He Beat the Odds , Thank God : Superdad

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

Today is a very special day. A day that I feel so blessed.

It's my dads birthday, he turns 70 years old and I am spending it with him. So glad that I am around and not outstation.

Still look pretty good for a 70 year old.

With little matthew.

Trying his best at new skill (wefie) lol

Anyway, Just like any other dad out there, my dad is special too. To me, he is my Superdad, he is one of those few I know that is extremely hardworking and humble, he compensate what he lacks and gain it all back through serious hardwork.

Lets me tell you a story. When I was growing up till I was 13, I had difficulty in learning. Over the years when I do my own research and test on it, It was leaning toward dyslexia (moderate) as the cause , there was more to that than just couldn't read, writen or count. In the view of ordinary person, I was pretty hopeless.

Thing began to slowly change when I reach 13 and onward and but the biggest leap was when I live in UK. Everything started to change.. My mind began soaking information and learning like nobody business. Anyway , I'll will share my dyslexia story other time.

Back to my dad. You see, I am pretty sure he has dyslexia too. It's just that in the past, there was never proper test and no one really talk or know much about these.

I recalled, when I was 14 OR 15 , he came to my school during lunch break and brings our usual lunch that he cooked at home. (time was tough then).

It's during these time, my dad would ask me on how to spell as he need to fill some work related report.

So imagine this, while I was struggling then with dyslexia, I didn't realized we struggle together.

Everytime my sister join us for lunch , she would help out, she was so much better in spelling than both of us put together. Her presence surely put some pressure off my shoulder.

These situation is a norm to our family, where my dad would ask our help on writing and spelling, until today.

But God is brilliant and fair, he blessed him with amazing talent. This is how a family friend known as uncle Kenneth describe my dad skillset. I recall what he said. Until today.

"Your dad is very good in finding solution at work, he fix things. There was one time a turbine broke down, experts was flown in and could not figure it out, we then call on your dad, he came with a Mechanic Stethoscope and went around it and got it figured out and leave those experts at awe. We ask him how he did it, he just said, I heard it. " .

Because of his talent and trustworthy personality, he was invited to be part of a new venture to be a specialist in turbine and compressor. the rest was history.

The company known as Turcomp started small, my mum was the first secretary. They started of with a shared office space around 10 ft X 15ft, eventually they grown to be a giant in their field.

When he was young man, 1968

Building 2nd world largest jacket back then in Labuan

At Sabah Gas, Powerplant

Dad and Mum, church retreat, Bundu Tuhan

What he does most of his time now, goofing around with little Matthew.

As the company grew, so did our family quality of life and his wealth. Yet, he remain the same , a humble, honest, hardworking and loving dad.

To this day, each time he asked me how to spell a certain word. I would smile recalling the very first time he ask for my help when I was kid.

My dad, truly a Superdad. Thank you for a truly blessed life.


Happy Birthday Daddy. We love you with all our heart.

So, I am going to leave you with this. Whatever life challenges, whatever life throws at you, no matter how big it is, painful as it could be or scary as it may be, has its reason to be there.

Whatever it's reason, who truly cares? No one.

Don't use those as an excuse to not achieved want to want in life.

While others get frustrated, annoyed, angry . Don't be others, be you. You are worthy of life challenges. You are there to overcome it. Stay focus and give it your all.

Despite my dads life challenges, he triumph. You will too.

By the way, he is a colon cancer survivor too.

Check out other related post and post that you might be interested in;

Super Duper Dad

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I love this story. Thank you for sharing. You are truly blessed 🙏

I enjoyed reading your post about your dad. I can feel your pride and love for him! :) thanks for introducing your superdad!

Keep rocking uncle ... 🍺🍺cheersss

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