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RE: US Retail Giant (Walmart) Just Filed a Patent for Robot Bees

in #technology7 years ago

The Goal to Patent all Life- Who is really behind the Robotic take over of our Bees?

Who has influenced Walmart to do this? Walmart has a long established relationship with Bayer, selling it's pharmaceutical products and now they are collaborating with the newly merged Bayer/Monsanto to create their own version of GMO modified fruits and vegetables starting with Walmart's own version of the Cantaloup Watermelon. So, with a little deduction and investigation, it is not surprising who is really behind Walmart's patent for robotic bee pollinators.

Corporations like Bayer and Monsanto have a goal to patent all life, to control the world's global food supply and control humanity, a statement echoed from the German company, IG FARBEN and the Nazis... I.G. Farben, is an abbreviation for Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie, or the “Community of Interests” a company started in 1925, originally formed by eight powerful German chemical manufacturers, including Bayer, which most of you will be familiar with already. IG Farben was the private German chemicals company working with the Nazis to manufacture Zyklon B- Hydrogen cyanide gas used to commit genocide against millions of Jews. These companies send lobbyists to Washington D.C. billions of dollars to influence regulation decisions made by the FDA and the CDC.

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