Do not enter pornographic sites today using your Android phone! Warning from expertssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #technology7 years ago

A group of security experts warned against visiting pornographic sites using smart phones, especially Android devices, and experts said this posed a significant risk to their visitors compared to visiting computers.

The security company Maxfort Cyber City said that smart phone operating systems, especially Android, are not considered safe compared to computers, and warned that there are a large number of vulnerabilities in phones that can be easily hacked.

According to one recent report, 40 of the 50 websites that display pornographic content are more vulnerable to malware, the latter being used to trick users into being installed on their phones anonymously.

These malware steal user information from their personal data and their way of browsing pornographic content, and the latter is used by hackers to blackmail users for money.

A recent report found that pornographic sites are considered to be one of the biggest threats to Internet users, and 25% of all viruses published by hackers are online, so security experts advise users not to click ads on these sites, They called for careful handling of suspicious e-mail messages, and advised users to update the Android system to the latest version to provide greater protection.


Thank you for the vital awareness.

Absolutely they are....there is malware that will track all your movements.

Stay away from porn on phones....use a pc if you need to get excited.


That's right 😃

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