Add a control panel shortcut to the Right-Click Menu in the Windows 10.

in #tech7 years ago


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You can open Control panel by searching "Control Panel" in the search bar, but if you want to add a shortcut to the Right-Click Menu in Windows 10, then you are at right place. Today I will show you how to add it very quickly. Let's start.


After open "regedit window" follow this location directory:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROO < Directory < Background < shell

Now you have to right-click on the shell key and select New > Key.

Name the key Control Panel. Now Right-Click on the Control Panel key and choose New > Key again & name the new key command as shown in the below image.

Now select command and double click on the Default to open the Edit String window and type this command:

rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL

Click "OK" and now you have done it.

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what a article....!
I've resteemed your post!
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