My wonderful Sunday with friends and TeamMalaysia Steemians

in #teammalaysia6 years ago

I have been attending a dozen of social and networking events since weeks before Christmas and everyone of them were amazing. But what I did this Sunday could top it all.

Sunday (28 Jan 2018)

12:00am to 4:00am 

I was cycling around my neighbourhood with friends and neighbour. We had a good 15km ride and also had Kajang satay. I haven't cycle for years and having used to cycling in Canada, it is very different to do so in Malaysia as it was hot even in the middle of the night. After a long ride, I could feel pain in my butt (because of the bicycle seat). After the ride, we all rested at my neighbour's home which is not only huge but is as beautiful as a 7-star hotel. It has beautiful lighting, swimming pool, sun deck, BBQ and bar area and so on. Most amazing were the 2 owls he kept as pets. Mind you, I do feel bad for the owls even tough they are well taken care of. 

5:00 am

Before I went to bed, I sent @deborism a message offering her a ride. It was funny because the day before, she gave excuse saying that she could not make it on Sunday as she have issue with transportation. Given that she lives in Kajang as an excuse, I laughed and told her I too live in Kajang.

11:00 am

Woke up and got a message from @deborism that she can't make it. I was extremely exhausted but was still excited for the meet up.

1:40 pm

I believe I was one of the last one to arrive. By the time I got my burger, most have already finished theirs. I am sick today and have been since Monday morning and too lazy to tag all the attendees, but you can view the list from posts of bitrocker2020 & superloo7.

@littlenewthings - She is like the big sister of TeamMalaysia and I spent the entire day chatting with her. Learned a lot from her. To me, Steemit is a good platform for me to meet new people and network opportunities. But to Jess, Steemit is a serious business to her and she is really working hard to make sure that Steemit & TeamMalaysia is a success.

@chloephuan93 - Chloe sat beside me the entire day and barely said a single word. She was intrigued with my camera and equipments some of the photos taken below were taken by her.

@bitrocker2020 - Simon greeted me from over the hall when I was entering the restaurant. Surprised to see him because I thought he was in Penang for training. Always good to see him.

@karinzdailygrind - She approached me because she noticed that I am serious with photography. And we are meeting tomorrow as we may have some projects to work together, yay~!

@joannewong and @aaronleang - Talked to me about photography and they seem to be serious about getting a good camera. Hopefully, they will find the right one. I am more than happy to assists if they have further questions.

@superloo7 - The gentlemen who is advancing his studies to Perth and the main reason why we met up. 

Didn't talk have the opportunities to talk to others, but given that this is only the 2nd meet up, there will be plenty of opportunities to do so.

4:00pm - 6:00pm

We were asked to leave the restaurant at 4:00pm because they were closed for the 2 hours to rest. Instead, @chloephuan93, @karinzdailygrind, @littlenewthings, @joannewong, @aaronleang & I sat outside of the restaurant for a long chat. It was hot and I was dead tired. We all stayed to the very end.


Wow... wow... and wow... Love all the photos! Love those focused shots on the burger! And the bear photo too!
Must give tip!
VP too low liao...

Thank you sifu @orangila 🙏🏻, stay tuned for more questions 😂.

Awesomely nice photo, fuh clear until can see the mark from my skin 🙈

Haha... looking forward to more of your questions~!

Gathering 😆! It's always fun to meet new people, networking at its finest ❤

I love meeting new people, but I prefer to get to know people I met... see you soon~!


what an eventful day for you ... thanks for the photos man

Thanks and welcome.. see you on Sat~!

Wow 😮 many friend oh may I join ☺️

Yes of course.. teammalaysia is growing and we are more than happy to have you.. are you in our discord group?

Thanks you wish 1 day we can meet I follow you blog now be your friend ☺️

Just follow the news on Discord, we do organise gatherings and everyone is welcome.. that is how I got to meet fellow Steemians, I didn't know anyone, just showed up and it is one of the best thing I have done:)

Truly amazing shots. Thanks for taking all these photographs. I might use few of it in my upcoming post.

You are most welcome, go ahead and use my photos...

Oh gosh! I only saw this now..I must have missed it on my feed. Thanks for the pix and mention. Too bad THAT project hit a snag, but lots more are in the pipeline. Stay tune ;)

Lol... better late than never I guess

Dr. Foong here ! @digitalmind
My first day exposed to Steemit and already felt the closeness among each others. You guys are already so helpful and willing to share in the center on Sat 3rd Feb 2018.
With these post, it is evidence that the Steemians in this region are in fact together for friendship and future in steemit. I could see all the smiling and happy faces shown in the photos and certainly like to join you guys in the future
Wish all of use best strategies to explore the gold mine in Steemit

Hi Dr. Foong, nice to meet you... yes, there are many newbies to Steemit and there will be more. Hopefully, most will stay on and keep active on Steemit. Just follow the few of us as we are very active and yes we do help each other. Good luck and see you soon:)

Thank you for the photos @orangila!

You are most welcome and see you Saturday~!

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