Everything (Almost Everything) I like here in Steemit! / 我所爱的Steemit挑战或活动 Part 4 - MyJuniors | Come and Draw with Me (Announcement)

in #teammalaysia6 years ago

Today I wanna share two things with all of you! Both MakeMeSmile!!! First one is about MyJuniors and second one will be under MakeMeSmile.


MyJuniors 2nd event is ON! / MyJuniors第二个活动正式 开启了!

Yes, you see it right! We have a great time last month right before Chinese New Year. We had our launching and CNY Decorations Making Workshop. And we promise we will be having a monthly event (or maybe once every two months, it depends on all our schedule) for our little ones. So here is it, the official announcement from @myach... We are so blessed to have the Steem Cartoon team crossover and share their passion in drawing and cartoon with our little ones. Thanks to @sireh @rambai and @perennial! We are so looking forward to this session! And I believe our little ones will have a superb time drawing together with Steem Cartoon! Not to forget, thanks to @bitrocker2020 for the support and let us use your office for our activities!

是的!MyJuniors第二个活动开始接受报名了!!!续我们上一次成功的工作坊之后,我们很荣幸的得到Steem Cartoon的支持。Steem Cartoon团队的@sireh 还有 @rambai将会开班教我们的宝贝们画画!期待超期待的!所以赶快为你的宝贝报名哟!名额有限!详细资料可以到@myach官方公告看看。也感谢@bitrocker2020@perennial的支持让MyJuniors和Steem Cartoon可以很快的为大家筹备这活动。

Click on the image above to register!

For more details, do check out the official announcement from @myach.

If you want to know more about MyJuniors, do check out the two posts below.


What is MyJuniors?

MyJuniors Official Logo


OK, up next, what else MakeMeSmile today? I got my phone from @aaronleang. Thanks Aaron for your special delivery. Thanks to @joannewong too... OK, what am I so happy about this phone???


Because I bought this phone using SBD from @killuminatic!!!


Before Steemit, I would have never thought of I would be able to blog and make some "earning", let alone enough to buy a phone... There're a lot of people I would like to thank because all of you make this possible!!! I know I have been doing LOVE and THANK YOU SHOUTOUT a few times... But then this is so REAL, and because of YOU this is REAL! So I would like to THANK YOU @teammalaysia @myach @bitrocker2020 @littlenewthings @sndbox @thesteemengine @thealliance @qurator And everyone in these families!!! Because if I go into one by one... my whole post will be filled with names... So you know who you are! My friends! LOVE YOU ALL!💕💖 💓 💗

还没加入Steemit之前,我想都没想过我真的可以透过写部落格赚点小钱的,更别说赚到钱买电话了。但是Steemit确实梦想实现的地方,还有,因为让不可能变得可能。让这变成真的!感谢@teammalaysia @myach @bitrocker2020 @littlenewthings @sndbox @thesteemengine @thealliance @qurator 还有组群里的朋友们!我没办法一一列出来,不然我整篇文将全是名字了。是的,就是!!!感恩感谢的爱还有支持!💕💖 💓 💗

If you have no idea what is MakeMeSmile is all about, do check out my announcement post HERE for all the rules and how to take part and you may be our lucky winner!


Webp.net-gifmaker (1).gif

Image credits to @littlenewthings, @skyleap and @kira.ohba


If you like the idea of CREATE and EARN (just like here in Steemit), then do you know that everyday while we connect with our family and friends through chatting, texting, voice and video calling, we can EARN from that too? Click on the image to start EARNING from connecting with your family and friends!

Colorful hearts border is created using paint.net and gifmaker.me.


The STEEM Engine



good luck master

@elizacheng, 伦家就觉得你写得不错嘛~~~ img

@elizacheng 哇,可喜可贺,用SBD买到你的第一台手机 - 这个的确很棒啊,我也要向你看齐了 :D

Wow new phone. Time to do more photo taking...ka-ching...$.

See you on the 10th.

That is so awesome to see people on Steemit working to make people's dreams come true :) With that new phone I'm sure you'll be able to do a lot of awesome stuff. Looking forward to seeing some of those posts.

woohoo! congrats on the new phone :) So awesome you were able to buy it with steem! crypto is about to take over the world :D

I haven't register my kids but we will always support MyJuniors. See you next week.

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