The Goal to Patent all Life- Who is really behind the Robotic take over of our Bees?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Science Alert launched a recent article on Walmart's New Patent for Robo Bees..

Who has influenced Walmart to do this? Walmart has a long established relationship with Bayer, selling it's pharmaceutical products and now they are collaborating with the newly merged Bayer/Monsanto to create their own version of GMO modified fruits and vegetables starting with Walmart's own version of the Cantaloup Watermelon. So, with a little deduction and investigation, it is not surprising who is really behind Walmart's patent for robotic bee pollinators.

Corporations like Bayer and Monsanto have a goal to patent all life, to control the world's global food supply and control humanity, a statement echoed from the German company, IG FARBEN and the Nazis... I.G. Farben, is an abbreviation for Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie, or the “Community of Interests” a company started in 1925, originally formed by eight powerful German chemical manufacturers, including Bayer, which most of you will be familiar with already. IG Farben was the private German chemicals company working with the Nazis to manufacture Zyklon B- Hydrogen cyanide gas used to commit genocide against millions of Jews. These companies send lobbyists to Washington D.C. billions of dollars to influence regulation decisions made by the FDA and the CDC.

This is the next phase after initiating ecocide with our real and much adored pollinators the humble bumble bee, Mass Insect Die Off, Species Extinction, Geoengineering, Mycoplasma, Cancer & Autoimmune diseases

Piling evidence in scientific journals and investigations by ecologists and environmental scientists, show that the world's Bee populations have been decimated due to sensitivity to neonicotinoid poisons and other chemicals produced by Monsanto and Bayer, two powerful biochemical companies that are merging and that specialize in poisoning the planet, along with DuPont and many other biochemical giants who have stakeholders strategically placed in the FDA and various government positions in the USA and Europe. It is no accident that companies like Bayer/Monsanto together with Walmart have created nano robot bees, they are after all responsible for the initial malevolent problem.

It is not just pesticides that Biochemical industries are responsible for mass insect die off, as many of recent studies were done in conservation areas away from agricultural areas. The problem is global, and should be of concern to everyone, since we are all affected by this. Very few prominent scientists have ever questioned or studied the risks and effects of geoengineering on the health of ecosystems globally, let alone the effects on people's health through ecosystem toxicity via water pollution, soil pollution, air pollution and crops taking up these heavy metal particulates. However, there are a number of super corporations and political stakeholders who will reap vast profits from unassessed irreversible damage and ecological collapse and impact on human health.

We are seeing the beginning of their profits with their launching robotic pollinators as one example, and GMO seeds that are aluminium resistant seeds, because healthy normal seeds cannot propagate or grow in soil, heavily dowsed in aluminium particles as a result of aerosol spraying. Aluminium nano-particles are a major ingredient of Geoengineering, in addition to Sulphuric Acid, H2SO4 and Sulphur Dioxide SO2. The accumulative effects of Sulphuric acid and Sulphur dioxide is detrimental to insects, plants and wildlife, Sulphuric acid causes leaching of nutrients from plants and from soils. Plants die from being exposed to long term spraying of SO2, necrosis forming on the leaves of trees and crops is a sign, and its everywhere. Sulphur dioxide, SO2, is used in active agricultural insecticides such as the strongest toxins, of those that act as general protoplasmic poisons for insects. A protoplasmic poison is when the toxin gets inside the cell plasma of the organism and blocks the basic energy production and/or transport system in a living cell, like cyanide does, effective poisoning.

According to some government sponsored scientists, the purpose of Geoengineering, is to deflect the sun's rays and cool the planet, but the aluminium nano particulates and the SO2 particles not only affect the bees navigation but are killing bees which has caused colony collapse for bees and mass insect die off. The activity is a global practice, one such major chemical supplier for geoengineering aerosol spraying is American Elements

On their website it states '' We have assisted companies such as Monsanto and Archer Daniels Midland in the research and development of new and novel food grade chemicals''

These corporations along with the governments, are invested in a daily spraying of 1 million tonnes of geoengineering aerosol chemicals per year, per country, though this is just a baseline figure, they have covered financial capital for the capacity to spray over 5 million tons per year globally. These biochemical giants are terraforming the planet for profit and are already prepared and set for ecological disaster, with their already created solutions that are far from environmentally friendly. This could also be one reason why Norway has recently updated its seed bank vaults.


We need bees to pollinate all plants and our crops, most ecosystems rely on such pollinators, if bees disappear, this will speed up the rate of plant species extinction and loss of our food crops and food in general, we cannot survive without bees and other insect pollinators.

Recent entomology studies conducted in Germany were not on agricultural land where pesticides are used, they were on vast nature reserves and protected areas. ''Global declines in insects have sparked wide interest among scientists, politicians, and the general public. Loss of insect diversity and abundance is expected to provoke cascading effects on food webs and to jeopardize ecosystem services. Unrecognised loss of insect biomass must be taken into account in evaluating declines in abundance of species depending on insects as a food source, and ecosystem functioning in the European landscape.’’

It is of great concern that these super corporations also have a hand in providing some of the chemicals used in geoengineering, the ultimate control over the world's food is of course weather and climate manipulation. Therefore, bees and all pollinators are dying out, courtesy of Bayer/Monsanto's pesticides and the governments geoengineering aerosol programmes. Japan have also just announced they are launching robot bees and the US are ready to release millions of these robotic bees. However, although pilot studies have already been done for the release of nano pollinating robots, just like when they released Genetically Modified crops and grains and geoengineering, they have conveniently neglected to do any risk assessments on the impact on ecosystems and other wildlife. All they care about is power, money and control over the preservation of a healthy planet and all life affected by their nefarious schemes to profit from species extinction and ecocide.

Scientists have already reported that bird populations have been critically reduced by 3 quarters from previous numbers, that's more than 75 percent decline over 27 years in total flying insect biomass in protected areas, birds are finding it hard to find food as our ecosystems are collapsing, they are likely to mistake robot bees as food and further die from ingesting them, just as seabirds are being found dead with stomachs full of plastic debris which they mistake as food. We are experiencing mass species die off at a rate of 200 species of plants and animals per day, this is a serious impact on the rest of our ecosytems.

High Insect biomass and diversity is a measure of a healthy ecosystems, we know that we are already seeing the first indications of large scale ecosystem collapse, the global use of pesticides, combined with geoengineering are the reason for this.

Try to boycott using any products from Bayer or Monsanto and Walmart. Get involved with local community projects to promote more bees in your local area and support all local small organic food growing communities, help conserve our last wild flower meadows and nature reserves and avoid using chemicals such as pesticides or insecticides, there are organic alternatives. To address alternatives to Roundup and other toxic pesticides, a new and wonderful organic alternative is available, thanks to the pioneering work of Paul Stamets who is a world leading expert on Mycology. He has found a way to use fungi to keep insects from destroying crops and this means he holds the patent to the first successful eco-friendly pesticide control. His product is called SMART pesticides. These pesticides provide safe and permanent solutions for controlling over 200,000 species of insects, a patent that could put a large financial dent in Monsanto and other pesticide chemical producing giants. This patent has potential to revolutionise the way in which humans grow crops, if his environmentally friendly product is made available to agriculture without any hindrance from conventional competition. The work of Stamets doesn’t stop there. He has discovered countless other revolutionary uses of mushrooms that are possible solutions for the world’s problems. Mushrooms can clean up oil spills, restore habitats, and treat against pox and flu viruses to producing a new form of ecological fuel from mycelium sugars, called ‘Econol’.

by Carlita Shaw

Author of The Silent Ecocide

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