My story with Partiko

in #teammalaysia6 years ago

An open letter to Partiko,

Once upon a time, there's this platform where to allow user to post content and earn crypto as reward. I took the initiative to start exploring and finding ways to earn. Come a friend from the Chinese community by the name of @skenan introduced us a newly developed app call Partiko. At first, I was wondering this may be just another Dapp that takes a cut and lure new user to utilize their platform and make profit from user's activity.

However, after I downloaded the app, I figured what I was expecting were wrong. Partiko not only didn't take a pay cut from my activity, instead it also provide upvote as encouragement to their user. Other than upvote, Partiko also brought me several convenient which I would like to highlight here.

  • Very fast loading speed
  • Least problem with posting
  • Point accumulation which may transform into free upvotes in the future
  • Not only posting, even upvoting and connecting are eligible for the point accumulation
  • Even if I'm too darn busy to reply comment or upvoting for others, I can still login daily and check in to get points!

Basically, these few weeks Partiko has become an important part of my Steemit life. One thing I need to highlight to this dear friend, will you host more than 1 photo for me? Sometimes, I wish to share more photo with you, with my friends, and I had to use other platform to upload. It has cause me great inconvenient in terms of photo sharing. I totally understand the fact that keeping things simple would mean keeping the loading speed in check. Ignore this if it jeopardise too much of the loading speed, I can understand. Other than this 1 little request, I totally like Partiko and Partiko is going to be my pal for a very long time to come.


Bob Davids

Posted using Partiko Android


你那里天气如何?客官渴不渴,有没有去 @laodr 老道茶馆喝口热茶啊?倘若你想让我隐形,请回复“取消”。


Posted using Partiko Android

呵呵 你闷得发慌啊 跑去回复机器人 呵呵


Posted using Partiko Android

你那里天气如何?客官渴不渴,有没有去 @bsfmalaysia 茶馆喝口热茶啊?倘若你想让我隐形,慢慢等吧,因为我不是机器人,哈哈!

看开点。机器人也是人,机器人爸爸在读留言的。我们都是一直为机器人留言点赞它好让它可以继续为我们服务。还有,每个人都可以去 @laodr 茶馆。到哪里去留言还有机会得到点赞(上茶给你)的。和西方机器人不同,基本都是出来骗赞打广告的,我们中文组都有这些免费服务,实在不容小看它们。你有空也可以上茶馆去打打屁认识更多朋友。

Posted using Partiko Android


I hope you will have a good result.

Thanks buddy!

Posted using Partiko Android

Nah. I won't have the time to spam comments. But thanks for informing my friend.

Posted using Partiko Android

It is not spam.

I mean I have no time to spam long comments. LOL. Do I remember correctly @danielsaori is the guy who initiated the @dustsweeper that helps minnow to pump up their comment upvotes?

Posted using Partiko Android

I mean I have no time to spam long comments. LOL

Sorry. It was a misunderstanding.

helps minnow to pump up their comment up votes?

I do not know that.

Don't be my friend. Thanks for informing me. I saw you have initiated the Japanese contest. Had I learn to use Japanese, I would definitely participate in your contest!

Posted using Partiko Android

Its very good

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahahaha but I also do hope they will soon do without the "Posted using..." as per below..hahaha. It kind of messed up the whole comment section look, if you get what I meant. @partiko

Well, I guess that's one way to effectively alert other users about this platform. Thanks for stopping by, looking forward to meet you up again.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ya, I meant I hope one day they do not need it anymore when all steemians know of it. Of course for now, it has to be. Yeah, see you soon buddy!

Wondering when Partiko going to introduce Windows version...


Posted using Partiko Android

You can use an Android emulator :P

Hmm, tbh, I hate Android emulator bro lol

Same here, but a good emulator isn't that painful. Nox works pretty well for small tasks like playing music even if I give it a very limited amount of resources (less than 1GB of RAM, only 1 CPU core).

Just don't use Bluestacks unless you have 1000TB of RAM to spare.

Yup, Bluestacks is absolutely pain in my arse lol

Looks kinda interesting, probably I should finally start using Patriko. Most of the times I use Busy on Chrome but it is not very responsive and network lags can hurt the experience a lot.

Maybe I can use Patriko with Puush for images hmm.


Posted using Partiko Android

I am really cautious with all those novelty apps on android, they are all great on the surface but what do they do in the background?
scanning device for keys? trying to take screenshots of particular websites?

But I am paranoid :)

Possible that. My account worth peanuts anyway.

Posted using Partiko Android

Photographer 拉仔。

Posted using Partiko iOS


Posted using Partiko Android

我指你中意影相, 所以要有upload多張相既function.


Posted using Partiko Android

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