because he lacked the conviction in himself which is why he lives from paycheck to paycheck.

What is your story? Are you in the process of selling your 10% stake for $800SBD/STEEM?
Do you see a startup you think is going nowhere and have decided to scamper for safety because you fear it will fail?
Why not try and see what happens and even when it fails, you will know how not to fail in a start up next time?

Do not be a Ronald Wayne or million other "Lottery Winners" who lost their tickets.
Make that bold move today and stay with it irrespective of the results you see.

From that logo Wayne did to one that has become embedded in our hearts forever, you can create a multi-billion dollar enterprise from scratched and tattered dreams.


Don't short sell yourself.

The world will never remember failures...Only the bold Wins!

You can check my other posts to help you understand what it is I am doing with STACH for the Nigerian community in particular and Steemit at large.

#Project20millionNaija Nationwide Campaign: Go Viral Updates #6, more participants rewarded for sharing Steemit with friends

Vlog #5: Watch my interview with a Steemian who rode his bike for 1hour 30minutes to get to the Steem Accelerator Hub to access free WiFi and electricity to blog

STACH presents the #Project20millionNaija Steemit National Campaign. Go viral!

I am on my way to Ibadan for the Steemit Workshop/MeetUp.| 10 hours ride and one interesting event ahead!

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Image source. 1 2 and 3
Additional reading. and


I have read about him countless times and he has said he doesnt regret.
Knowledge acquistion and ambition are two important details one must never let go off. He didnt have that ambition to be that rich but his name is in the sands of Apple as a company. And let's not forget he is a multimillionaire in his own right, even right now. So for me, he is just fine.

I agree with you that, he is just fine as are many out there today living the way they shouldn't because they lost their lottery tickets. Would you throw your chance at being a happy man because you feel threatened by the many other successful people out there? Life lessons are learnt from stories as this one and for sure, he will tell you he has no regrets...., but really?

Hmmmm. Well said.

The world will never remember failures...Only the bold Win!

No wonder i had never heard of him!

Your article is filled with many life nuggets o learn from bro

He chickened out too early and saw these dreams as impossible.

He did not believe in himself and the 20-year old kids!!!!

He sold his dream for only a mere $800 OMG....!!! unbelievable.
He is now living on social security.This is a great lesson we should all learn here on Steemit.

Steemit is a goldmine that some people have not yet envisioned.
Steemit is the future,do not be like wayne regretting 5 years from now when Steemit has exploded.

I like the work you are doing with @stach , i have a similar dream to replicate that in Uganda my homeland.

Whatever stage you are at in Life or Steemit,never give up,better days are coming ahead.Let us keep Steemin.


Thanks my brother. Starting is always not easy as there are really no indicators that success is ahead, but when you try hard to move one step more, you will walk into a path that is paved just about right for you to hit the success bug.
I will like to work with you and your team to develop your community in Uganda. The only way we should do things is by first doing it from where we stand.

When i am ready with our team i will definitely let you and we see how we can transform Africa through Steemit.

Thanks for the help you are ready to give us in Uganda.

...see how we can transform Africa through Steemit.

That there is one reason I never give up on the youths. Looking froward to doing great stuffs with you for the continent.

One thing I think I enjoy on Steemit is the fact that one learns new things, I would say if not for this post I wouldn't have know about this Wayne guy. Thanks @ejemai for adding to my knowledge bank...... It was also nice meeting and gleaning from you at the Steemit meet-up in Lagos

Hi, thanks. it was meeting you too and glad you have joined the platform for the creative commons.

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