My Whitepaper Will Be Out May 30th

in #teammalaysia6 years ago (edited)

It wasn't supposed to happen so soon.

The perfectionist in me didn't want to commit a date. There is still so much to be done, research and analysis to do.

Then this happened.

I was listening intently to Jess (@littlenewthings) advising Karin (@karinzdailygrind) on how learning life-coaching skills might help Karin and her clients or herself gain better clarity. Having coached others before, I waited patiently for an opportunity to chip in an advice or two.

Five minutes later, Karin picked up on the tips pretty quickly and I suddenly found myself being in the seat of her coachee!

  • Tell me more about your vision.
  • Why is it so important to you?
  • That's amazing Jason! So when will your whitepaper be out?


It's as if the restaurant went pin-drop silent. I paused awkwardly. I didn't have an answer. In an instant, Karin made me realize I did not put a time onto my goals.

I literally took a step back, walked away from the table into a deep pensive mode.

  • How about 6 months?
    Really Jason? Is that the best you can do?

  • End of April?
    No, no. You are alone Jason. I think you know there is still much to do.

  • End of May?
    Two months... fuu.... challenging. But... definitely possible.

I paced my steps back to the table, sat down, looked up at the two girls and answered:

30th May 2018.

My whitepaper will be out on 30th May.

(From L-R: me, @littlenewthings, @karinzdailygrind)

As I write this post, I still feel a huge sense of glee & elation. Because I take comfort knowing that I started from zero.
Yet the cogs and wheels have already started turning and I can see progress taking shape every single day.

There is still a lot of real work to be done to put together this whitepaper. Hence I could use your help.

If you're interested, please read on.

What the whitepaper will be about

I love what Steemit is doing in the content creation space; rewarding content creators as well as people consuming the content.

This has inspired me to replicate a similar model for the energy space.

Hence the whitepaper will be about creating an open blockchain that incentivizes and rewards both producers and consumers of renewable energy.

How you may help

To produce this whitepaper, please:

  1. Introduce me to someone who knows Steemit very well.
    How does Steemit create a blockchain and economic model that is sustainable

  2. Introduce me to someone who is good in numbers, game design and human psychology.
    Challenge and crunch the numbers for our blockchain

  3. Introduce me to someone who knows consensus models very well.
    Assess what consensus algorithm is best for our blockchain

  4. Share with me your thoughts on other platforms that exist out there e.g. SolarCoin, PowerLedger, WePower, GridSingularity, LINQ, SolarBankers etc.
    I do not know them well. But my goal is to complement and collaborate with them wherever possible.

  5. Leave a comment, question or share this post.

Outside of this whitepaper, please:

  1. Talk to your neighbors or residents associations.
    If there is an opportunity to participate in a funded proof of concept (up to 5 houses). Would they be keen?

  2. Read my vision and why we must act. If you resonate with it, please share it, discuss with your friends and family. Let it be yours too.

  3. Invite me out to speak to you, your communities or platform to raise awareness and interest.
    I hope to speak in public once a week from now until the end of next year.

A shout out again to my fellow Steemians @zord189, @aaronleang, @orangi1a, @joannewong, @khimgoh, her hubby Tim and her two adorable sons "Chapati & Murthabak" who were also at the dinner meetup yesterday.

And @littlenewthings and @karinzdailygrind for coaching me.



I forget the name but there is a term that describes how tasks take exactly the amount of time that we allocate to them. Props on setting a hard deadline

Interesting, but what does it have to do with Homesteading?

In order to realise this vision, it must start with us - using solar power in our own homes then sharing the excess with our neighbouring communities.

To do this will not be an easy task.

Society is so used to relying on electric companies to generate all the electricity we need, for a fee we pay monthly.

We behave like this because this a century old conditioning that has been cemented within us since the first electric bulb was invented.

However, if we choose to continue this traditional mindset, we will never have the freedom to choose the type of electricity we want e.g. solar. They will decide it for us; and society will continue to do what it always does in situations like these. Blame & complain yet the status quo continues.

My mission is to:

(1) Raise awareness and promote decentralised electricity generation, peer-to-peer sharing/trading and distribution using renewable energy.

(2) Develop an open public blockchain that cut throughs intermediaries, instantly unites and rewards producers and consumers of renewable energy.

(3) Start by uniting pockets of residential communities to adopt peer-to-peer energy sharing; both the city as well as in rural communities.

I write in #homesteading because change starts with us - our individual homes. Homesteaders are great role models because they believe in building self sustaining homes. But i want homesteaders to know, that with their example, they are the best people who can lead in building self sustaining communities.

With the right models in place, I believe we can make explosive change - reduce global carbon emissions (my target is 90% from today) and bring our earth back to its right balance.

Very well stated, Buzz! I agree that homesteaders are models for using solar power. The two interests go hand-in-hand.

About the individuals whom I can think of whom can help you:
With churning out numbers/data off Steemit - @bitrocker2020 & maverickfoo
Regarding the technical and programming part of it - @littlenewthings & @superoo7

Green energy is a niece field, I do know of a friend who was in this industry and heard of a few in the market. Not sure of their exact field. As for Steemit, you are the only one I know who is in solar/green tech. The one who post the content most similar to you will be @kimzwarch, his post is about architect and some of his posts do mention a thing or two about green energy.

I've never come up with a white paper. But unless you are an industry expert in this subject matter and have had experience in white paper, 30th May 2018 deadline may be too soon tough. But good to have deadline nonetheless

Thanks bruh. The Steemit community has been very friendly & helpful.

I am grateful 🙏

I can't wait for this to unfold step by step. Will keep a close lookout for this space. :D Glad that you're actively joining us in meetups and all. That's one of the fastest way to grow on Steemit and learn.


haha. So now I will know, a day before my deadline getting my keys, would be the day your whitepaper comes out.

This is really huge, just by hearing from your sharing. If the there's a village of volunteers with the same vision work together, we literally can change the world's energy challenges.

Haha..I bet you didn't saw it coming did you @buzz.lightyear? 😉

Anyway, am soo glad that you finally committed to a date to start executing on your vision. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. And congratulations to you for taking that bold step forward.

Looking forward to read bout more updates from you ya! 💪🏻

PS: I can invite you to an initiative I am running once your project is up and running

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hi friend esteem follback y :)

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