Declaring My Undying Love 💙 For Dropbox

in #technology7 years ago


Nerding around with computers since the 1990s, I've gone through my fair share of external storage solutions. Getting into recording around 2002 increased pressure on my backup system, and later, photography pushed it over the edge.

I was that dude, who had the 2TB brick that replaced the 500GB slab a couple of years earlier, which replaced the two 120GB bricks a couple of years earlier, and so on. Turns out I've spent a fortune on external hard drives over the years, and let's not get into the time and effort involved in buying, selling, researching, transferring, etc.


A couple of years ago I started using the free version of Dropbox to host files for photography clients. Dropbox is a breeze to use.

If you haven't used it before, let me explain Dropbox briefly:

You install Dropbox on your computer and then the dedicated Dropbox folder on your computer is automatically backed up online. You can right-click on any file in this folder and copy the internet link, allowing you to paste it and share access to folders with the outside world. Very simple, very useful.

But Dropbox can go far beyond file sharing. I now use it as a cloud storage solution. One that is stupidly simple, very affordable, and puts my mind at ease without taking up space on my desk. I'm not lazy. I just like things to be easy, and I'm willing to pay for that luxury. Dropbox is something that makes my life a lot easier, for a small fee.


Below you can see what my computer desktop currently looks like. Notice the shortcut folders? Almost everything I do on my computer is in my Dropbox folder, so I simply use shortcuts from my desktop to access my most used folders; "my stuff", "photography", "audio", etc. When I make changes to these folders, it backs up all the data online. If I ever have a hard drive failure, I'll be able to get back up and running on any computer by simply installing Dropbox, signing in, and re-syncing. This is insanely convenient.


Below you can see an example of a folder with "contact sheets" for a client. These are collections of images which allow the client tho choose their favorite. If I right-click on the folder I can get the link to share with the client.



The link that I share (pasting from the clipboard) brings the client to a secret webpage where they can access the files, even being able to preview them, download them, or comment right there on the webpage.


So as a photographer, Dropbox has proven itself invaluable for both storage and file sharing. Considering how much I used to spend on hard drives, the annual fee for Dropbox makes it fantastic value as a replacement for bulky desktop hard drives and the associated work, risks, etc.

You can check out Dropbox price plans here. That's not an affiliate link by the way, I just genuinely love Dropbox and think everyone should use it. Thanks for reading.

What is your storage solution? Let me know in the comments!


I know this problem too well!! I have a bunch of externals and every once in a while the computer hard drive fails and I lose a bunch of photos... :( I have drop box but I didn't get the upgraded version of it. So you got an actual plan and like it? It is super convenient, but that too is out of room.. booo

I am insanely glad that news is increasingly appearing that new and new cloud storage is being developed to help share important files. But I would like to say that for me personally, the most important criterion when choosing a service that I like, I focus on whether I have the opportunity to do it anonymously. That's why I prefer the service which gives me this opportunity. In addition, it is possible to download up to 10 gigabytes of files without registering an account.

Yeah it felt weird paying for the service, when I could just buy more external hard drives, but when I thought about it, I have easily spent more than 100 bucks a year on externals over the years. Dropbox is worth every cent.

hmmmm wondering if I should change things up hah!

I use both Dropbox and Google Drive. Dropbox is my daily driver , GD is a dumping place.

Yeah I've heard great things about some of the alternatives like GD and Microsoft. The most important revelation for me though is just getting away from externals and letting the cloud do the heavy lifting!

yet I still have somewhere a backup of a backup hard drive.

haha me too

I love Dropbox too. Only had the free version thus far, maybe 5-6 gigs but it IS insanely convenient. Being able to share links to public Dropbox folders with other people is awesome too!

Good post..

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I used to use Dropbox then switched to google drive. Don’t remember the reason but I agree: Dropbox was innovative when it first came out.

Dropbox was a life saver in college! I really like how you use it with your business. I've never thought to use it like that.

dropbox is good solution for storage, i have used it several years ago.

damm you use 1000x more space lol no solution here only cloud stograge left as an option

google drive is the option i used the most for daily work space and it sync with others too so no problem

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